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Re: Elk Horns Bulls and some cows have horns.
Elk/moose have antlers.

Horns do not get shed. Antlers get shed annually.
Some antler growing species only male have them, moose/elk. Some species both genders do, like reindeer.

Ingame, antlers are not shed. Maybe the bull moose are busy elsewhere?

April 07, 2022, 03:49:21 AM
Re: Hunting Bears The hibernation season seems to be shorter than the winter-fur season. Animals start to have winter fur around Dirt, and bears seem to go hibernate/disappear sometime around Dead.
Bears seem to be back about Soil-Swidden, and winter furs can be harvested to end of Soil.

There’s also a good chance that a “wounded adventurer” quest will spawn a bear. I’ve tracked and felled bear in Winter month, as part of the quest.

April 15, 2022, 08:46:03 AM
Re: Combat Tips Tom, is it possible that the response was meant to include “to me too” in the end.

Several of us on the forum are secondary/tertiary English speakers.

I personally like to give benefit of a doubt, but repeat or obviously abrasive posters tend to get snarky responses or outright ignored.

As moderator, we don’t ban folks for that; just keep calm and carry on.

April 28, 2022, 05:51:58 PM
Re: Processing carcass in winter Frozen carcass should also not spoil, as long as the temperature stays below freezing.

In real life large carcasses need to be hung for a week or more to relax (from rigor mortis), and to age the meat. But that might be taking the simulation towards too tedious.
Hanging in a barn is common, and doesn’t take much heating to keep indoor temperature slightly above freezing. And yes, butchering a moose (alces alces) is considerable, team, effort.
Often takes hunting group (4+ hunters) 8-12 hours to process with modern (masterwork?) equipment.

April 29, 2022, 06:22:47 PM
Re: NFT+Metaverse. This is The Era of Enormous Elk To Shake The World NFTs are a fad.
Like crypto in general few years back.

When govt doesn’t have their hooks on it; it will get regulated shortly.
(China already limits the transfers from accounts to crypto, it won’t be forever when US/CA/EU/rest will follow suite)

Or things go like beanstalk control shares “transfer”. No thanks for me.

BUT, if you have excess funds (fun money, gambling pile etc money that you’re outright willing to lose; then, please do experiment / invest / gamble it
But don’t play your pension on them. And I’d rather invest more in real estate.

April 30, 2022, 05:22:14 AM
Re: Going with the flow Feeling vigorous after resting at the shelter in spruce mire bordering small lake in the south? … I hope you didn’t leave your handaxe behind.

Can we expect the new tracks ingame in future versions?  :)

May 12, 2022, 08:54:17 PM
Re: [3.71] Yarns are gaining weight @Sami
I've experimented a little.
It would seem auto-cut yarns get their remaining weight from the full weight yarn*.
Manually cut, (habit from 3.63: I would join 15' ones and then cut to 25'. Easiest when smoking/drying) get their weight calculation done correctly. See Attached

*first auto cut yarn from 150' bundle gets tagged with weight 0.7lbs. Remaining 125' shows weight 0.6lbs. and so on. Once smoking finishes and yard is released, it shows the weight of the bundle used to for smoking the batch.
I'm guessing the 2nd run of the yarn will get the first 25' show weight at 2.3lbs (0.1+0.2+0.3+0.4+0.6+0.7 joined)
Stay tuned ...

May 21, 2022, 11:15:48 PM
Re: [3.71] Yarns are gaining weight Forgot to add, all yarns were traded from villages.
Also all yarns used to smoke elks.

Single use, not multiples, I'll join the heavy ones and have them auto-cut again.

Getting rid off the heavy ones is easy by making bow strings and loop snares. Makes for good trade items to buy some lighter yarns  :P

May 21, 2022, 11:20:04 PM
Agriculture—Harvest key-jockey relief Premise:
Harvesting and picking up stacks (more than 1 item) is excessive with keyboard jockeying. Alt-A+h, direction, *space, semicolon, direction, enter.  Just to get 2 nettles.

*add an extra enter, escape and/or y in case there’s anything else on the tile; animal, companion, rock, branch: all add extra complications.

Add option to enable .ini setting to auto pickup harvested items.

Add Agriculture—Gather that does Harvest and pickup both

Change Harvest to also pickup the plants. And then IF some reason wanted, e.g. thresh on the spot, manually drop the plants.

Personally I think Gather would be best, doesn’t take anything away from those who like to thresh on the spot and eases jockeying for those that like to do threshing at homestead before going to sleep. Seconded by .ini setting.

Also related, when gathering lakereeds, punt nor raft can move to the tile with the harvested plants: it’d be appreciated the plants would be automatically placed on the watercraft, as long as the carrying capacity can any exceeded. In case of capacity would be exceeded, then throw a prompt that “the load for punt/raft is too much to carry”

May 24, 2022, 05:20:47 AM
Linen undershirt and bear fur shirt vs Bastard sword Started a new toon in a spring, rolled surprisingly high stats and weight. Chose very easy and pumped Axe to 98% from get go.
Harvested 2 bears and 3 reindeer by end of Swidden. Went to shop for some nets and got robber quest.. ick. Sure, whatever, I'll do it.

Lost 3 of 5 party members, hired them all from close to robbers and far from my planned cabin#1.
Took an arrow in the leg. 3 of the 1st seen robbers received broadheads. 2&3 died from thorax hits. And last (#6) robber swung bastard sword in the character's face. From fallen, 2 remaining companions knocked him around and dog tore out his neck.

Asking the grievously wounded companion how he's doing after the battle: "Been worse"  ::)

May 26, 2022, 01:06:21 AM