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Re: How to heat a building? I think placing dried moss in between the logs is automatically simulated in UrW. Another historically used method was to slam clay on the walls. But cabin building in UrW doesn't explicitly mention all these details - it is just assumed that some method is applied based on materials locally available.

I know a person who, in real life, used to live alone in the Finnish woods, and wanting to minimize boring repetitive tasks he also minimized time spent on making firewood. So in the wintertime he maintained indoor temperature of +8 Celsius, for anything warmer would've required spending more time chopping firewood, but the guy preferred to spend more time playing a flute, or crafting tools and clothes etc. But, to do that one has to compensate by always wearing warm clothes, and having a lot of blankets (or furs) on the bed.

It might sound counterintuitive at first, but in real world a sauna building doesn't need to keep temperature as well as a cabin. In a cabin people would like to maintain a temperature in range +8 ... +18 or so, constantly. But a sauna can be heated up to +120 Celsius, and then allow it to cool down, and since no-one lives there when it is not heated, it doesn't matter if the temperature falls below freezing when the sauna is not in use. So, the sauna stove is built differently than the one used to warm a cabin. And the process of heating them is different - a sauna stove can be heated until many of the stones are red-glowing hot. Because water is applied onto the stones, there will also be a lot of moisture in the air, so it is only good that there is good ventilation - no need to tightly insulate every little gap and crack in the log walls.

November 30, 2022, 08:21:17 AM
Re: Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players This project is pretty much alive and progressing. Today's private beta version is 12, at the moment available only for you - the UnReal World players.

Lately the development has been mostly about improving the UI, and fixing fatal bugs found by the test players. Ah, and also implementing many of the suggestions by the test crew. Before going to public beta I'd still like to add ways to interact with your clan other families (once some of your kids get adult and you send them to start new homesteads). At the moment it is so that when they fly out of the nest they are on their own (or, optionally, you continue playing as the young family). I'd like there to be an option to visit and to exchange with your other families - and that will require some AI to determine what the other families have been up to while you have been busy playing our main family - which areas of forest they have turned to fields, have they built new buildings, what new tools they have crafted etc. Hard to say, at least two or three weeks of coding, depending on how much I'm stuck at my main work earning money.

Well, yeah - but we are approaching the first public launch, so if you wish to join the test crew, I'd guess this is a good time to do it. We have versions for Windows and Mac, and then a generic version which should run on any desktop machine which has Java 8 or higher installed.


January 14, 2023, 08:54:01 PM
Re: What's on this guys back? I'd guess it is a carrying frame / backpack.


and a video

February 11, 2023, 08:58:59 PM
Re: 'Asentokuusi' - simple shelter under a leaning spruce tree The question was posted as a comment to old development news. We encourage everyone to reserve for Sami to post announcements and news about the game development, for there are other forum sections for other discussions. So I moved this to off-topic.

And then  the actual reply; I did a quick search in YouTube but couldn't find an exact match. Maybe I could try to make one myself once the snow is gone.

I'm not sure if it will work so well with a pine trees, if you need it to protect from rain. A spruce / fir tree thick with branches would do.


Here is an article in Finnish, with some pictures. Using the ancient concept with modern equipment.

And a winter version video.

Neither of those demonstrate a protection from rain, yet the idea is the same. And both of the links show the most simple way of doing it: just finding a spruce tree with low-reaching branches, so that you can shelter under them. As a person who grew up in the Finnish countryside all of this appears so commonplace and self-evident for me that I didn't even realize this could be seen as "a skill", hehe. Well, but the improved version of asentokuusi is just to fell another spruce tree so that is doesn't collapse to the ground but leans to another tree. For a countryside kid this feels about as intuitive as sheltering for rain in a random doorway probably is for contemporary urban people. Anyway, I try to remember this, so that I can test and try to shoot a video once we have summer conditions.

February 17, 2023, 10:35:33 AM
Re: 'Asentokuusi' - simple shelter under a leaning spruce tree Yes, I think I agree. My comment on me not realizing "asentokuusi" could appear as a skill instead of being self-evident was not meant to underrate anyone who is not familiar with the concept. It was meant more as me recognizing my own ignorance, how easy it is to take things self-evident when they are not.

So, yeah - I hope to post some real-life material later on this year. I just need to think a bit how to best do it without needing to fell trees on land I don't own.

February 17, 2023, 01:38:37 PM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons.
  I'm a little more hesitant about shin-cops, the very first ones I've seen I found them on Byzantine finds, around the year 1000.

The game is based on roughly 800 - 1200, and the Viking trade routes down the Russian rivers took all the way down to Byzantine, so I'd guess it is withing the frame of possibility that some instances of 1000 AD Byzantine items reached the shores of Finland before 1200 ended  :)

March 10, 2023, 01:31:16 PM
Re: Too much cold
I was fighting against the enemies, and I saw: the branch flying in the air, the enemy had shot it with his bow. Possible bug?

This has been reported and should be fixed already, but I'd guess the fix is not yet in the latest version, but will be in the next release.

March 15, 2023, 03:13:14 PM
Re: Sami, Erkka and master Lassi
Will smithing eventually be implemented as a player skill too?

The official list of development plans is often a good place to seek answers to this kind of questions. For example, regarding that particular question the development list has a sub-section titled "Forging" which has a list item "Introduction of blacksmith skills for the player character". So, the short answer is: yes, eventually.

April 12, 2023, 07:14:08 AM
Ancient Savo public beta version available Ancient Savo public beta version now available!

Play as a settler family in 1200CE Eastern Finland, in a region called Savo. Build your home in pristine woodlands. Live off the land, raise a family, send your adult offspring to start homesteads of their own.

This is an open-ended resource-management game, with no combat elements. Cold, hunger and accidents are your only enemy. Both 2D and 3D graphics, you can freely switch between them.

Modding based on editing XML files.

see the beta version trailer video

The game is now available at

Join the Ancient Savo discord :

Currently at beta phase. Fully playable. Some bugs, some content still missing, a lot of polishing and balancing to be done. Final stable version estimated at the end of 2023, on and Steam (mobile platforms are planned later on)

June 06, 2023, 09:04:09 PM
Ancient Savo beta 20 : iron works and bugfixes Ancient Savo beta version 20 has just been released on

I hope all the reported bugs are fixed in this version. And as a new feature there is metallurgy, which involves steps like harvesting limonite from lake bottom, using a kiln to produce charcoal, processing the limonite to get iron ingots, and finally forging those ingots to make metal tools like spear heads.

June 25, 2023, 09:36:10 PM