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Re: Island challenge stories
But he's hopeful: birds greeted his arrival on the spruce-thick shores.

"Welcoming spirits in the form of birds"

December 11, 2020, 08:06:58 AM
Re: Njerpez War camp? IF you should go in the woods today,
you better go in disguise,
for every Nerj that ever there was,
is gathering there for today is the day
The nerjpez have their picnic!

December 11, 2020, 09:23:51 PM
Re: Njerpez War camp? "They're organized"

December 15, 2020, 10:45:18 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Tuukka who was on the Island Challenge (and did die a few times) has finally come into spring and paddled to the mainland. The first village he is in is telling to quest for a trident.

Now here's the thing...

In my Island Challenge attempts Ive been roleplaying Posedin as a "Foreign Sea Spirit with a Trident"

So uhh... yeah...

now that he got to the mainland he has to go rescue Posedin's trident. No biggie right? right? please agree....

December 15, 2020, 10:41:00 PM
Re: Njerpez War camp? They just warcamp'ed on Tuukka.

That small purple circle wasn't there before!

Tuukka is moving up from the Remmi-Nerjpez great bay, up the great river network to the great inland lake (that the game always seems to generate on the world map).

I was debating which fork of a river to take northward so opened the world map. That purple circle overlaps his last camp! That wasn't there before! They built it the >same< night he was sleeping there!

Now... if he wants to go back to the south coast he has to pass through them.

Guess he has another life goal to clear that camp much, much later in the game.

December 17, 2020, 08:45:02 AM
Re: Njerpez War camp?
They just warcamp'ed on Tuukka.

@Brygun Just curious (though it really shouldn't have any impact), Both of mine occurred while running the toon on Steam version.
Was yours on Steam or standalone?

Im running the Steam version

December 17, 2020, 11:52:46 PM
Re: Loop snare vs light lever trap? Generally I've laid many light lever traps as prior to modding or the withes getting cords for loop snares were costly. It used to be like 0.5 lb leather for a cord for a loop snare vs a few minutes with axe and wander to make a light lever trap.

Ive had characters survive fairly well on a light lever focus. In desperate survival the need for cords is to high to waste leather. Though now we have options in mods to have other cords.

Where I do us loop snares is 3-6 on the character for when travelling to "ward" ways through trees to where they sleep.

December 18, 2020, 06:48:15 AM
Remove fistfulls from containers In one of the bug threads it was a possible player solution to take their flowers/seeds/grains/beans out on the ground to access them properly. I also discovered that with, say broad beans, trying to bait a trap with something in a container puts the whole container in.

It would be good and a quick code to apply to the "A"pply command to "R"emove things from a container. Flowers would go back in hand, beans back in hand although liquids like water would be lost.

This would let us also carry a box of berries to put out fistfuls in traps.

December 19, 2020, 01:58:54 AM
De-hair rotted within 24 hours or less In Tukka's journies I had an elk skin on de-hair scheduled for the 5th day of the last week to midsummer. In his travels, which Ive being blogging, he was at the camp and checking on the hair. I recall seeing 3 days left on it and that would put it at this time.

On the scheduled day Tuukka is at his farming camp. He arrives in daylight on that very same scheduled day.

The elk hide de-hairing is found rotted.

Thats within 24 hours on something that was something for 10 days. Probably within 12 hours.

The rate of rotting on dehairing needs to be broadened or some other bug happened.

December 19, 2020, 10:35:22 AM
Recipe [optional] with +/- % quality I would be nice if in recipes for making crafts that optional items could give a chance for different quality which in turn can lead to a higher value by the fine/perfect modifiers

For example a decoration of headress with  leather on branches in the baseline, adding optional bones a +10% quality and adding optional feathers a +10% quality so together if both added a +20% quality so likely to bump it up a category

December 21, 2020, 08:01:27 PM