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Re: UnReal World Mobile Controller app for Android Devices
I can't say that I really enjoyed using it rather than the keyboard.

Hehe, well - absolutely no problem with that! For, if you feel comfortable with using the keyboard, then you really don't need this app. The core idea of this app is to offer an alternative for those players who, for a reason or another, find the physical keyboard somewhat difficult to use.

April 17, 2022, 08:30:41 AM
Re: Processing carcass in winter
In real life large carcasses need to be hung for a week or more to relax (from rigor mortis), and to age the meat. 

That is true, although I think that the need to do so is based more on taste, not the absolute necessity of it. Proper hanging makes the meat more tender, but it is also perfectly possible just to prepare the meat right after butchering.

Been there, done that. I think YouTube also has a video of Sami and me preparing a freshly butchered lamb, but the method we used to cook it made the meat super tender despite the meat hanging barely for a few hours. And with less time-consuming methods an okayish result can be achieved with roasting birds on embers and such. So, personally, I'd say that a need to hang meat would not add that much to the game.

April 29, 2022, 10:21:57 PM
Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players Hello! As many of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. No combat, the cold and hunger and accidents being your main enemies. As your kids grow adult, they can marry and you can choose to switch playing as one of your kids, having a fresh start building a new home in the wilderness.

At the moment of writing this the game is at private beta stage, the beta version being available for UnReal World players. You can find the game at

There is a Ancient Savo discord, here is the invitation link:
Discord is where I post regular development news etc. And now there is also this forum subsection, you can post bug reports, suggestions, questions and any feedback here.

May 08, 2022, 06:41:50 PM
Re: Regarding squirrel's hides In addition to what PALU said there is also this alternative:

June 05, 2022, 10:01:52 AM
Re: How to complete "Adventurer's (Item)" Quest?
Any more bot like behavior and their posting rights will be restricted. 

That didn't take long... The account did another reply by merely copy-pasting a clip from an earlier post in the thread. I restricted the posting rights by the one sure method; deleting the account.

June 09, 2022, 04:53:57 PM
Re: Forum having issues? I think I noticed this at some point, too. But now it seems to be gone. Anyone else still experiencing this?
July 12, 2022, 02:33:56 PM
Re: Forum having issues?
Yes, it is persisting for me as well as of this post.

My desktop version of Firefox doesn't complain, but Chrome on Android does. Well, but as ineedcords reasons, this is a service provider level issue. We will try to sort this out sooner instead of later.

July 12, 2022, 09:51:19 PM
Re: Forum having issues?
For this interesting no-issue case, there must be a reason which applies to that particular browser (or computer); the most usual suspects I have seen are cache-related and browser configuration-directive-related.

Hmm, I'd guess the reason is rather simple; on my desktop browser bookmarks I have the forum url starting with http:// so no wonder it doesn't bother with certificates. If I manually change it to https:// then firefox complains as well.

July 13, 2022, 03:49:03 PM
Re: Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players TL;DR : Ancient Savo private beta version 9 is published today!

After the previous release it has just been slow progress, as I spent several months reworking the inner logic of the game. Some of the code related to handling tasks and map tiles needed to be partially re-written so that they can handle all the rest of the planned features. And that unleashed a bunch of unexpected bugs, so I had to spend more time just fixing existing features. Well, but finally it seems we have all the core aspects implemented.

Today's beta version 9 is supposed to be the last private beta - after this the main focus will be on improving the UI, implementing some missing graphics, and producing a trailer video. All such stuff which are needed before a public beta release. Yes, the next version is still going to be beta, yet functional enough to be available for the wide open audience. Let's see how it goes! And before the public release I'd be very happy to get all kinds of feedback - what you find confusing, or if you have an opinion on what definitely needs to be fixed, or a suggestion how some aspects of the UI could work better. Or just plain harsh criticism. All feedback is welcome - either by e-mail, or in discord, or here in this forum sub-section.

Huh, oh, um - yes, so, on top of my head; what do we already have? Seasons changing and abandoned fields regrowing, first bushes, then young trees and eventually fully-grown woods. Ability to marry and to have children, children growing up and getting married. Ability to switch playing as one of the adult children, starting a new homestead in a new place. Rearing sheep, shearing wool and crafting clothes. A very flexible modding system based on xml-files.

What needs to be added: Different animals, more tools and crafting recipes, more accidents and ailments.

And what needs to be improved: UI, graphics and sounds.

October 31, 2022, 09:46:01 PM
Re: Eating raw meat Gamewise, I think the benefit would be not needing to start a fire. So, in emergency situations it would be a life-saver to be able to consume raw meat.

(What comes to nutrition; hard to say - while cooking might destroy some of the nutrients, it also makes some stuff more soluble for the human gut)

Raw herbivore meat should be pretty much safe - I'd guess ones own fingers would be the bigger source of food poisoning (assuming that your fingers touch both the food, and occasionally also your lips)

Raw fish and raw carnivore meat is a lot more risky, for example you might get some of these :

ps. here my thoughts are about the meat of a fresh kill - the warmer the temperature the faster raw meat will get contaminated. So, adding this in the game would probably require some more internal tweaking to check how fresh the meat is - on a hot day just six hours might be enough to attract parasites to lay their eggs in raw meat, thus increasing the risk of getting sick after eating.

November 28, 2022, 10:39:22 AM