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Re: Real life names for mushrooms? Most of the mushroom are just invented, with no exact counterparts in the real world.

Tellervo's Gift is loosely modelled based on Suppilovahvero.

If the other ones in your list were based on some real references, seems like I have forgotten about them long since. But I have a vague memory that this question has been asked before, so if someone is expert in digging through old posts (probably in the old forums), there might be some forgotten pieces of information hidden there =) But, what I do remember is that most of the

July 10, 2021, 06:54:38 PM
Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time? Yesterday I was driving a car and noticed the moon in the sky, at 4 pm, in full daylight. But I didn't have time to stop to take a picture. Today, back at home, around 4 pm I tried to scan the sky but couldn't spot the moon. Then I went to help some of my neighbours, and took a small forest path to get from one neighbour to another. The path wound up next to a small forest clearing where my horses are having their peaceful eternal rest. I stopped there for a while, with all the good memories of the life with the horses. And then I noticed that above the treetops there is the moon;

Today the sunset will be at 22:45, and this image was taken at 18:35. Thinking of it, I'd guess our long summer days allow more hours to see the sun and the sky together in the sky.

Speaking of UrW, the sun and the moon positions are calculated based on scientific formulas, although we have omitted some minor fine-tuning and corrections, making it so that there might be 1% - 2% inaccuracy. Also, as already mentioned in this thread, it would be more realistic if the moon position wouldn't be drawn on the UrW UI sky box if the moon is too close to the sun. That will probably be adjusted at some point.

With a few lines of more code it would be possible to simulate also the lunar and solar eclipses, but at the moment that is not simulated. Those events would be atmospheric, so it remains to be seen if in some future version we happen to feel like adding eclipses  8)

July 17, 2021, 07:55:25 PM
A family survival game (in the making) As many of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have another game project in the making. The game is called Ancient Savo, and it is also keeping your family alive in the 1200CE woodlands of Eastern Finland. The time-scale of the game is so that one turn is 24 hours, and the gameplay is about planning actions. Like "fell down that area of woods", "sow rye", "build a cabin". You don't actually see your family members going around their daily business, so it is more like the old Sim City and such management games, where you hover over the map clicking tiles to plan actions. No fighting; cold, hunger and accidents are your only enemy. And the game is designed to be modding-friendly.

The development has been going on, and at the moment we have most of the basic elements set up. We have 2D and 3D graphics, and you can switch mid-game. You can plan actions and watch your children grow. You can visit a marketplace to barter with NPCs.

In addition to my own coding we already have a few rather awesome contributions by other people - like four original music pieces composed, played, recorded and mastered by Erik Torpström from Rogue Analogue.

Learning to code the 3D graphics took some time, but finally it works good enough. So that for coming weeks and months I'll shift my attention back to the actual game-play, balancing values, adding details etc.


EDIT by Erkka at 26th of December 2021 : Removed some outdated information, and here are the fresh additions;

To be honest, I haven't yet gotten to balancing values and adding details. Instead I've been busy with implementing the basics of a modding system, marriage and ability to continue playing as your offspring. All that kind of stuff took more time than I had thought.

Despite lagging a few months behind the intended schedule, the project is still very much alive. A private beta version is available for a restricted audience, and if no fatal bugs are found, there will be public beta sometime towards the end of January, or in February if bughunting eats away time from the actual development.

Apparently the old screenshot got deleted as I updated the project info at Enormous Elk site, so here is a fresh one:

August 22, 2021, 06:26:48 PM
Recovering from a forum crash Hello!

We recently experienced a server-side crash at the forums. To fully recover from the crash I had to manually restore the latest database backup, which was less than 24 hours old. So, any posts made after that backup are probably lost forever, but the vast majority of forum content seems to be back again.

September 08, 2021, 04:04:56 PM
Re: Groundworking and levelling terrain for building I think historically at that time period people didn't level terrain. The same effect was achieved by just adding more or less corner stones under each corner of a building so that the bottom logs are horizontal despite the terrain being sloped.

The same idea can be used to reduce the risk of flooding damage. For example, see a picture of an old watermill

October 14, 2021, 09:34:24 AM
Re: UrW mobile controller Thanks for reporting this!  If the controller seems to successfully connect with UrW, but then UrW simply doesn't react to the controller there is nothing wrong in your setup. It is a bug in version 3.70, and will be fixed.
October 17, 2021, 04:19:53 PM
Re: UrW mobile controller
I am also having this issue.  Thank you for the game and everything you do!

Thanks for the feedback!

The bad news is that version 3.70 has a bug in the code which listens to controller commands.
The good news is that a bug-fix version will be released once it is ready.

October 19, 2021, 05:12:58 PM
Re: Nearly Midsummer and still too cold for everything
If you delete globweather.dat and reload the save it sorts it out. 

yes, that is a work-around. Thanks for the save, I'll take a look into it, trying to figure out if something went wrong with the weather simulation.

October 23, 2021, 06:28:09 PM
Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players Hello!

Hello! As some of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. Since the start of this year a private beta version has been available to some long-term UnReal World supporters. I just released beta version 6, and decided that it is time to widen the private beta audience.

If you are interested in testing the game and / or supporting the development, take a look here:

This is still a private beta version, so please don't post the url anywhere for a wider audience. But if you happen to know a friend who might be interested, it is okay to share the link in a private message.

The game development has been a little bit slower than I was hoping for. This has been for two reasons; my plans growing more ambitious, and me having to spend time at my main work to pay the monthly bills. OK OK, so the game graphics and UI are still far from finished. But they will be the next main focus of the development.

At the moment the game is verified to run on windows and linux, mac testing has been unreliable (and, again, slowed down because I don't have a mac to test with myself). But a mac version will happen. If everything goes well, Android and hopefully iPhone versions will follow later on down the line.

The good old 2D tile-graphics:

But there is also an option for a 3D map: (And it is possible to switch mid-game)

April 01, 2022, 06:02:58 PM
Re: Combat Tips Using blunt weapons against animals is preferable only in the case you wish not to harm the fur. But if survival / killing for food is your main objective, then use the most lethal weapon available.

Regarding melee combat, remember that NPCs have weapons skills like you, so they aren't always the same.

And remember to pay attention to the ratio of "my weapon vs. the opponent weapon". Although an axe in itself might be very deadly weapon, an age guy has a lower hand against a spear guy, for the spear has longer range. The combatant using a spear can easily keep the opponent just a little bit father away. Or, more generally; different weapons have attack and defense bonus factors to them, and their ratio matters.

And, just like PALU said, remember that there are no invincible heroes in this game. Fighting is always about killing and getting killed.

April 13, 2022, 08:07:54 AM