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Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? The game log (shift + L) contains all the important activities you've done (e.g. dug a pit, caught a roach, encountered/killed an animal, entered a settlement) and the date and time it was done (e.g. Day 3 of last week before midsummer point - year 16 - noon).  You start in year 16.
January 16, 2018, 06:36:53 PM
Re: Migrating to new version That's what I was thinking, but just wanted a confirmation before stuffing things up!
Of course, I could just make a backup copy of everything, couldn't I, hehe.

February 01, 2018, 04:13:08 AM
Re: make dogs stop barking at birds I don't know about dogs, but my cat certainly knows the difference between a bluejay (prey) and a small hawk (predator). I've seen it in real life... the cat goes after the jay and runs & hides from the hawk, even though the hawk was only going after some other birds (not threatening the cat).
February 16, 2018, 03:29:25 AM
Re: Rauko Before the fateful day is finished, Rauko daydreams and hears his father's spirit beseeching him to seek the bear that killed him.

Rauko finds the bear's tracks and follows it, only to be severely mauled and left for dead by the huge, wounded beast.

Later, he wakes hungry and parched, and crawls away to find water.

A small lake is close by and he makes a shelter for the night.

He is awoken by noises which sound like a deer or elk in the trees nearby. Half-awake, he sneaks toward the trees with knife in hand, driven by hunger. An elk bursts forth from the trees and runs... he has no chance to catch it.

March 10, 2018, 05:30:51 PM
Re: Rauko The woodsman rewards Rauko with knowledge of a secret treasure in a cave.

On the way to search for the treasure, Rauko explores a cave and makes some interesting finds.
He's sure this is not far enough away to be the one described by the woodsman.
The spirits must be generous!

March 14, 2018, 10:25:18 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko wonders what treasure might be waiting at his destination, if he can find it.
After a long search, he finds the mountain cave and enters cautiously...

It is a treasure of worth beyond his wildest dreams!
More wealth than several of his home villages would possess has come into his hands.
The spear immediately becomes his most prized possession, he is almost under a spell
when gazing upon it's beautiful workmanship.

Rauko stays in the cave for a few days and makes it a place of refuge when needed.

March 17, 2018, 03:02:05 PM
Re: @Privateer @Privateer  danke
March 23, 2018, 01:57:21 AM
F3 "see in a distance" bug I've seen fox but it says it was hare on zoomed up map after pressing F3 on it.
I've got savegame but after I have loaded in, foxy hare was gone.
See below:

April 07, 2018, 11:42:14 PM
Delivery quests: Could villagers point us towards the right person? When any quest is available, villagers readily point us towards the quest giver. Would it be possible for the same system to be utilized when having to find a villager during a quest, like in the message delivery quest? The busy villagers don't seem to ever stand still, even at night, and the confusion becomes worse when two villages are close together - the system seems to be easily confused by that.

Case in point: My map showed a pointer for one village, after several rounds of searching I found someone with that name but a different profession, I went to the nearby village on a hunch, my map then promptly created a second pointer there, and there he was (that is, there he was after I searched the whole village 5-6 times, gave up, ate, fed my dog, made some torches, and searched again a few times). And then I had to go back to the first village and start the searching all over again. It wasn't my favourite type of busywork, but I guess ymmv.

I understand why the system would get confused between two close-by villages. But if there was a way to include a question for said person when I was in the right village, it would be a bit easier. Or if at least the villages had names, and I knew I was in the right one, that would at least be something.

After all these years, I still don't know why places have names but villages don't...  ;D

April 16, 2018, 09:24:38 PM
Asking NPCs to find quest related persons in villages You know, despite of my lazy posting frequency we are active behind the scenes and adjustments for a next update are on their way.
Lately I've been sorting out mostly the quest related annoyances and confusions arising from locating certain villagers, and their names.

Code: [Select]
- added: ask NPCs to find quest related persons in villages

          You can now ask villagers if certain quest related persons are around. This is done by automatically appearing
          chat options within the common greet dialog. For example:
          "Is Sampsa around?" or "Where can I find Tornia?"
          All the quest related persons, including the original quest giver, are covered within these chat options if you
          are aware of them.
            There are some exceptions though; NPCs who are involved in quests themselves can't be asked for others
          whereabouts, but there are always enough common villages around to assist you.
            When it comes to finding quest related persons in other villages the chat options become available only when
          you are in the right village where the person can be actually found. This can be considered slightly gamey in
          our standards, but it is more helpful that way.

 - adjusted: no more multiple villagers with same names

        Possiblity of two NPCs having the same name within a single village has been removed. In seriously crowded
        clustered villages it is theoretically possible that villagers might run out of unique names, but real chances for
        that to happen are practically non-existent.

 - added: dozens of new northern names

        Due to aforementioned adjustment it was necessary to add lots and lots of new names for northern men and women.

 - improved: NPC name randomization routines

        NPC culture has more distinguishable influence to their given names. There's noticeable variation between
        the eastern and western names, but especially the current wider range of northern names now appear unique
        from rest of the world.

These are future additions not yet functional in current version 3.50 (stable).

April 28, 2018, 05:55:11 PM