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Re: help with hunting and trapping I have had plenty of characters die but never from starvation, even doing the challenge, start in winter with nothing in your inventory. Sometimes my starvation gets up to about 40% but I usually freeze to death before dying of starvation.

In more normal starts I never use any of the easy setups, I would prefer not to have to add 5 skill points in custom so I use them in things I never use like weatherlore. I always accept whatever random character I get. First thing is to find a camp site, somewhere with a variety of plants and berries, near to water and with trees nearby. First thing after a shelter is make 5 snares which I scatter around the shelter, not to close but where I can see them just by turning around, I do not worry about the quality or initially about bait. I then settle down to making whatever tools and weapons I can and collecting berries , leaves and plants, if I can fish I try it once a day. Unless I am very lucky my initial food is gone on the third day. I keep going mainly on plants, eating ones I know are safe and one unknown one with each meal, this helps to train herbalism.

There seems to be a programme glitch you can exploit. if you have no fish or meat in your inventory or cellar in the first month or so then birds will tend to land on your snares and there is a 50% chance of catching a pike. Last week I was on my second day of no food when I tried fishing, while fishing 3 ducks land on snares and I caught a pike, while finishing the ducks of and resetting traps four more birds landed on the snares. Enough food for a week and during that week no more birds in traps or fish on hooks. Then two days after my food ran out I caught another pike a found two birds and a hare in the snares. This only seems to work with snares I have not seen this with other types of traps.

Incidentally I never sacrifice anything, I worked hard to get whatever it was and if the spirits are so powerful then they should be able to get whatever they want themselves.

November 27, 2021, 01:53:44 PM
Re: help with hunting and trapping Like LoLotov, and unlike Tinker, I try to sacrifice daily. This includes trying to adjust eating so just a little bit of a cut is left and sacrifice that bit, using bark to tan so (bird) fat can be used for sacrifices (or bait), sacrifice stale food, etc.

I initially engaged in Tinker's strategy of never ever running, but have modified it to run when catching up to prey that's at least a little tired to get them to bolt as quickly as possible and keep them on the fatigue losing track. As soon as they run it's back to walking, so it's 10 tile spurts very infrequently (I also run when robbers are detected so I can zoom out and escape, but that's a completely different situation).

November 28, 2021, 11:18:28 AM
Re: help with hunting and trapping Are you trying to survive solely on trapping and hunting? There are many goods your characters can trade for food: boards, birch bark rope, wooden cups and bowls, paddles. The "chores" starting quest should be used exclusively to trade for roasted food (or a small knife to make rope with).

I would place 4-6 lever traps on each single overmap tile and check them daily at most. Set them on top of bushes if they already spawned. Mountains and hills are also a good site to trap birds. But traps alone won't generate prey. You have to place them somewhere with animals or wait until they spawn there.

Trap fences are good for natural choke points, such as spruce forests or isthmuses.

Disappearing animals on the overmap are a common occurrence, those are the ones you set a baited trap for. Make a note of where you saw them, search the place for tracks (using the zoomed in map) and set the trap on top of them.

November 28, 2021, 08:37:16 PM
Re: help with hunting and trapping Wait, you can DIE of starvation?  :D

If you're having trouble hunting, make sure you have 0% encumbrance. (Not 1%, not 2%, 0%.) Bookmark the tile where you dropped your stuff and go back and get it after you do the run/rest technique and eventually kill the breathless animal with a nearby rock. (Try to leave your stuff in a clearing or make a mental note of the trees/terrain around it so that you can find it easily when you go back. Ravens might steal your food.)

I rarely see prey from mountains or hills. I wouldn't seek high ground. When you're trudging through the forest sometimes the view just opens up and that's your best best imo. Also when your view opens up in one direction it often opens up in a different direction as well, so change your direction when that happens to take a quick peek behind you before you resume travelling.

When you see a deer/elk/lynx, etc on the zoomed out map, try to calculate where it is. (Like, 5 up and 6 right from me, or 2 left, 3 down from that mountain or that small lake, or whatever.) Then go to that tile, bookmark it and zoom in. Look for tracks. Walk around a bit. Then visit all 8 tiles around that tile and walk around a bit in each one. 90% of the time you will find tracks. If you still haven't found it, visit the 16 tiles (did I do the math right?) around those 8 tiles. I would be surprised if more than 0.1% of the time you won't find tracks if you performed this correctly.

December 01, 2021, 03:21:31 AM
I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? Hey guys, I've been working on a couple of animal sprites recently.

I've been a fan of Galgana's creature sprites (incredible, especially when compared to the vanilla sprites) for a long while and I thought I might as well try my hand at making sprites reminiscent of their work. These are still obviously my own creations (thanks MSPaint), but I wanted to create something that could be used in tandem with their mod, to fill the gaps more or less. Who knows, I may even create my own overhaul that covers all of the animals. If any of you have any suggestions on where I can improve or where I've f**ked up feel free to let me know. I've also dabbled with the rain and snow, it's always bugged me that you lose so much visibility in these weather conditions, but that's for another topic.

Here are the sprites, a humble badger, and beaver (already done the full sprites, these are just teasers).

EDIT: I modified the badger/beaver sprites and created two more, the glutton (wolverine) and polecat

December 06, 2021, 11:57:24 AM
A good day not to die I have been busy since midsummer getting logs and boards ready for my new cabin, in fact two walls were partly built. The net I had was providing a steady supply of fish and the traps around my camp were supplying several ducks and other birds a week. But this cabin building was getting boring.

I remembered a large patch of vegetables a cereals I had found a couple of kilometres away, just growing in no mans land, some must be ripe for harvest now and it would be less tiring work. I decided to take a couple days break and fill the cellar with vegetables. I stored my tools in a shelter and headed north with a couple of days food. The plants were full of food but would not be ripe for 2 days so I decide to explore further north. About 10 Km north I started to find villages.

The first one had some good quality tools for barter, a pity I was travelling light. I also found there was a cave a short distance north west, they are always worth checking and on the way there I passed through another village, also lots of interesting items and an injured adventurer.

I have never had any success looking for shelters left by these guys but had a chat with him anyway, it turned out his shelter was fairly close to the cave position so I could check out the two together, his description was one of the better ones I have seen, in heathland south of a river, even I could find a river. I set out straight away and soon spotted a river in the search area and I pressed on to the bank of the river full of hope. It was here I found a problem.

There was no heathland south of the river, but there was north of the river. At this point I realised that the descriptions given lose something in translation and I was always looking on the wrong side of the tiles that shelters were in. I still think the words said heathland south of a river but they actually mean a river south of heathland. I crossed the river to check and almost immediately spotted a bloodscape, moving towards it I spotted another one deeper into trees. At this point I realised I had always understood the description that said on the edge of actually meant in the centre of as that was about where I was standing. I could not see any more bloodscapes or a shelter, but just north of a big clump of trees there was something odd so I went to investigate, it was a mug.

I assumed this might be part of the adventurers loot but there was nothing more to see. I stepped south and was hidden by the tree south of me and I was standing on his missing spear, no sign of a shelter. By luck I found a narrow path through the clump of trees SW, SW,NW where I found a fishing knife, apart from going back the only way I could go was west and I was in the shelter which I still could not see. I collected everything, a paw board trap, some cord and a couple of days food. The next problem I thought might be the bear, but it seems the bear could not find the shelter either, I just exited to the overland map and moved away.

With a lighter step I started back to the village but was going to check the cave on the way, it was about 400m south, the surrounding area was pleasant, 20m from the cave entrance was a piece of heathland, plenty of building materials and firewood and the next square was a lake, this was looking good. I explored the cave, it was quite big on a couple of levels, this would be a good place to live but I got a surprise  in the back corner, a Nerpez warrior.

He must have been as surprised as me, I was wielding my fine spear and thrust it at his body, I missed his body but gave him a serious wound in his left thigh. At that point he seemed to wake up he drew his scimitar and made a clumsy swing at me giving a small bruise on the hip and dropping his weapon, I thrust my spear at his body again and missed his body but gave him another serious wound in the right leg and caught a major blood vessel. He attempted to pick up his scimitar and hit me with it while lying on the floor bleeding, he missed totally. My third attempt to poke is body with my spear also missed the target but I did hit him in the neck and the last of his blood ran out of the puncture.

There was a good selection of loot, a fine hunting bow with fine arrows and 2 broad arrows, a fine hunting knife and fine boots. Other useful items were a fur overcoat, as I had not yet got any winter clothing, food is always handy and I was in two minds with regard to the scimitar. Trade items were most of his clothes and armour, he had iron kneecops, a habergeon and lamellar rerebraces, I judged the armour to be trade items as they were heavy and did nothing to protect him.

I could just about carry everything but lightened the load slightly by having a good meal and I treated the bruise even though it would probably heal itself the next day, my physician skill was low. I returned the spear to the adventurer who gave me some sword training, I traded most of the heavy stuff and got myself some fine tools. I traded the rest of my surplus in the next village just before dusk, it had been a good day so I slept in a spare cabin dreaming of the next good day when I would start upgrading from fine to masterwork tools and weapons.

December 13, 2021, 04:08:13 PM
Season's Greetings The midwinter and holiday season is at hand!
It is time to send you our warmest Season's Greetings with a few moody photos from this very day.
Thank you for 2021 to those who already roam the UnReal World, and welcome into the Far North, all you new adventurers.

We have just passed the Winter Solstice on northern hemisphere, and the amount of daylight now slowly starts increasing. Otherwise the winter in Eastern Finland continues in decent -20 degrees celsius temperatures with delightful amount of snow. Sami (UnReal World creator) heads towards the real world in horizon.

Merry Christmas, Tree. This mighty spruce grows beside the village road, not very far from the development chambers.

Now let's survive the midwinter, and see you again in 2022!

December 22, 2021, 04:22:44 PM
Re: German Shepherd Dog Sprite Since you asked what I think ...

I don't like it when people try to introduce things that don't belong in the historical context of the game and then 'because reasons' it. I love this game because it tries to stay true to the actual history and isn't full of modern cultural 'pollution.' Every other game in existence is polluted by 21st century orthodoxy. Leave UrW alone!

But as it happens the sprite doesn't look anything like a German shepherd so it is fairly inoffensive.

January 10, 2022, 02:08:36 AM
Re: German Shepherd Dog Sprite I like your sprite set, but I love my GSDs

January 10, 2022, 06:07:38 AM
Year 2021 now added to development history log Briefing of the year 2021 is now summarized up at "Development history of UnReal World" section at the homepage.

You can take a look at the development history since 1992 page here:

January 13, 2022, 02:02:07 PM