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Messages - Erkka

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So we don't matter to you?

Just a "small bunch".

Huh? Honestly, I can't quite see where this comes from. So let's take an another look at what has been said and what has not been said:

In any case, separate menu seems to get support from this small bunch of thread participants.

To me this does not sound derogatory, not at all. When Sami says "this small bunch of thread participants" I read it as saying:

OK, earlier there was a mention that there have been 524 downloads for the mod, so let's assume that as a guideline to estimate the number of users. And then we have 6 members of the modding community participating in this thread. That means we have heard the opinion of 1.2% of the modding community.
[EDIT: while I was writing this we got the 7th voice, PALUs opinion]

Is 1.2% a small bunch? Is six persons a small bunch? Or should that somehow be felt as an insult, a way of saying "your opinion does not matter?" Honestly, sounds a bit off to me. And, the "ouch you hurt my feelings!" is always a tricky path to walk along - if one chooses to do it, then it probably would also be beneficial to start with spelling correctly the name of lead developer. It is only four letters, so shouldn't be that hard to spell, so if one constantly writes it in a wrong way, should that be taken as a sign of ignorance, derogatory gesture of non-mattering? Does not sound very constructive to me, better just focus on the actual facts that have been said, and work on the subject matter itself.

So, what we have then, at the moment:

- a suggestion to add a separate hotkey to bring up only the modded crafting recipes
- roughly 5 members saying that they support the idea
- one member saying that it would not be so very important for them, as they prefer to just update the mod code themselves to adapt to the new versions of UrW
- Sami signaling that he is still open to consider the idea, just saying that to implement it would take some extra work on his part - and that the amount of that extra work is probably a bit more than just a few lines of code.

What we do NOT know:

1. of the 518 mod users who have not commented in this thread, how many of them see that an extra hotkey would solve their problems
2. and how many of them see that the top priority should be just to have the mod actively maintained, so that it would stay compatible with the new versions of UrW

And the way I understand it, Sami mentioning about "small bunch" is a reference to the situation 1. - scientifically speaking, critically thinking, we have no way of knowing if our gallup of 6 people out of 524 gives an accurate representation of the general public mood or not. Not saying that the voice of 6 people does not matter, not insisting that it is not aligned with the majority. Just reminding that given the current evidence we can make an educated guess, not knowing for certain. And there is nothing wrong with it - in any case life is mostly about making decisions based on uncertain evidence.

Lastly, to me it still looks like that even in the case Sami added that extra hotkey to the vanilla game, it would not do very much to solve the situation 2, which probably needs to be addressed separately - at least if in the modding community there are people who care enough about large mods like BAC to maintain the mods. But if it so happens that there is no active modder to maintain a mod, then that just is the way things are at the moment? But, personally I see that mods matter, and modders matter, and modders matter to other modders, so it would seem rather natural that this leads to mods being maintained and updated to stay aligned with the new versions of the game.

I think this is a good discussion, and I'm glad that the discussion is happening.

Also, just to make it clear; I don't see any offense intended, nor do I intend to do so myself by this comment. Just trying to ponder on a bit more abstract level;

OK, so the underlying problem is that there is a good large mod a lot of player like and use the mod - and then any new update to the vanilla game introduces something which is not compatible with the mod.

What needs to be done to fix that? I see two main alternatives;

1. The mod is updated to make it compatible with the latest version of the game
2. The vanilla game is modified to keep the new version of the game compatible with an old version of a mod

Or, the same worded bit differently;

Oh noes! A mod is not compatible with the latest version of the game! Somebody do something to solve this! Who you are going to call? Ghostbusters? No? Then who can do a bit of extra work to solve the issue?

1. The modding community to the rescue! Mods are by the players, for the players, so both making and updating the mods is something the players can contribute
2. The lead developer Sami! In addition to making all the updated to the vanilla version why doesn't the guy just do some more extra work to keep the game compatible with the mod !?!!


Now, this maybe does not come as a surprise to anyone, but in both descriptions the option 1. seems more natural and fitting to me.

And then, in the case of BAC, if the underlying problem is that at the moment Brygun wants to focus on other things and is not actively maintaining the mod - then who should step in to fill the gap? Sami the lead developer? Or someone else from the modding community?

I'd say "the modding community" - like a clear message on the modding forums telling that at the moment the B of BAC does not have time to actively update the mod, so looking for new people to contribute, keeping this beloved large community mod alive and compatible with the new versions of the vanilla game.


Again, I'm not claiming that this is the truth to this question. I'm just trying to clarify the way I see the situation, and I have a feeling that Sami's opinion is not so much different. But if you, the players and the modding community, see things differently or wish to point out something obvious I'm missing in my reasoning, I'm happy to hear your voice.

If I understand correctly the points already mentioned, the suggestion has been that a little bit of 2. is wished for, as seen from the player perspective Sami adding just one extra hotkey to the vanilla game should not be very much of extra work, but that little bit by Sami would offer an enormous relief for the modding community, bearing fruit for years to come. And then the reply to that involves the usual "woah, not to fast - let's first consider this carefully to see if adding that one extra hotkey is going to bring about new problems, or if it is going to require so much additional coding by Sami that it waters down the entire argument of "little extra work to reap enormous gains" instead of "the modding community doing the modding"

General Ancient Savo discussion / Coming soon at Steam
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:50:57 AM »
Ancient Savo now has a public "coming soon" profile at Steam

Or, to be more specific, "soon" means "September 2024", but if you so wish you can wishlist the game, and share the link if you happen to know anyone who might be interested in a resource management survival simulation focused on raising a family.

Gameplay questions / Re: Cursed Wolf Quest
« on: March 22, 2024, 08:15:41 AM »
PS if anyone knows how I can post 'external links',

The method to enable posting external links is to make a few more posts, so that the forum software considers your account a legitimate user instead of a possible spam-bot. As we have suffered from swarms of bot accounts posting irrelevant links, we needed to make the security settings tighter. So every user account starts with external links disabled, and if their account does not get blocked / banned / deleted after making a few posts, then posting links will get automatically enabled.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bug reports / Re: [3.83] Runaway Slave Start - Njerpez Infighting
« on: March 09, 2024, 10:19:21 PM »
There are two factors here;

1. friendly fire immediately leading to fierce infighting : yes, I agree with that, in some future version the logic could be improved somehow. Maybe the easiest would be that the first friendly hit is forgiven, but if it starts to accumulate the others would feel that this is not a chain of accidents but intentional behavior which needs to be punished.

2. should friendly fire happen in the first place : I think yes. But how often, that is a good question without absolute answer. So, when you say " it regularly seems to happen to some degree" I'd like to hear a bit more about that. What is "regularly to some degree", like out of 10 starts 2 of them lead to infighting? Or out of 20 starts one turns to infighting?

Bug reports / Re: [3.83] Runaway Slave Start - Njerpez Infighting
« on: March 09, 2024, 10:02:51 PM »
I think this has already been fixed in version 3.72, see this piece of

The archery checks are based on risk assessment. In certain conditions, or if the archer feels confident, they can fire and arrow despite there being friends in the potential line of fire. Or, they can consider it safe to fire, but just miss so terribly that the arrow hits a friend. And such an accident will turn to infighting.

So, I'd say this is more a feature, not a bug.

General Discussion / Re: lifetime registration
« on: February 10, 2024, 04:45:59 PM »

That information was on the UnReal World official home-page for several years after going to Steam back in the 2017. And I'd guess the procedure still starts the same way as in 2017: send an e-mail to Sami, tell that you have the lifetime registration, it helps if you remember which e-mail address you used for that. And ask for the Steam key, Sami will handle that manually.

Development News / Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
« on: January 12, 2024, 07:53:02 PM »
Quote from: lsauros
Will hafting a masterwork item with a lower quality shaft reduce the quality of the axe?

Quote from: Sami
The haft quality and success in hafting has significant impact on the finished axe or spear usability. Poor hafting may result in lowering the weapon quality even below the head quality itself.

Suggestions / Re: Make it easier to find quests + add more quests
« on: December 29, 2023, 07:54:35 AM »
that part of my feature request is to have this also be the case for nearby villages as well

OK, thanks for the clarification.

Suggestions / Re: Make it easier to find quests + add more quests
« on: December 28, 2023, 10:50:06 PM »
Or maybe that can just be part of the response to "how's it going?" 

This should already be the case. The news.txt file in the game installation folder mentions that for version 3.40 beta 1 this was added:

          So the general "How is it going?" chat option now serves as a way to ask if somebody in the village has a known quest
          or problem of which the other NPCs are also aware of. If there is, NPCs will hint you about it and mention who you
          should talk to. This kind of hints about quests are often quite vague and call for asking the NPC in question for more
          information. Within this sort of quest hint dialogue you can pretty much always ask where to find the NPC in question.

          Notice that NPCs may also rarely have personal problems or quests of which the other villagers are not aware of.

Great, thanks for the details!

OK, thanks for the details! And, one more clarification: You mention that when starting the game, it initially shows only a blank window, but if you switch the focus out and then back to the game again, it refreshes the window to display actual content. So, my question is: does this Alt+Tab trick work with invisible submenus, sometimes making them correctly drawn?

This might be an issue with the SDL2 library the game uses for graphics. If anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms please comment to this thread.

And, just to be sure - I suppose your graphics card driver is up to date?

And if you go to the Windows control panel, choose Device Manager, what does it list under Display Adapters ?

Since there has not been a flood of Windows 10 users reporting the same problem it must be something more specific. What is your graphics card?

Well, I have some more questions;

1. Is there something which would make it better to re-try GOG distribution right now, instead of thinking about it sometime in 2024 or 2025 or so?

2. Last time we asked, their reply was pretty much like "we have reviewed your game and we believe it won't sell enough, so listing it won't be good enough business for us". So, do you have reasons to believe that something has actually changed after that? Either their general policy has changed so that now they consider it fine to list games for smaller audiences - or that 1300+ votes at the wishlist would convince them that listing UrW would be good business for GOG? Or, are you suggesting that because of your personal contacts you could convince them that contrary to their business model it would still be a good decision for them to have UrW on their list?

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