Topic: One Star Skills  (Read 5660 times)


« on: June 07, 2023, 12:32:02 AM »
Seems basically impossible to improve, my carpentry for example ... have never gotten it to raise no matter what I do!


« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2023, 08:23:25 AM »
Lot of bowls, arrow shafts, short bows and skis can help.
I've not run the numbers, but arrow shafts might be the best way to skill CARPENTRY now. It has |1|, takes 90 minutes and uses a board as a resource. Short bow takes 5h 20min, has |2| for skill increase and uses a board as resource (crafted bows can be unstrung to reuse the bowstring for making more bows)
Shafts are low trade value, bows esp. strung are decent value.
Paddle uses the same single board as resource as arrow shafts, takes same time. But has |0| for skill increase. To counter that: paddles have better trade value than shafts.
If you make those arrow shafts in to decent/fine arrows, even with bone/stone heads, you get wealthy trading the skill grind output.

And like with any skills: it's better to do simple task on low volume multiple times, rather than patch work it all one skill roll, and max 1 skill increase.
E.g. don't spindle 255 feet of yarn in one go. Most you'll get is 1 skill increase. Rather do the task 17 times and only spin 15 feet at a time.
you'll get 17 chances of increasing the skill. With luck, first 5-6 spins will give you 3% increase and you can leave the other spins for following day.

(I like to experiment when playing, and often choose very easy start: tank physical skills to lowest, pump up carpentry and textile craft to 50+, rest can go to hideworking, fishing or weapon skill(s))


« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2023, 09:17:10 AM »
I used to use bowl making as a method of gridning the Carpentry skill. That was rather annoying because the task takes a lot of time with a lot of variability, so it was hard to keep a somewhat normal schedule (to be active during the daytime, get the daily sacrifice remembered and done in time, etc.). Go to bed early evening, waking up too early, or craft another bowl and risk it dragging on until midnight?

I've switched to arrow shaft making as it's something that can be much better controlled in terms of the time used, which has been fairly successful (starting at 20+ and currently at about 50 with a start during this year).

I'll try to remember JP_Finn's recommendation regarding Textilecraft, as that's a real bottleneck when it comes to being able to craft decent arrows (forget better quality for now). It doesn't help that the water was too cold for retting when the hemp was ready for harvest...


« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2023, 07:40:42 PM »
Lot of bowls, arrow shafts, short bows and skis can help.
I've not run the numbers, but arrow shafts might be the best way to skill CARPENTRY now. It has |1|, takes 90 minutes and uses a board as a resource. Short bow takes 5h 20min, has |2| for skill increase and uses a board as resource (crafted bows can be unstrung to reuse the bowstring for making more bows)
Shafts are low trade value, bows esp. strung are decent value.
Paddle uses the same single board as resource as arrow shafts, takes same time. But has |0| for skill increase. To counter that: paddles have better trade value than shafts.
If you make those arrow shafts in to decent/fine arrows, even with bone/stone heads, you get wealthy trading the skill grind output.

And like with any skills: it's better to do simple task on low volume multiple times, rather than patch work it all one skill roll, and max 1 skill increase.
E.g. don't spindle 255 feet of yarn in one go. Most you'll get is 1 skill increase. Rather do the task 17 times and only spin 15 feet at a time.
you'll get 17 chances of increasing the skill. With luck, first 5-6 spins will give you 3% increase and you can leave the other spins for following day.

(I like to experiment when playing, and often choose very easy start: tank physical skills to lowest, pump up carpentry and textile craft to 50+, rest can go to hideworking, fishing or weapon skill(s))

Oh, I had no idea patchwise affected skill gain! So producing the hundreds of arrows I've made in large batches is part of my problem probably then, ok!

I used to use bowl making as a method of gridning the Carpentry skill. That was rather annoying because the task takes a lot of time with a lot of variability, so it was hard to keep a somewhat normal schedule (to be active during the daytime, get the daily sacrifice remembered and done in time, etc.). Go to bed early evening, waking up too early, or craft another bowl and risk it dragging on until midnight?

I've switched to arrow shaft making as it's something that can be much better controlled in terms of the time used, which has been fairly successful (starting at 20+ and currently at about 50 with a start during this year).

I'll try to remember JP_Finn's recommendation regarding Textilecraft, as that's a real bottleneck when it comes to being able to craft decent arrows (forget better quality for now). It doesn't help that the water was too cold for retting when the hemp was ready for harvest...

I have like 23% starting carpentry skill, produce only inferior products lol have made around a hundred and some arrows, a few dozen bowls, one bow, no increases.


« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2023, 11:18:17 PM »
I don't think normal batches suffer from a single combined skill improvement chance, as a batch command can produce items of differing quality even when the input is all of the same one. The rope/cord handling is different, though, so it may suffer from issues. I produce my arrow shafts in batches of 5 unless I'm trying to time something (like the end of the day or the processing of a skin) where I go down to a single slat at a time.

I haven't produced any arrows yet, since my Textilecraft skill is so poor that I only occasionally manages to produce decent quality products. However, I've produced a lot of arrow shafts, including from low quality planks, where I'm doing it for training purposes, not intending to actually produce any arrows from the resulting crap shafts. I've probably produced some 500 shafts, with some 500 or so decent quality slats that I've saved for when I have a reasonable chance to actually get decent shafts out of them (and I've reached that stage now).
My Carpentry is a two star skill, but I think Textilecraft is a single star one. Spending essentially the whole day making slats and shafts it seems I get somewhere in the range of 1 skill increase every two days or so (it will slow down as the skill increases, of course), with stretches of days where no skill is gained.


« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2023, 08:36:31 AM »
 I have recently got 2 skill points increase for making a bunch of arrow shafts at once with low skill, so I think you no longer need to do it one at a time.

