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Re: Are the animals getting tired too quickly? It's very dependent on your character. A fast character has a much easier time chasing down an elk than a slow one, since the fast character gives the elk much less time to recover between bouts of fleeing. It also depends heavily on the terrain and character tracking skills, as open terrain with clear footprints allows the character to chase the elk a lot easier than in spruce infested forests where you have to get very close to the elk before it notices you and flees (and so it has a lot more time to recover), in particular if you can't always follow the footprints, as trees are in the way of the ones you could see.

However, something that HAS changed is that snow now affects others than the PC, in particular deep snow with a crust strong enough to carry the PC, but not strong enough to carry the elk. That situation is drastically different from before the change.

August 20, 2022, 08:47:35 AM
Re: Are the animals getting tired too quickly? Walking in deep snow is very tiring, unless there's a crust strong enough to support the PC. The change made non PC creatures (i.e. other humans as well as animals) affected, and the PC more affected than before. Skis, however, improves the situation significantly. Unfortunately, NPC don't yet know how to ski...
August 21, 2022, 09:24:47 AM
Re: Yarn I hope you’re running new enough version, with a fresh character. And hopefully in summer.

You want to use Agriculture to harvest the plants. Trying to pick them, that only yields leaves and no straw to process.

April 08, 2023, 06:39:59 PM