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Re: Easiest way to trap njerps? There are some problems with you intended approach:
- My experience with traps vs warriors indicates they're rather useless for that purpose. It might work better to harass civilians, though.
- Killing them one at a time works only if your character is faster. Otherwise the first one will magically summon other villagers, and eventually the whole village is following you. If you're fast enough I guess you can run and lose them that way, but running with armor is a lethally bad idea (the running speed equals normal walking speed within 50 meters, and keeps dropping until it reaches zero).
- Engaging warriors equipped with bows without a bow and using trickery is very dangerous. The buggers are deadly shots. Doing it without heavy armor is probably lethal rather quickly, since it only takes one unlucky arrow to knock your character unconscious.

September 05, 2017, 02:45:59 PM
Re: Fur protection/warmth values I'm too lazy to do it through mod.. so I'm accumulating data slowly via hunting :P

These are the collected Warmth values (only furs of course, no leather):

Stag/Reindeer/Elk: 5
Bear/Sheep/Ram: 4
Wolf/Arctic Fox/Badger/Grey Seal/Glutton: 3

According to the figure above, Arctic fox should be a 5 (I wouldn't devalute the "deers", since real-world northern tribes, inuit included, use those in winter - so not sure what's going on with the plot), wolf should join bear/sheep (I don't know if finland sheeps are "dall sheeps", let's assume not).

The normal fox is fine as a 3 (I'm assuming is the same), but the arctic definitely not - especially considered how valuable it is, and how small it is. You'd need a load of foxes for that overcoat! :D I'd only make a-fox mittens and footwear probably, with a hood of wolf ;)

September 05, 2017, 10:26:31 PM
Wild Animals in Villages With a previous character (RIP), I had a really crazy experience with one village. It was a village I had lots of dealings with, and I had noticed wolves on the zoomed out map in their area before. One day, I went to the village and heard fighting sounds... a pack of wolves had jumped their fences and killed every one of their reindeer. When I showed up at the battle lines I managed to kill one wolf before the rest fled, leaving dead reindeer and villagers in their wake. I, ahem, helped clean up the carcasses. I went back a couple days later and found them in the midst of battle again... my arrival caused the wolves to flee but their shaman, and possibly many others, were missing.

I hired an NPC from the village (their only able-bodied man left), as well as another NPC from a nearby village, and started a kind of Iron-Age CSI episode ("who's afraid of the big bad wolf", taking off my sunglasses to a Who song). We set up traps, followed tracks, and generally hung out guarding the village. Almost every night the wolves would attack again, generally luring me one direction, then assaulting another. One night I sent one of my henchmen against a wolf, when two others attacked from the opposite side. The henchman disappeared.

Bit by bit we managed to kill the wolves off, though hilariously two children and a maiden had been horribly crippled in attacks and laid around the south side of the village for the rest of the game. They never got better, but I periodically brought them food ("How's it going?", "Mustn't Grumble. That's what the adults tell me", said the horribly brutalized orphan).

After it was over, I explored a little in the woods a few squares beyond the village, finding stacks of dead villager clothing (and presumably my henchman's), but no bodies.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? How do NPC's react to animals generally? I've chased reindeer into villages, but I don't think the villagers ever reacted. They definitely seemed to take on aggressive animals quite readily, though this is the only time I've seen it.

Edit: Another weird part of the story. Before the attacks I did a message quest for one of their villagers where I took a message to a vagabond village. Shortly after the attacks began. The guy who gave me the message wasn't around any more, so I assumed he had died. Later on, I found him living in the vagabond village... I highly suspect his involvement.

September 06, 2017, 07:45:53 AM
Re: Culture Poll Sart if I'm feeling farmy, Kaumo if I'm feeling more like murdering njerps hunting. Both are fairly centrally located, so I can head for almost any culture I feel like when it's time to exterminate njerps explore. Usually do kaumo tho, their skill negs are less annoying.
September 06, 2017, 09:54:26 PM
Re: Wild Animals in Villages
i'm pretty sure there are werewolves lurking about. twice i've gone to intercept a vagabond on the morld map, and zoomed in to wolf tracks and no sign of humans... and a strange adventurer was hanging around when wolves attacked my homestead. it's the only explanation!

Werewolves makes a lot of sense! That hadn't occurred to me. The message quests always feel very nefarious but I never know what, if any, outcome happens. It makes me wonder if you could strategically direct bears towards villages... maybe there's some arcane secret ritual I haven't discovered yet where you could summon one. That'd be pleasant.

September 07, 2017, 03:04:05 AM
Orja Reemailainen Part 1: The Story Begins...
I try not to remember much from my time as a child, but some memories won't go away; a smiling woman with long golden braid who would comb my hair with her precious bronze comb decorated with a running horse; a huge man with scarred hands and a booming laugh who would throw me into the air and catch me as I laughed; brothers who would bring a brace of grouse or string of fish back for dinners; a large milk cow in the yard.  I mostly remember light, warmth, and love.  Then the demon raiders from the east came at night with fire and iron.  Isa yelled for me to get help from a near village, but I didn't even make it to the trees before they caught me.  Terror and my burning house... that is all I allow myself to remember of that night... my family... gone.  Even now, I am consumed by loss and rage as I think of what was taken from me...

As the sun rose the next morning, I was put on a raft and taken far away from all I knew.  I was made a slave to those demon raiders, the Njerpez.  I secretly took care of my ways, vowing to avenge my family's spirits.  One day, I saw a warrior's wife using my mother's bronze comb and I flew into a rage.  I was punished, but I knew who had destroyed my life.  I slowly learned the names of those raiders who killed my family, and they became my list... Kaipia, Ruuri, Kalevi, Kaipia, Hirvo, and Rautia.  I learned, watched, and grew large, like my father.  I banked my fury and nurtured my hate for these men as I slaved for these Njerpez.

One evening, these 6 were boasting to some of the younger warriors about a raid a few years ago into the Reemi.  They boasted of their power as they described sneaking through the forest up to my home.  Rautia laughed as he showed my mother's prized bronze comb and pointed toward me as I tended the evening fire as a sample of the wealth they took by their might.  The young warriors lusted the glory and wealth and they began that night to return to the Reemi for another raid.  I convinced Kaipia I would be a help to locate the villages that surrounded my family's homestead, and the fool agreed.  I was the only slave taken to care for a raiding party of 10. 

Once we landed the rafts on the shore, the raiders crept through the forest back to my homestead's clearing.  They repaired 2 of the cabins that were partially standing and started to prepare for their raids into the nearby villages.  As they were checking their gear, I realized I was alone in the middle of the camp and took my chance as I ran...

September 07, 2017, 08:50:34 PM
Re: Orja Reemailainen Some of the slower warriors held bows as they chased me.  I knew I would be killed if they could hit me, so I tried to keep other raiders in-between them and me as I ran.  Eventually, I stumbled through a grove and into a field planted with barley and peas.  By this time, only 4 breathless raiders had kept up with me.  I slowed my flight but had to stay far enough away that they wouldn't try to shoot me with their arrows.  I led them right into a Reemi village that rallied to my defense and killed the filthy Njerpez.  Unfortunately, a village sage was killed in the fight, but my revenge was started...

I sorted through the Raider's weapons and gear to find a scimitar and roundshield.  Leaving all their heavy armor, I crept back through the field, grove, and hid in a spruce mire next to the Njerpez camp.  When I saw Kaipia the idiot through the trees, I threw a rock at him and ran back through the forest.  Rather than call the rest of the raiders, Kaipia followed me alone into the forest.  He chased me through the trees and grove until he was breathless.  I then hid and crept until I was behind him and killed him with a blow to the back of the head...

He died loudly and I could hear the rest of the party crashing through the trees to find me.  I hid a short space away when they found his body.  I then followed them through the forest and drew them into another chase.  One-by-one, I wore them down until they were breathless and killed them.  Thankfully, Rautia was the last Njerpez left.  He saw my sword dripping with blood and he tried to run away like the coward he was.  I ran the weakling down and killed him with a slash to the back of his head...

As I ate and recovered from the fight, I gathered their equipment into the cabin that was my home.  As I sorted through their things, I saw my mother's comb and cried bitter tears...

Rautia must have brought the comb with him in his pride.  This comb is my most prized possession and I will always carry it as a talisman as I seek vengeance.  I believe my family's spirits were sending me a message.  I thought killing these demon raiders would ease my pain and satisfy my revenge.  But I was wrong.  I am still hollow with my grief and loss.  I cannot stay in the shell of my family's homestead.  The memories won't let me sleep in peace.  So I have moved into one of the cabins in the nearby village.  I will try to repay them for their sage's sacrifice for me.  Then the Njerpez will pay for all the wrongs they have done to me.  I will eradicate them, root and branch, so no other innocent children are taken into slavery. 

September 07, 2017, 09:24:45 PM
Re: Feed the Njerpez Foundation needs your donations! Just look at little Igor. He's only had 3 elk cuts in the last week. And you can help him for the price of only one squirrel hide a day.

September 08, 2017, 03:12:31 AM
Lazy bull Just wanted to share a funny moment. I'm dragging my bull around packed with trading goods, from town to town, looking for useful masterwork items. I start the day early, and apparently, my bull was not ready for adventure in the early morning. I literally am dragging a sleeping bull in a leather rope   ;D

September 09, 2017, 06:38:32 PM
Re: Mik None of Mik's wounds were deep or serious and so he's feeling better each day.
He has finished building the kota and is crafting items & practicing his weapon skills.

In the meantime, let me share Mik's world in pictures.

September 09, 2017, 11:47:43 PM