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Re: HOW TO CREATE BUILDINGS? Not supported at this time, unfortunately.

As you said only replacement of vanilla graphics.
"World Tiles" are defined internally in the game. This prevents them from being pushed/pulled/moved, as well as path blocking or other properties.

 It is possible to place "world tiles" with some additions to biy file, ie: placing a water tile.

July 03, 2018, 10:09:43 PM
Re: Forum crash a bot had posted to all accessible sub forums sometime yesterday before it crashed.
I had replied to one question, the question came back. The reply was lost.
The spam titles were all in foreign language.

Just fyi

July 13, 2018, 07:39:29 PM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles May sound simple but the first thing I'd suggest is a reboot if you are running windows.

This message should only be generated when trying to build on an occupied tile; ie; stuff on the floor, another item built there (fence), a harvestable plant growing there etc.

If you restart your OS and it still does this, something else is going on and a deeper look will help.
This is the first time I've heard this reported.

July 21, 2018, 08:53:18 PM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles Do you get the same message from other building menu items?

You can zip the save folder and put it here if you want, I'll take a look

July 21, 2018, 09:41:02 PM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles OK, got it, the reason you can't build there is your character is standing on a big sheet of ice.
Moved to one of the rock areas and build works fine.
 You can't build on water covered by ice

July 21, 2018, 11:15:09 PM
Re: Question about the Shaman Mod The change you made is what worked for me.
The problem is that over the last couple versions of UnrealWorld these descriptors have become more detailed.

What used to be a "Dead reindeer carcass"
Has become much more difficult to pattern match. Good pattern matching makes mods less exploitable or buggy.
In this case you may need to go to something less specific like
{* carcass *}
to allow any items with carcass in the text to be used.

July 22, 2018, 11:21:44 PM
Re: this game in unplayable and i'm triggered I'd suggest that you take a breath,
There is a setting in the urw.ini file to change movement to something more conventional for you.

Wherever you got this ""The best way to hunt on your own is endurance hunting." Is pretty much bs imo.
Fishing is the method most use early in game to subsist until more reliable methods are implemented like traps or farms etc.

I did a tutorial for a couple versions back, When Steam version was released. I tried to impart knowledge for "new" players


July 30, 2018, 10:01:17 PM
Re: Salt and functionality I see the problem,
Salt exists in the game.
You need to move your salt production to the (M)ake menus to produce salt.
Making salt in the cooking menu has the game thinking it's making an item named salt.
Cooking function combines the nutrients (values) of the items that are inputted to make one food item.ere

Hope this helps you get where you're going.

August 03, 2018, 07:10:07 PM
Re: Food quality?
Sorry if my information was wrong, I will follow up

Hey Privateer. Did you ever find a solution to this problem?

Sorry I've not thought about it in some time. I can't think of a practical way to accomplish it.

August 07, 2018, 03:12:18 AM
Re: The winter bug (No priority) Though rare, or at least rare that it's caught on camera, water birds do get stuck/frozen into ice some times.
I've seen it happen to geese.

Goose frozen to ice on Smith Lake in Wash Park rescued by Denver Fire Department

August 11, 2018, 04:32:47 AM