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Messages - Saiko Kila

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Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: The Snakes of Winter!
« on: March 29, 2019, 04:40:31 PM »
Snakes are rare to me (and I seek them out, because they are the best way to train Dodge), but it always make me smile when I meet them during winter. Most of snakes I meet during winter, which may or may not be a coincidence.

Suggestions / Re: Fix Robbers
« on: March 29, 2019, 04:36:43 PM »
Perhaps the problem is with plucky robbers who, for some reason, fight to the death rather than run when they're losing?

Recently I had a fight with robbers, where one of them actually started running away. I was afraid he would flee, and leave me only with his three companions to loot! But after I shot a few arrows in his direction, he came to his senses and returned to die like a (stupid) man.

EDIT: Oh, and regarding the original issue, it is indeed a problem, and very unfair behaviour. When you fight a Njerp or a bear, and have a couple of animals, when you get unconscious it's not a big deal - you regain consciousness and continue the fight, or more often see the enemies fleeing or dead (if killed by dogs or bled to death). This happened to my current character many times. But losing consciousness from fight with bandits makes the whole encounter lost instantly. This is not only completely different than other encounters (for no realistic reason), it also penalises characters with low Endurance, who are more likely to lose consciousness, though it happens even if they have END=18.

General Discussion / Re: Watchdogs just watched...
« on: March 29, 2019, 04:07:25 PM »
Dogs apparently attack only entities which are "aggressive", and additionally check whether they are allies (neutral) or enemies. Many animals don't enter aggressive mode, when stalking or even during fight (when they try to flee or chose not to attack). Dogs may bark in alarm over predators (like wolves, lynxes, ravens or goshawks for example), but if the animals are non aggressive they are not attacked. If you fight a squirrel, even if it's crawling on the ground, the dogs won't touch it because it's not fighting back.

I think that lynxes and others exploit this code of conduct of dogs.

General Discussion / Re: What your heaviest kill so far ?
« on: March 25, 2019, 07:09:04 PM »
I whack animals with the shaft of my javelin (or northern spear if it's winter and I'm not dealing with a trapped animal), constantly aiming for the head. It takes quite some time to whack an unconscious elk on the head before it finally dies, so it provides a fair bit of training, and it seems that melee aimed hits against unconscious targets never miss. That obviously isn't the case when defending against an aggressive predator (or human), where I want the period of danger to be as short as possible. Once I reach 100% in Spear (which will take a long time) I'll switch to another weapon type for "training" combat.

Heh, my guy has 96 in Spear (in his 4th year), and the fight still can take much time. As for elks, it usually takes 1-4 hit for unconscious to die when whacked with the blunt end, in my case, though I must say that it is mostly because while it can't miss apparently, it can hit another part, like foreleg. But knife, with pointy aspect takes at most 4 hit too, so I sometimes prefer it against animal.

Most armour, and animals pelts, are really weak against point damage, while they excel against edge (metal) or blunt (pelt). This is why finishing hits with a knife are devastating, I think. My char has about 75 skill in knife, all of this only thanks to finishers and training by wounded adventurers (who can train in different skills, by knife is probably most often chosen).

Another weapon I sometimes use for training on trapped elks and other big animals is shields (blunt damage). My cow carries 25 shields, I pick it up (which prevents moving, due to weight) and throw at the elk. This sometimes raises Shield skill. It also kills the elk eventually, sometimes before all 25 shields are thrown, and leaves corpse in fair condition.

I generally engage robbers and Njerps with the bow, although robber quests involves dealing with hirelings and trying to keep them alive in the mess that's called battle, so it often starts with a kill of one robber with the bow, followed by a frantic attempt to engage the buggers with the spear, as it tends to be hard to get clear shots (and I make very sure no hirelings have any missile weapons).

It may well be that the small knife preference is indeed a mod one.

You know, I remember the robber quest from some previous version, but haven't encountered one yet with the current character. Don't know what are conditions for it to trigger. I pursue robbers on my own, because I feel the are the only challenge left at this stage. Last in-game month I went for a short trip, which lasted about sixteen days, and encountered FOUR bands of robbers! I wiped them all thanks to my animal shield and bow. My guy wasn't even injured... I have a favourite setup, hide behind a line of three trees (perpendicular to the line of sight to target), which prevents my animals from interfering, and shoot the bow.

Although arrows are far less deadly than javelins, they have much greater range. The bandits are able to shoot arrows being prone, which happens strangely often (even if they have 12+ arrow wounds, like happened in one last case, though unable to walk, for some reason they are still able to shoot).

I don't hire hirerlings, because they annoy me. There is a guy in one village who still demands payment for a job done three years later, even though he can barely walk from all the stuff I gave him. Can you imagine?

Ad for Njerp, I have a policy of attacking only ones which attack me (or the villagers, rare case). When they run, and most of them run, I either let them, or sometimes sneak or just walk behind for fun, leaving them breathless.

Still, the most dangerous guy I fought quite recently was a Njerp, even though it was just after killing four bandits, who didn't impress me so much. The Njerp was apparently a sword master, armed only with a single sword, and no armour except some rags (like a barbarian). He killed one of my dogs in his first move, and then was striking, blocking and countering so skilfully he damaged both my northspear and his bastard sword, and it left me exhausted. I didn't even know that my weapon can be damaged without blocking (I always dodge instead).

But overall, I consider bandits the worst threat, all other being negligible, as long as I have animals to help distract them.

General Discussion / Re: What your heaviest kill so far ?
« on: March 20, 2019, 06:13:47 PM »
Small knives are preferred for some crafting jobs, if I remember correctly. I don't carry hunting knives (as my characters are poor with knives, preferring javelin/spears and bows instead). Thus, my knives are tools, not weapons.

Maybe small knives were used for some crafting jobs in the past versions (or are still in mods), but I have checked all common crafting jobs in vanilla game, and small knife never was preferred. The only use I find for it is for bark removal - because it is indeed preferred then, and removes bark faster than other knives.

However, since bark has no quality modifiers, it only results in shortening the time by several minutes, which is not worth it in my opinion (to carry around). Also, if you drop a small knife near you favourite tree, it will be used for de-barking, which means it doesn't really need to be carried anyway.

My favourite weapons are spear/northern spear/javelin and bow, so very similar. However, I've found that the knife is the best tool to preserve hide of small animals, like hares, and it's actually also great for finishing off every animal, even elks. I use blunt aspect on body to make birds and hares unconscious, and then point aspect on head to kill them quickly, without damaging the skin too much. I always damage them if use javelins. Using point aspect on head of big, unconscious animals sometimes kills them outright too, and is less damaging than repeated blunt bashes by big spear, it seems.

So "combat" use of knife is solely for finishing animals (or robbers) off. But usually I use broad knife, even if I carry hunting one. The hunting knife is for knife stealers, so the chance of taking broad knife is smaller.

General Discussion / Re: What your heaviest kill so far ?
« on: March 19, 2019, 05:45:54 PM »
To be honest I haven't used a stone knife for butchering. I only used normal rough knives.

However, I must protest your knives quest opinion. Protest in sense I have different experiences. I checked it many times, and purposefully carried both masterwork and fine quality of knives (the same type) expecting this quest, which repeats relatively frequently. The only time they were requesting masterwork was if there was no other knife of the same type, or masterwork was actually cheaper (for example masterwork small knife, or masterwork knife, which both are cheaper than fine or standard quality of kaumo or nothern knives, not to mention skramasaksi (which I have only in fine quality). This happened at least thrice, so either this is a design choice, or possibly totally random.

Also apparently they want mostly small knife, broad knife and hunting knife, while always shunning the fisher's knife. I have even noted the last several knives they wanted:
- fine broad
- fine broad
- masterwork broad
- fine hunting
- fine small
- fine small
- fine small

I no longer carry small knives (which are mostly useless anyway) and fisher's knives (because no one wants them) but always have fine broad, fine hunting, and for some time also fine knife. Also often I do carry masterwork broad. These fine knives are especially for quest, in hope the guy will ask for them. Also my animal carries several spares of them (3-4) :) If I remember before entering the village, I pack the masterwork broad onto the animal, but often I forget, and then I'm relieved he asked for one of the "finest" instead.

So I agree with your tactics, I use the same most of the time, but sometimes I forget it. This also causes use of fine broad sometimes instead of masterwork in hideworking. I get superior furs anyway (and only fine furs with masterwork knife, too), so probably that's not so important.

General Discussion / Re: Loose treasure disappearing?
« on: March 19, 2019, 05:27:45 PM »
But the others are abstracted (a chance), or real guys, like vagabonds, who you could find and persuade to part with treasure?

I've found treasures without direction, heh, in caves (in. 3.40). Also in 3.40 the speech promising treasure was specific enough, that it was possible to find them before escorting the guy (especially if in cave), so it was kind of finding with "indirection", and I did it couple of times. But not finding treasure at all reminds me of the maintenance bug, which was clearing the treasure before it could be found. So I probably will send the save game to Sami anyway.

General Discussion / Loose treasure disappearing?
« on: March 18, 2019, 09:29:06 PM »
I had one travel quest which gave a location of treasure. Unlike other travel quests for this character the treasure was on a cliff, in a "chasm". I received rewards with this "chasm" treasure, and it was always just present in a recess in the ground in the cliff area.

However, with this particular one I just couldn't find it. There are many cliffs in the region, but I believe I checked all of them multiple times, spending like whole month nearby (and hunting seals out of boredom in meantime). I even dig a few holes in chasm-like places, but to no avail. Anyone had this happen, i.e. no treasure? There was a bug which was doing something like this, but that was for three-boulders and buried treasure. But maybe there is a random chance that I was "had", and the traveller just got a free travel service with meals at my expense...

Not bugs / Re: [not a bug] Not all animals available for sale
« on: March 18, 2019, 09:20:44 PM »
Not a bug, NPCs decide what they are willing to sell, from their currently available flock.

Moreover, in the next version villagers won't never sell all of their animals so even less availability is to be expected.

It's a common false assumption in many cases in UnReal World that we aim to make everything always available for the player character's needs. ;)

OK, but what do you say about one village I met in the current version: nine reindeers of varied quality in a pen, and NONE for sale? The villagers say that they don't have animals here, the same as in villages which really don't have animals.

General Discussion / Re: What your heaviest kill so far ?
« on: March 18, 2019, 06:28:18 PM »
Curious what you used to butcher it.
Blade quality and type can greatly affect the harvest.

Sorry, but that's not how it works, people shouldn't worry about knife when cutting meat. Grey seals always bring 25% of their mass as meat. 588 lbs carcass would thus always give 147 lbs meat cuts. Grey seals also always give 14 lbs of fat (which is 30% of their standard skin size, i.e. 4.67 lbs, though skin itself can be reduced by 10% if the carcass was in bad condition or skinning failed).

Knife quality may be relevant for skinning, though, but this is controlled by Hideworking skill anyway.

Grey and ringed seals are only animals which give such ratios (most animals give 45% in meat, and 10% of their standard skin size in fat; birds, humans and seals being main exceptions), so their return in meat may seem small, but that's normal.

On the original topic, the heaviest kill must be big bull (bovine), because it's the biggest easily available animal, the biggest I had was over 800 lbs. But out of non domestics, the last BIG ELK course task I finished with had 620 lbs. It was female by the way, because male elk starts being named "big" at 720 lbs... I had some with my current character, but haven't recorded their mass.

All my weapon are masterwork quality. That why I felt strange getting so few meat compare to elk or bear.

Don't worry, it's how seals do. They give less meat than anything, but more fat. Seal meat is also more nutritious and pricey than elk meat.

Regarding knives, my previous masterwork broad knife was "stolen" by knife collector, and it took me a year to find a replacement. Now I always carry worse knives, and have the best one stored on the pack animal, just in case. Though usually when you carry both fine and masterwork broad knives, the collectors request the fine one.

General Discussion / Re: Watchdogs just watched...
« on: March 06, 2019, 11:50:32 PM »
While I don't use a real pen, I had many encounters with lynxes (which are somewhat common in my character's life), and dogs rarely prevent them from slaughtering my pig (or other animal, but pigs are clearly preferred).

I had many instances of a lynx silently killing a pig leashed to my PC (along with three dogs and a couple of bovines) sleeping in the hills or mountains. Once a lynx stealthily entered my cave (I have forgotten to close the door when leaving) and was apparently present when I was doing leather work, and waited till night to kill a pig, which was leashed to PC.

On the other hand, I have a kind of pen - a cave chamber with small, fenced opening (the cave has three separate chambers), and lynxes while sometimes invade the area and the "human" chamber in particular, never entered this "pen", even when there were no dogs in proximity. I often leave for a month or two, and upon returning find a lynx near cave, but none dared to enter this buffet. One of my sheep was tied there three years ago and is still alive and well. But I have no pigs there, so that may be the reason.

So because of lynxes:
- I don't sleep in the mountains anymore, and if near a sea or other water I sleep in the boat (leashed animals don't drown)
- I always check my cave with a lit torch after returning from longer trips
- I always close my doors

No other predator has caused me so much trouble.

EDIT: one recent case was when I noticed a lynx in the mire. After zooming in it charged me, or rather one of my pigs (I had 3x dogs, 2x pigs, 2x bovines leashed). Before anyone could do anything it caused two bleeding injuries. After being hit in the head it retreated, and I had to treat the injuries of the pig - it is still unable to walk two days later. I used many arrows to bring that lynx down later. My dogs tried to attack, and even two of them got a bruise, but they are just no match for the speedy but sneaky lynx.

General Discussion / Re: Using fire against predators
« on: March 04, 2019, 09:22:06 AM »
Bears, at least nowadays, are not afraid of campfire at all. In fact it may attract them, because they think that either people will give them food, or that they will scare the people off and help themselves. This happens even if areas where bears are hunted (maybe because most hunters don't hunt bears anyway). But I have no idea how it could have worked in ancient Finland... Were there free buffets hikers?

Small animals used to humans are also not afraid of campfire, which suggest they are able to discern forest wildfire from campfire (like raccoons or feral dogs), though they may be afraid of people themselves (easily visible when near fire).

As for wolves, they avoid humans, so campfire may deter them, but only because they will associate it with humans. They learn quickly though, and stop being afraid if something isn't hurting them. Being near a campfire doesn't hurt, so...

Game animals may be more afraid of fire in general, but I still think it would be more thanks to association with human (i.e. predator) than with small fire. They do run away from big forest fire, actually from smoke even, but this is also dangerous for players in the game.

Suggestions / Text filter for lists
« on: February 27, 2019, 05:58:16 PM »
A simple suggestion: string filter for lists. Currently lists have a filter (invoked by Tab or "dot" for example) which display only items of specified type or all items. I suggest to add a typeable string filter option, where upon choosing and entering a string only items containing the string would be shown. This could be invoked in inventory, drop, and pickup menus.

For example, after typing "kni" only items containing word "knife" or "knives" would be shown, and with "fine" only fine items. This would be especially useful for lists of clothes and armour (to find a particular item of clothing in the best state) or in cellars (to find spoiled food or roots for example), because heaps of such items can create very long lists, and omitting an item is easy.

I also suggest use either an asterisk key or slash key for quick invoking this option, just like plus is used to select all or minus is used to deselect all.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Boar is named "board" when owned
« on: February 21, 2019, 06:34:41 PM »
I've sent a file regarding the "board". As for the names it's not that important, just a possible crash. I use strange characters for strange animals sometimes, to differentiate them a bit, but don't have to use this particular char.

Suggestions / Re: Super Mario...
« on: February 20, 2019, 10:48:30 AM »
Elks (which are usually known as "moose" by United Statesians or Canadians) are the biggest deer, and can jump very well, I'd say they can clear higher fences than wolves. They can also both swim (up to 20 km) and wade, and even dive (submerge) with no problem, often eating vegetation from the lake or river bottom (they can hold breath for ~50 seconds).

They actually are capable of submerging to escape wolves, though against a single human they would prefer to just run, running faster than any hunter.

Reindeer don't frequent my country, but the photos of reindeer fences in Finland I saw suggest that 2m should be enough. As all deer then cam jump forward (though not as far as elks it seems), and of course can swim.

If I was implementing jumping, I would correlate it with size somehow, for example calf couldn't jump as far as adults. But I know that even youngest reindeer calves can outrun a human.

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