Topic: Anyone ever clear out Njerp territory?  (Read 3603 times)


« on: September 21, 2019, 09:41:07 PM »
I've cleared out 3-4 villages so far without savescumming. How far did others get?


« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2019, 11:18:29 PM »
About a quarter of the Njerp territory before bad luck and some questionable player decisions led to the inevitable end.


« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2019, 05:18:40 PM »
I've only managed clearing out about half the Njerp territory before I have so much wealth that it's no longer worth it to me to keep playing the character. Mostly, I'd live off the spoils while my wounds healed and then whittle another settlement down until it was manageable to go in and clear those remaining in one fell swoop since I could never persuade a companion (other than my livestock and dogs) to accompany me when I really needed them. With my last attempt at this, I was razing villages and using the building materials to set up my own city that was centrally located.

This time around, I'm just playing a farmer/fisherman/gatherer and dealing with wandering warriors as they turn up. It's actually more fun this way since I have to plan ahead and get by on the meager resources at hand. I think my little dog might be getting tired of eating lake-reed flatbread, though. He doesn't complain, but there's a certain look in his eye.  :D


« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2019, 11:26:57 PM »
This time around, I'm just playing a farmer/fisherman/gatherer and dealing with wandering warriors as they turn up. It's actually more fun this way since I have to plan ahead and get by on the meager resources at hand. I think my little dog might be getting tired of eating lake-reed flatbread, though. He doesn't complain, but there's a certain look in his eye.  :D

I've also found that in homesteading I tend not need weight to carry or lower penalties so some of the Nerj encounters are actually more concerning. Normally I can dash off to home to battle equip. Some players keep their gear on all the time though for realism its not so easy to sleep in armor. I've napped in my SCA medieval steel battle armor, without the helm on, and while okay-ish for a nap its wierd and pinchy when you are horizontal not vertical for so long.

