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Messages - PALU

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The failure to add pit traps due to it being marshy is not a great setback: just use bear traps instead. I haven't seen any difference in how they operate from a practical point of view anyway.

When it comes to burning for fields, I make mine 9*9 (you can harvest 3 lines by walking along the middle one, so that makes three sweeps at harvest time), and I place branches on every tile in every second tile (usually prepared during winter, at which times the trees are removed as well). I then set fire to all branch piles in a line, and by the time the last one is lit the first one has usually expired, so I go back and prepare the soil. I then do the same for the second line of branches (on the third line), and by that time it's usually time to call it a day. Once all the lines have been taken care of, I place branches on the unprepared lines and repeat the process. By not burning more than I can process in a day (or the next one, if I'm unlucky with the RNG so preparation takes unusually long), I make sure I don't waste burned tiles due to interruptions such as having caught an elk in a trap (which takes about two days to take care of).

I don't know the answer, but a possibility is that there is frost in the ground, and I think you can't prepare the ground until the frost is gone. The way I know how to check that is to start to dig a hole. If the game tells you the ground is frosty and it's going to take a long time, don't proceed. If the game doesn't ask you, abort the digging (unless you actually wanted a hole there), and start your fertilizing fires.

Also, using firewood is gross overkill. 3 branches is enough, and is MUCH more easily acquired.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Computer Crash
« on: September 30, 2017, 12:51:14 PM »
Ninja? Card info? Are you sure you're posting in the forum for the right game?

As far as I know, UrW can be gotten either from Steam, which should support installation on a new computer, or via a download from the development home page (optionally associated with a donation). I'm not aware of any card information in those processes (unless you've created a new Steam account, in which case the answer is yes; things licensed on one account has no bearing on other accounts).

Gameplay questions / Re: What decides which animal I buy
« on: September 30, 2017, 12:38:31 PM »
The next release out to be out "any day now", given that Sami's update in the beginning of August said he had intended to make a release before going on an August vacation for most of August, but didn't get it finished in time. I assume the reason it's not already out is that he decided to continue to fix bugs and add minor things to it for a while longer rather than rush it out (maybe as a result of thoughts during the vacation).
He's been active fixing bugs at the least (as can be seen by comments in the bug sub forum).

Sami has posted a new development note, which is a much better indication of where things stand than my guesses above...

Regarding a "stable":
I build my stables as windowless (so you don't see them moving while crafting, which can decrease the FPS consideraby otherwise) buildings with a 3*3 interior size area to house a cow and a sheep (for mod wool), and I think a floor/ceiling is a good idea as animals don't leave tracks on floors, so the animals will not contribute to "item" clutter. Outside the door I build an "airlock" of a fence on each side of the door and a door (flanked by fences) outside of that so I can open one door, go through, close it, and then open the next one without the animals escaping. In the cases where animals get to share the space with the stable door I can just open it again, push them inside, and close the door, without risking their escape. The only trouble I've had is with companions who apparently have poles sticking out of their arses, as they keep opening doors without closing them afterwards, thus releasing the animals.

Gameplay questions / Re: Witnesses/aggression?
« on: September 30, 2017, 12:06:41 PM »
Regarding the "hostile spirits":
Spoiler: show
Any road tile will do, unless there is some additional effect I'm unaware of in villages. I'm not sure you actually anger the spirits, though. My interpretation is rather that it's a place with unruly spirits causing a local effect, rather than a reputation loss one.

Gameplay questions / Re: NPCs Felling Trees
« on: September 30, 2017, 12:02:24 PM »
"My" vagabonds are usually vagabond woodsmen, hunters,  or adventurers, not villagers. In most cases they're milling around my homestead, as that's the most likely spot for my character to see them, and my homesteads are located just outside if a cultures territory. It ought to be possible for a culture associated adventurer in the wild to do it too, but I don't think I've encountered many of those. I've never seen traders cutting trees, though (which should not be interpreted to mean I doubt that has been observed).

I do my hunting where I encounter the prey, but it has usually been in forests, and only rarely on open ground. As far as the forest isn't spruce infested I find it works OK, though.

Not yet. They won't breed in the next update either, but cows give milk except during the winter.

I generally skin and butcher animals where I kill them, and then use my character and my dog to haul the results back. However, it may take two or up to four trips (my last character was very small, with a very limited carrying capacity).
I tend not to hunt too far away, though.

As far as I've found, processed meat (cooked/dried/smoked) cannot be used as bait. You can feed it to dogs as long as it's not spoiled, though.
Spoiled raw meat is a very poor bait, but may work (scavengers ear spoiled meat left on the ground, but the "fishiness" factor of traps may repel stronger than the rather weak attraction factor of spoiled meat. Fresh meet is good for carnivores, though, and fresh fish work with bears (berries SHOULD work with bears as well, but I haven't tried that).

If you don't have turnips you can buy them from settlements, but that may be against your game principles.

Non carnivorous birds are quite attracted to berries, and hares go for turnips and various other kinds of roots.

With a trap fence you don't really need bait, although it probably helps. Personally I make a trap fence around a single tile lake and have 3 traps on each side (pit traps without stakes or bear traps).

Cows ought to be available from the same kind of villages as pigs and sheep, I think. Driik territory is the goto place for anything that's not culture specific, but cows are by no means restricted to the Driik. Reindeer herders tend not to have any animals apart from reindeer and dogs, though.

I've stopped sending my precious dogs after animals after losing one to a reindeer. Instead, I endurance hunt them by walking after them, following their tracks until they're exhausted. I sometimes lose them, especially if they get into an area with other tracks (including a lot of its own older tracks). Chasing them into a bend of a river or lake can be very effective, though, as you can often walk back and forth to get the panicked animal run itself into exhaustion as it runs back and forth.

You can get farming going from 0%. The first year you may not get much more than your seeds back for low yield plants, but turnips will still provide a surplus, and cereals work as well. This is, of course, provided you don't get large parts of your harvest eaten by animals...
The second year ought to give you a reasonable harvest. However, all of this is dependent on how much you plant. Preparing soil occasionally improves the skill, but very occasionally, while planting is fairly effective.  There are more and less exploity tricks to speed the rate at which the agriculture improves...

Gameplay questions / Re: NPCs Felling Trees
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:01:48 AM »
The characters most commonly felling trees are vagabonds in my experience. I've had vagabonds who'd been around my character's homestead (including on it) felling trees by the hundreds (at least if you combine them). In one case I had a particularly stupid one who was felling trees on my property and cut down trees that formed part of my trap array, and after cutting down the trees on each side of a pit trap the bugger stepped into the pit and broke his leg. It took him about two months to recover, and all the while he insisted he was fine...

As to why they fell trees? Have axe...fell tree? I guess it's an attempt at some active character behavior.

Gameplay questions / Re: "Hear a thud"
« on: September 26, 2017, 10:01:04 PM »
It's true traps can generate thuds as well (I'd forgotten about that), although I've never heard it from snares, only lever traps, and I don't think it's birds only (but I can't swear about that). I think the thud in that case is the weight dropping.

Neither a fence nor traps keep robbers or Njerps out (I've had robbers climb fences after first wading through freezingly cold water to bypass the pit traps by the landward fence, and I've had a Njerp systematically disable bear traps (probably a couple of dozen) in a supposedly protective trap line). Annoyingly, the Njerp passed by my stealthed character just a few tiles away without either the trap reset work being interrupted or the dog raising the alarm, presumably because he wasn't actively hostile since he didn't see my character.

Gameplay questions / Re: "Hear a thud"
« on: September 26, 2017, 06:32:41 PM »
I believe most of the time it's caused by birds of prey attacking animals (possibly birds exclusively: I'm not sure). I don't know if it can happen due to other predator attacks.

I'm fairly sure Njerps don't go thud in the night, but I have caught them felling trees (in one case I believe he used an axe stolen from my homestead...).

Gameplay questions / Re: Witnesses/aggression?
« on: September 26, 2017, 12:40:31 PM »
And I would assume bandits don't count as well.

Gameplay questions / Re: Help with bird thief quest
« on: September 25, 2017, 08:33:18 PM »
It's taken a fair bit of time for me every time, so after a few days I had my character repeat the ritual (at that time the feather wasn't consumed, and I think it still isn't yet, and there are several feathers anyway).
However, I think there is no difference in the dialog if you screw it up (I believe I threw the feather into the fire at one attempt), although it MIGHT of course be that the first attempt actually worked.

The thieves have always been from nearby villages in my cases, so it's not a as if they need to set out on a week long trek to confess. Walking the distance and back again would take less that a couple of hours.

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