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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I got into a scuffle with a bunch of pigs out in a bog, all while I had a boat strapped to my back. I don't know why but I found it really funny.

I was on my way to a distant village to see their sage, and the best way to get there is to carry my raft across a wide open bog to a lake, paddle across the lake and then up a river. Well on my way across the mire, I ran into a herd of wild pigs. Seeing an opportunity, I tossed some javelins into the herd, lightly wounding one of them. I spent the next several minutes chasing pigs all over the swampy morass, eventually wounding another one and separating it from the rest of the herd.

I was still carrying the heavy raft during all of this, since I didn't want to drop it and forget where I left it during the chase. My character was tired, and I was trying to line up a killing throw against that isolated, wounded pig. Right at the exact instant I was ready to throw, I took a heavy blow from behind me. It made me jump in my chair. One of the other pigs had separated from the herd, charged me and rammed itself right into my backside! I didn't even know they could do that (I'm still fairly new to this game). It knocked the javelin right out of my hands. It kept attacking me as I frantically pulled out my spear, and it caused a pretty serious injury to my arm along with some minor ones. For a minute I thought I was gonna get torn apart by pigs, but I managed to stab it and it took off running.

I turned around and continued the chase against the other wounded pig, and even though I was injured and over-encumbered, I managed to keep up with it until it had exhausted itself, then finished it off. The mental image I had of my big burly Kaumo guy chasing and getting knocked around by pigs while running through a bog with a boat strapped to his back made me laugh.

October 17, 2017, 06:42:51 AM
Re: How to hunt seals? I know that if they bleed out underwater, you can find their corpse floating not too far away.

I killed a seal by hitting it with a broadhead arrow from a treeline while it was sunning itself on a little rocky outcrop offshore. It dove into the water, and I went back to camp to get my raft. When I got back, I searched the waters and found its corpse floating maybe a hundred meters or so to the north. That's the only seal I've ever killed though.

October 17, 2017, 07:06:26 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Just a quick note which hopefully doesn't get things sidetracked;
I absolutely love this thread.  It's so great this was started, and that people joined in.

Oh I would love to have some of these verses to be composed into proper songs. Any composers/musicians/singers around who'd need a new project... :)

October 22, 2017, 09:58:18 AM
Re: Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command @makute :
You've been already asked about this, but can't resist: with the new cubs and baby animals, how far is animal husbandry? And more important, human husbandry


@codyo :
From all the times I've asked, "human husbandry" is remaining a very low priority (despite how badly I want it too). So that feature will be a long ways off.

How far it is depends on the level of desired detail. Having domestic animals give birth and their young ones to grow isn't that tricky to do anymore now that we've got it for wild animals. However, with the many player tactics of hoarding dozens of animals huge farms would soon arise. Characters who would live a full year could sit still and be secured with all of their easily "re-generating" animals. I'd like to make having domestic animals far more laborous than it currently is, having to feed them, having them to get sick every now and them - sometimes lethally, not being able to drag a pack of cows with you across the whole map everytime you want, and so on. This sort of improvements feel more important than a sloppy and quick animal husbandry. But it's coming up eventually, we're now more certain of it than ever before ;)

@caius :
Did this comment contribute to this addition?  ;)

With all the stuff bubbling around it's hard to say what contributes to which  ::) but making dogs less of a war dogs has been on my mind for a loooong time.

@Mati256 :

but now a way to treat wounded dogs feels more important than ever... and if you can heal dogs, why not companions too?

Mmm..that is a long awaited functionality but like said many times before it's made so that dogs (and all the pets) usually heal faster on their own than what would happen if low or mediocre physician skills were applied. So these pet healing thingies currently play for character's advantage in a sense.

October 22, 2017, 11:00:14 AM
Re: Orja Reemailainen Part 3: Early Winter Raids...
I'm almost recovered from my latest wounds while writing this in late Center month.  Snows are piled around my cabin and I can hear my animals crying out in the cold.  The immensity of my task has settled firmly on me and my revenge on the Njerpezti is now daunting. 

I've now killed the filthy invaders in five villages.  My pattern is the same.  I layer on all the armor I can and still move, sneak near their village around midnight, run into one of their cabins, and then hold them off one or two at a time until the Njerpezti are crawling over their own dead to get to me.  I know they will hit me, I can't help that despite my skill and best efforts, but my layers of armor and clothes have so far kept me from dying.  Once I have killed everyone in a village, I bind my wounds and sort through all their goods and materials.  I even have started carrying extra rope to leash their animals.  I keep all their weapons, food, clothing, furs, tools, and anything of use or value.  I load it all onto my animals, and any animals I have taken in the raid, and carry back to my fortified settlement along the southern coast.  I also render their worn and rough clothing into bandages and cords for my own use.  So far, I have taken years worth of vegetables (>1000 turnips, >160 lb beans, >30 lb peas), seeds (>400 lb hemp, >50 lb turnip), and grains (>450 lb rye, >390 lb barley), sheep, cows, and a bull.  I have piles of weapons, tools, and armor.  But I have so many more villages to wipe from the map...

... and one of these raids almost ended me.  As I was scouting a village, a Njerpez warrior chased me into an adjacent spruce mire.  I killed him and the rest of the village swarmed me.  I fought a retreat with the pack of rabid villagers into a thicket with only 2 entrances. 

My panic subsided until the 2 Njerpezti I was fighting wounded my right hand and arm with several cuts and a puncture until I couldn't hold a shield or two-handed weapon.  I was reduced to fighting left-handed with my handaxe as my wounds, encumbrance, and fatigue made it almost impossible for me to continue fighting. 

I finally hacked the unconscious maiden's neck until she stopped breathing and tried to catch my breath for the next opponent.  I waited until no one else came and then crept out through the trees.  Apparently, the entire village had come into the spruce mire after me, leaving fires burning and doors open, but I was the only one to make it out.  I stumbled into their abandoned village, tended my wounds, and went back to gather their clothes, armor, weapons, and tools.  Over the next days, I recovered in their village and realized how close I had come to dying in my quest for vengeance.  I even gathered their bodies into an abandoned cabin before I packed everything onto my animals and left that cursed place for good. 

I scouted the Njerpez lands and realize I have 27 more villages to cleanse.  I don't know how I can make it though this trial.  But at night, I still hear my dead mother's voice crying for vengeance.  I'm now spend my time bundled up as the temperature plummets and the snows mount.  I work until I drop from exhaustion to avoid sleeping.  But all my wounds have healed, all my chores are done, and I am staring at the walls in loneliness.  At the start of the snows, a band of traders came to my settlement and I traded for a beautifully crafted battleaxe.  It was so pleasant to speak with another human, but they left without a goodbye the next morning.  I dread to use that axe, but I have it packed and I am prepared.  I leave in the morning.  I might not return.  If I don't and you find this record, please take my mother's bronze horse comb and cast it into the mire.  I am leaving the comb in this cabin rather than carry it with me as I have until now.  I hope she can find rest. 

October 27, 2017, 08:56:15 PM
"Spirit of the forest, I presume" Now that sort of a phrase may actually slip from your lips in the next version of the game as the Spirit of the Forest gets added to our small cast of otherworldly creatures.
Reworked spells and many kind of spirit world additions has a major part in the galore of upcoming features, and manifestation and actual appearance of spirit of the forest is now featured and off my to-do list. Implementing a related quest (or two) is still required, but step by step the planned spirit world additions do gets wrapped up.

As a necessary spin-off feature we also had to expand possible sacrifices to include not only foodstuff, but also valuables. See, offering silver has been traditionally very much linked to pleasing the certain spirits. And as the spells in the game now are actual collected old spells we had to add silver sacrifices if we wanted to add proper spells for "summoning" the spirit of the forest. (You may want to see post about the used "spellbooks" at old forums).

You know, with this version it feels like our to-do things are proceeding really slow compared to the amount of work and energy put in. Seems like we're dealing with complex entities rather than simple isolated features. But there's the spirit of the forest now. He brought in so much more code and features than first assumed, but it all just had to be done.

Let's not spoil too much about what the spirit of the forest can actually do for you, but we know he's an important spirit, watching over the forest and the animals. According to the folklore the spirit of the forest may sometimes tell you where the game is, if he's pleased with you. That, at least, is an actual feature now. And as a tidbit of our desired in-game perfection I gotta mention that these spirits often concentrate on only culturally important animals. Thus, the spirit of the forest can prioritize his observations differently for members of northern tribes than those of the western tribes.
But now look at this fellow of one of the eastern tribes...
He must have something right to hear this from..well...from the spirit of the forest, I presume.

November 04, 2017, 05:28:15 PM
Re: Linux: Arch, Debian (sid) - URW 3.40 - stop working after system update Update: Just updated libsdl packages with new version/patch in Debian Sid.

The issue discussed is no longer happening. Game works with sound once again.

November 12, 2017, 02:37:51 PM
Plankwood wall When you have a lot of animals, milking is a nightmare as they all run every which way and you're lefting figuring which you have and haven't milked yet.  You can fence them into individual enclosures outside, but if you have a barn you have no way of separating them into stalls.  It would be nice to be able to create internal plank walls which don't remove floor and ceiling.  It would also be helpful just for the sake of aesthetics to be able to create rooms in cabins without having to make internal walls huge, load-bearing log walls.

(And just incidentally, why the hell do animals in barns make a bee-line straight for any door you open and head for the hills?  Having to create an "airlock" at every door isn't very realistic.)

November 14, 2017, 07:03:16 AM
Re: "Spirit of the forest, I presume"
Are these new functions going to take the ritual skill into account? Just want to know for my future characters, cause I always try to get along with the spirits, but at the current time am able to do so without any skill at ritual.

No, they won't. Ritual skill hasn't basically ever been properly functional, and for the next version it is likely to be removed since we can't find a good use for it anyway.
Like currently also in the next version the relationship with the spirits is kept up with character actions.

November 20, 2017, 12:38:14 PM
Nominate UrW for Steam "Labor of Love" Award Sami and Erkka have kept this game evolving since 1992, which is likely longer than many of its players have been alive.

Let's give them some recognition and much deserved exposure by nominating them for the "Labor of Love" award on Steam now.

November 22, 2017, 11:41:46 PM