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Bug reports / Re: teleported to field
« Last post by Sami on Today at 12:42:55 PM »
Hmm. So it's a crash related teleport. At first I'd thought the crash was a result of some overflow, which then corrupted the character coordinates as well.
In cases like this is always best to .zip up the character folder after the incident, so that it can be checked out.
Now I don't know how long you've played after this incident, but in any case if your character happens to be nearby the said village could you .zip up the folder an e-mail it over to me?

I have been "playing" that game for over 20 years. Actually, it's a tutorial, not a game, because in the game you have to get some kind of win, etc.

:D Actually, and really, of course it is a game.
Game, be it electronic or physical, is often defined as an activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment. Winning is optional in many games. And well, a computer game is then a game played using a computer.
Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by Sami on Today at 12:23:30 PM »
I meant this descriptive text at the bottom of the aspect and aiming zone selection dialog.
It should appear always when trying to hit an unconscious creature.

But it's my bad of not noticing from the messages the skull zone being selected, which confirms it's properly gone through "deathblow at unconscious" selections and that the hare was considered unconscious by the game. So I'll be checking out the code, and trying to reproduce. The most plausible explanation in my head still is the some messages missing for a reason or another, but we'll be hopefully wiser in a while.
Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« Last post by PALU on Today at 08:44:22 AM »
I've had robbers not take low value low quality items. Like Plotinus, I gear up in a beggar outfit (low quality clothing and weapons) when looking for robbers, so I'm not losing anything important if they do take something.

In my remote island starts I've managed to train up swimming to 100 (or very close to it) and do island hopping swimming until I've reached inhabited islands where you've got the resources to make a paddle (this was when it was outright impossible to make a paddle with a stone axe).
I'm not saying I haven't failed (starvation early on is a huge risk), but I've never been stuck until winter (but note that there are only a small number of days when the water is warm enough for long distance swimming). Ice during the winter wouldn't help either, because I've started far out in the archipelago where there's open water between the islands.

Also, if you do such a start, start your swimming training as early as possible, even if it means you get chilled down. You need all the training you can get so you're ready when it's warm enough.

Also note that you can swim with a small amount of clothing and carry a small amount of items without suffering a penalty.
Gameplay questions / Re: Is someone stealing my poop?
« Last post by Plotinus on Today at 06:23:29 AM »
The feces is getting absorbed into the ground and increasing the fertilisation of that bit of land. Even if you keep it in the cellar, it will happen. I'm not sure the logic of this happening in winter.

The workaround I've found is to pack it onto an animal.
Gameplay questions / Is someone stealing my poop?
« Last post by Timbit on Today at 02:16:53 AM »
Please ignore the absolute state my homestead is in.

I kept my animal droppings in the tile behind the shelter (yellow arrow), but they have disappeared several times leaving me puzzled. I am now forced to store all future feces in my food cellar :(.

Is a robber stealing my poop? Is an animal eating it? Does poo expire and despawn? 
Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« Last post by Plotinus on May 21, 2024, 08:49:25 PM »
I managed to get a paddle in the version before it was implemented that you could make boardsd with a stone axe:

On the island in the summer there are nettles growing. Harvest all of them, and plant their seeds, and process the fibers for yarn and then cord and then rope. Try to get perfect or fine yarn and mix only those into cords. If you can get a fine nettle rope, you will be able to make a fine stone axe, and with a fine stone axe, you can make boards. There won't be enough nettles in the first year for this, but by the second year, there will be, if you plant a lot of them in spring.

Also practice swimming near the shore -- if you can train up to 100 swimming then you might be able to get to land faster than the nettles plan. Figure out how many tiles you can swim by swimming along the shore of your island, it will vary depending on endurance, then zoom out and consider your options. Always stop swimming before your fatigue is equal to your swimming skill, and stay just one step away from safety while training it.

It may also happen that when winter comes, the sea ice will freeze and you'll be able to get to a bigger island, or even the mainland.
Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 21, 2024, 06:24:16 PM »
What I believe is that the robbers will take high value items. While they might not take a rough knife from you, don't think twice if they'll take your rough mail hauberk. They might let you keep your fine wooden cup.

When I suspect, or know from a quest, that there are robbers about, I go switch gear to rough/decent. When I find the robbers, I'll let them take what they will, then go raise a posse, arm up and go slaughter every single one of the robbers.
Gameplay questions / Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« Last post by Dirk382 on May 21, 2024, 05:14:21 PM »
Does anyone know if robbers etc will steal low quality items like such as: rough axe/knife, inferior board and or poor paddle.

I'm curious because several of my characters been doomed to die on islands after robber encounters because I can't make a paddle. A board or a non-primitive axe will let you make a paddle which is the thing I'm usualy missing to get off the island. I'm running version 3.52.
Modding / Re: Editing hard coded spawnrates and npc behaviours?
« Last post by Timbit on May 21, 2024, 01:09:00 AM »
I've recently fallen in love with this game, and became excited at the thought of modding animals (adding new animals, tough end-game animals, etc.)

I came across the following post, which I found helpful:

I decided to take a stab at things to see what was possible before troubling Sami. But I couldnt get a decompiler to spit out more than a morsel of code.

but every time I think I want mods, I return to the original game and lose myself in it once again :) <3
Modding / Editing hard coded spawnrates and npc behaviours?
« Last post by zombieturtle on May 20, 2024, 09:30:59 PM »
Good day. I'm hoping to get some advice from people experienced in editing hard coded parts of the game.
I was wondering how far can i go with editing things myself, here's some couple ideas i wanted to try so far.

1. edit spawn rates such as bears, robbers, njerpez and foreign traders depending on your standing with the spirits.

2. making all villagers, vagabonds and foreign traders be hostile toward you

3. crafting lure/bait such as smoky fire pit that can be seen from distance to spawn robbers or njerpez around you

4. modifying wildlife behaviours to be extremely hostile and charge you until it gets injured bad enough

5. make npc spawn with more projectile weapons, armour and higher combat skills

I'd appreciate any kind of advice. Thanks in advance
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