Topic: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ?  (Read 13544 times)


« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2018, 04:23:18 PM »
I've been thinking of multi-steps for what Erkka posted which is close to the dugout recipe in memory. As Novrus has a birch bark one I've not been too mindful of writing the code and testing it right now. Borrowing from my block tubs the concept is:

1) Start with "log" no trunk (as a building step we dont need to code)

2) Shallow log (first cuttings)

3) Deep log (second deep cutting)

4) Steam with pitch (uses pitch glue from Boudinna else "bark" as sticky sap)

If we aim for a  max work at one time as 8 (or maybe as high as 12) hours before the character collapses this lets us have perhaps 3 x 8hr work days with 24+ delay for the pitch steaming

Options to expand would include

a) Medium depth log

b) Final trimming
If I had final trimming I would set the pitch step to have a huge weight to be effectiviely unmovable (9999 lbs)

Plus you would need to make a paddle (already in game)


« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2018, 06:33:03 AM »
I've been thinking of multi-steps for what Erkka posted which is close to the dugout recipe in memory. As Novrus has a birch bark one I've not been too mindful of writing the code and testing it right now. Borrowing from my block tubs the concept is


Plus you would need to make a paddle (already in game)

Nice ideas ! I like the multiple-steps nature of the process.


« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2018, 02:59:02 AM »
Is my impression (not fact) that all the methods for a punt would take several days.

In the mod system each step can only really work a character 8-12 hours at a time, they sleep which will remove fatigue then add a possible delay

Each step though takes a line of the from the limited build menus.

I do like to 'teach' in my mods though full realism has to be balanced by game needs.

I've also been thinking that building a punt is likely a one time or a rare time things. So it could be in a game menu you put in your directory for that project and take out when doing other things. This would make the full list available.

I think the number per menu is below 26 letters as the screen/font limit cuts it off but that is vague memory and I dont recall the number. Privateer's mega menu mod probably knows.


« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2018, 05:55:31 AM »
I've drafted a massive overhaul for water craft.

Needs testing and checks before its fully ready

If you want to read more its at:

It has some ambitious efforts that aren't yet proven to work