Topic: [OUTDATED] [3.72] Community Mod BAC  (Read 45784 times)


« Reply #120 on: May 13, 2023, 11:37:43 PM »
2023-11-13 B

Made bear fur leggings with final weight of 7.4 so changed material needed to that.

Query on whether different fur types may lead to different final weights.


« Reply #121 on: May 14, 2023, 09:48:57 AM »


Backstrap for stag -> bull elk
   = Changed as the game animal is now known as "bull elk"


« Reply #122 on: May 14, 2023, 10:11:50 AM »
As the elk backstrap recipe use {*elk* carcass*} this should also catch the bull elk, this would mean the bull elk could be used to get backstrap tendons from another large animal like a bear.


« Reply #123 on: May 14, 2023, 09:30:24 PM »
As per Tinker there is now a bear backstrap recipe

Raft given 1 minute cool down to force dropping it

Freed rope from raft now detects raft on the ground and will delete it. Note that since the modding only creates one item per recipe you can't get both the rope and the trunks. The idea is that you could carry a rope from river to river to make a raft from the local trees each time. Axe + Rope + Sesta/Paddle = river crossing you can carry.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 09:34:16 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #124 on: May 14, 2023, 10:46:25 PM »
Oh if I didnt mention...

i had a duuuh moment on testing the iron helm codes to comment out the materials needed.

Ran the test and was getting the proper armor values without or with leather being consumed.


"Tufted duck iron spectacle helm" sounds pretty wierd.

It was attaching the leather qualities to the name.

Dropped the leather for now.

Though..  ??? there are name modding codes I might around with or add cords as an item. The leather or cords is for the helmet strapping and lining. Padding would be whatever else you wear on your head.


« Reply #125 on: May 15, 2023, 07:54:00 AM »

Birch-bark strips from tall roll
   = Added patch and patchwise lines. Happier cold winter production from what you gathered in warmer times.


« Reply #126 on: May 16, 2023, 03:24:25 AM »
Dug out various
   = 2023-05-15-B
   More fine tuning away from being containers. Now using base log and should show up in timbers not containers. See punt below for the issue with large containers.
   If no cool down from fire or hot glue step given 1 minute of cool down so that it is dropped not heavy object put into inventory

« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 03:44:43 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #127 on: May 16, 2023, 05:52:26 PM »

Added swirltack as a hard tack version of mixing two flours. So the dual nutrition of swirl bread with the longevity of hardtack.


« Reply #128 on: May 22, 2023, 08:54:09 PM »
for discusison:

Based on quick mention by Saami is he expected the helms to take longer to make. Currently it is set at 8 hours as in a game with eating and drinking that's about the max any one step can do.

I've been thinking about how to add time especially to the spectacle helm.

there is already iron shape which could simulate making the eyes and nose guard

There is menu space in smithing where you make the steel dome. So Im thinking of adding an "armor plate" or such. This would be different from lamellar which is lots of small plates. The armor plate would add time based on flattening the steel billet and drilling some holes for rivets.

Then the basic helmet would call on a few armor plates and nails (as rivets).

Spectacle helmet would then call on the basic helmet, more plates, nails and "iron shapes".


In real life I have made some "crude" metal armor for medieval re-enacting that I fought in. Also made a steel dome (like in BAC) for a shield boss. Starting with a circular plate the dome was pounded out in an afternoon as that's all the time I had with the guy who had the stump and clamps. Drilling holes came later (with modern electric drill thank you very much).

The BAC uses the steel dome as stair stepping to the top of the helms, elbow guards and knee guards.

My own fighting helm was made by someone else as I wanted a skilled craftsman to trust my brain too. Did need to be around the workshop for measuring and for working on my knees and elbow cups at the time.

So though I didn't make a helm I've seen some building styles like the spaganhelm. Basic is that you have a wide sheet of steel that makes a cylinder for the base, the upper half gets upright U shapes cut out, the remaining columns are bent inward to join on the dome top. Those columns are single axis bends so not very hard.

To fill in the gaps you need other tear drop plates (slightly larger than what you just cut out) that are shaped to a shallow bowl. Their sides overlap with the columns to which rivets join them. Collectively the tear drops (4 - 6) collectively make the shape of helmet.

I may look for links letter to show.

A cross bar than tear drop method at:


Any way opinions welcome.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 08:55:42 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #129 on: May 24, 2023, 03:40:19 AM »

To add more production time to the helmet under Smithing there is now "steel shape" matching the existing "iron shape". This modding technique is a generic name to use in different projects. the intention is the player has in mind what the shape is for when making it rather than just stocking "shapes"

iron helm recipe no longer uses "steel billets" but "steel shapes" for more overall production time

iron spectacle helm now uses "steel shapes" and requires an "iron helm" as a starting point. Again, overall production time for this treasured equipment going up.

Skill penalty on helm and spectcale helm made not as bad though still there. The player likely hasnt years of crafting and may still want to trade for the best in the game.


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« Reply #130 on: June 05, 2023, 08:03:46 PM »
Birchbark punt requires 3 fire wood in the recipe to keep the fire going. But they're not consumed.
3 fire wood only burn for 30min. For the 6h recipe you should really need 36 fire woods.

I also noticed the recipe to remove rope from raft seems obsolete: most rafts are built with 3 spruce withes. It's easier to leave raft behind and fell couple saplings for more withes really.

Ribbed bark hull step asks for 2+6 wooden stakes, now with fletching update in 3.80, the recipe would be better with 2 stakes + 12 wooden slats.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2023, 08:06:09 PM by JP_Finn »


« Reply #131 on: June 06, 2023, 12:17:58 AM »
Looking those over.


Birch-punk firewood is used only to keep a small fire going to heat the pitch glue to apply it. So it wouldn't be 3 woods put on all at once but added 1 at a time over the time. Query on how long one added fire wood last. Secondly the glue being sticky to seal isnt the whole 6 hours either. Its a sealing step after the tying is done. So that slow fed fire need not be burning for the whole time.

Will add that note to the explanation.



BAC raft doesn't use waithes but {Strong cordage}      =12=   

So while you might have used waithes its not the only option.

The recovered rope is an honor item meant to reflect carrying the tying resource with you to the next time you need tree trunks for a raft.


Ribbed bark hull

Good idea for the 3.80 version. This thread is still on 3.73


Speaking of which

3.80 hasn't yet been incorporated into this BAC which is still using its own arrow system.

Im estimating it won't be too hard to update BAC for 3.80 but it will take some hours of mental clarity to do it.

Likely a new forum thread will be posted for the 3.80 BAC.

3.80 will


« Reply #132 on: June 07, 2023, 06:24:46 AM »
Just starting to poke at the 3.80 files

Regarding raft construction this is 3.80 vanilla

.Raft.  [effort:3] [phys:stance,arms]   *COMMON* [assist:2]   /80/
{Tree trunk}     (3)       [remove]   
{Strong cordage}  =12=     [remove] [nominlen]
{Cutting weapon}  <Axe>

So its the same as BAC, rather BAC didnt change construction. You could use 3 x waithe which are 4 ft. When you deconstruct though there is no memory in the game of what was made to make it. Thus the need to have some form of strong cordage be the result.


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« Reply #133 on: June 07, 2023, 08:36:47 AM »
To deconstruct a raft, to make 3 trunks vanish, is more labor hours to fell 3 more trees, if ever coming back to the spot (traveling back?). Versus cutting down 2 spruce saplings to make withes to build raft at next needed crossing. (trees at 2nd site would still need to be felled/hauled the same either way)

Seems unnecessary to me to have deconstruct raft option.  ???


« Reply #134 on: June 08, 2023, 06:04:40 AM »
Actually you don't need to fell trees. You can find fallen trunks. Find 3 and use your carried rope.

You can't carry 3 trees overland on long distances but you can carry the rope.

Game only allows a recipe to output one type of item so its not possible to provide both trunks and rope. Therefore you get the rope.

This is more for low resource characters like escaped slaves. A rope from tearing up clothing lets make a raft, cross a river, and get the rope back for the next river.

