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Messages - Kels

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: March 29, 2021, 11:45:20 PM »
My main character is settled in for the winter. He has a trap line that takes much of the daylight hours to run. It typically will yield a few predator furs per week. The rest of the time is spent tanning the fur and other basic crafting.

My second character is quite a bit more adventurous. His family homestead was burned in the "not all who wander are lost" scenario and is waging war on Njerp camps. He managed to wipe out a camp several days ago and is now focused on building a cabin and preparing for further raids. Once he has enough resources, he will take the fight to the larger towns.

Suggestions / Using Fishing Skill to Find Good Fishing Spots
« on: March 29, 2021, 06:13:18 PM »
I posted this in the "visible fish" thread but @JP_Finn suggested I make a new thread.

I had an idea that may be more simple to implement than new graphics, it would work in a similar way to predicting the weather. You could "activate" your fishing skill next to a body of water and it would give you an idea of how good the fishing is in the nearby area. Not sure how large of an area exactly, maybe as small as 20x20 zoomed in squares to as large as a single zoomed out square. For example, a low skill fisherman might get "you see a few fish swimming around, this may be a good fishing spot". A high skill fisherman may get "this area looks good for casting a line to catch larger fish, but not good for setting a net". Skill would dictate how much information you can get as well as the accuracy. Obviously a low skill would be less accurate and give somewhat vague information. Perhaps under 20 or so it gives no real information and returns something like, "this spot looks as good as any to catch a fish". It may also help with judging fish behavior, such as spawning salmon not being interested in bait and must be netted or speared.

Using the skill would work in a similar way to weather or herblore and would give slight skill increases as you use it to find fishing spots. Since it uses a mechanic that already exists for weather and herblore, adding it may be somewhat easier than other options. It would also make sense logically within the game, since an expert fisher would never just cast a line or set a net, they would first find a good area. It may not assure success, but it would be better than a guess.

Gameplay questions / Re: How do I hit someone
« on: March 29, 2021, 05:15:46 PM »
I guess the takeaway is that your character is the same as any other NPC inhabiting the world. Often quite a bit worse, since you don't start with very good equipment. You have no superhuman abilities or plot armor. A shot that can insta kill an enemy can kill you too. Combat, even against a single opponent is risky unless you have pretty significant armor. Even then, they could land a lucky hit that disables you.

Warfare in the iron age was much like many people's lives, short and brutal. Your character's starting age of 16 is pretty near to middle age of the time.

Suggestions / Re: Live fish sometimes visible in nearby water
« on: March 25, 2021, 04:10:48 PM »
I had an idea that may be more simple to implement than new graphics, it would work in a similar way to predicting the weather. You would "activate" your fishing skill next to a body of water and it would give you an idea of how good the fishing is in the nearby area area. For example, a low skill fisherman might get "you see a few fish swimming around, this may be a good fishing spot". A high skill fisherman may get "this area looks good for casting a line to catch larger fish, but not good for setting a net". Skill would dictate how much information you can get as well as the accuracy. Obviously a low skill would be less accurate. Perhaps under 20 or so it gives no real information and returns something like, "this spot looks as good as any to catch a fish".

Using the skill would work in a similar way to weather or herblore and would give slight skill increases as you use it to find fishing spots. It would also make sense logically within the game, since an expert fisher would never just cast a line or set a net, they would first find a good area.

Gameplay questions / Re: Domestic animal healing when leashed in place
« on: January 24, 2021, 09:34:47 PM »
I do know that they will heal when leashed. I have 3 dogs and if one is injured I will use the others. I had two injured and they seemed to heal at about the same rate when leashed to a tree. I will try letting them loose now that I have a fully enclosed yard. Fractures seem to heal the slowest.

Gameplay questions / Re: Animal Movement Around Water
« on: January 15, 2021, 11:21:50 PM »
Thanks for the answers. So short answer is, yes they stay on the island for a while unless there's something that kills them or possible despawn, which doesn't seem to occur that quickly.

I was mainly asking so if you are on your raft, floating down the river and see a reindeer herd on an island, you can return to the island and they'll likely still be there. I saw a pack of wolves on that long island, so I put a trap fence at the narrow point in the middle. I hope they're still there and I can get a couple.

Gameplay questions / Animal Movement Around Water
« on: January 15, 2021, 04:44:14 PM »
I've got a couple of questions about animal movement on islands and peninsulas that I haven't seen answered specifically elsewhere. As far as I know, animals can't cross unfrozen water. Is there any way for them to escape an island? Also, if they're on a peninsula, can they cross very narrow strips of land? There's one that is connected by a single zoomed in square. Not even a full square, it connects at the diagonal. My companion was having trouble crossing it when zoomed in. But no issues on the zoomed out view. I'm assuming that animals travel based on the "zoomed out" map, potentially ignoring trees and other obstacles that are a factor when "zoomed in".

I do know I can cross narrow strips of land in my raft if it's close enough to another water square. Is it possible for an animal to cross water if there's land close enough? This is primarily in regards to trap fences and setting traps on an island with an animal present. I want to make sure that if I set a trap, it's likely to eventually catch the animal, rather than the animal leaving the island. Possibly also making a note of an animal spotted on an island so I can return and hunt it at a later time without concern it will be gone by the time I come back.

To sum up my questions,

- Can an animal escape an island in summer?
- Is it possible for an animal to "jump" a small body of water if there's land close enough on the other side?
- What is the smallest strip of land that can be traversed by animals?
- Is there another factor that could cause an animal to disappear from an island?


General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: January 06, 2021, 04:31:13 AM »
Sounds like you’re making do in URW @Kels.

For future nomadic drying, build a shelter, and set the meat dry on the outside of the shelter. Very quick. Also, I like to mark the F6 map with blue marker “animal X drying, 3/7th pre-summer”  the weeks count down, days count forwards.

Thanks. I thought it had to be a wooden structure. That probably would've saved some meat. Ah well, next time. Will be very helpful if I kill a couple of animals far from home in the winter.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: January 05, 2021, 08:00:40 AM »
First post. Been playing quite a bit over the Christmas break after buying it. I played the free version a while back but wanted to play again, so I bought it.

I re rolled many characters with the "there be robbers" start. I eventually succeeded in using my handaxe to sneak attack nearly all of the attackers and was rewarded with a big pile of gear.  I finally got a dog and was able to hunt two pairs of elk and calf, then later 5 reindeer in one go. I found 3-4 to be a reasonable max, even though I only lost 21 cuts of meat and two hides went "harsh". That was a tanning and meat smoking marathon for days to keep everything from spoiling. Big game hunting is the highlight so far. The payoff is great. Fall is starting to close in. My cabin is built, I'd like to finish my sauna, but fall harvesting is keeping me too busy. I'm at lower hunting capacity since two of my dogs were seriously wounded taking down an elk, they killed it, but took some damage that is taking a while to heal. Fortunately, my one big dog just healed and is ready to go. It seems like the big dog is more likely to tangle with game than the smaller two, but maybe it's coincidence. At any rate, I've played from an early spring start to now being within 2 weeks of winter season. One thing I've noticed about smoking is using a slender tree trunk and a few branches seems to get good results. It's possible that it's due to my increasing cooking skill, but using a slender tree trunk (50 lbs) kept my 540 reindeer cuts at only 40 "bland" compared to about half when I used several firewood instead. Went on a short hunting trip with a hired hand and got a small elk. Another 160 lbs  to smoke.

I started a new character in a totally different part of the map. I chose the "not all who wander" start and started with a Kaumo spear and a sow, among other things. I was able to track and kill an elk pretty early on. I drove it onto a frozen lake and then snuck close enough to land a javelin in its shoulder. I chased it back toward the forest, sow in tow when it was wounded and exhausted.  I decided to build a cabin wall section to start drying while it was still cold. It took a bit too long and I ended up with stale meat. I hope the dried meat is just "bland" and not worse by the end, we'll see. I'm going to keep exploring until I find a village with a dog to sell, then I'll slaughter the sow and trade the meat for a dog and supplies. It's a fun start, but I feel like I need to make things a bit more challenging. The "all who wander" start is fairly easy, given the extra gear and animal. I imagine a cow or dog start would be even easier, as my sow is just meat.

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