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Messages - shorun

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General Discussion / spirit of the forest
« on: June 25, 2018, 02:32:48 AM »
so, i've finally managed to meet with the king.

he told me something in the style of "you are free to roam my forest but always remember you're a guest in my realm"

does that mean we're good now? he's my bro again? and could i later re-do the ritual and talk to him again?

also, i did not actually talk to him at all, is it ok to do that? or do i just let him walk away? he came, said one thing, then left. i expected him to start talking to me or something. the quest that came with it did get completed, so i assume it's all good, right?

any sages here who know what this all means?

General Discussion / Re: 4 robbers
« on: June 24, 2018, 03:28:20 AM »
I'm interested in your homestead design. 
  • Where did you homestead?  In a clearing?  Take over an existing village?
  • Did you built a wood cabin interior so you could build a bench next to a cellar and then deconstruct the walls?  Ever think of modding a bench that can be built outside?
  • Why the roads?  Cosmetic?
  • How do you use the rooms/buildings?  It looks like you have a crafting room with tables and benches, a sleeping room, and a room with a loom.  Do you have a sauna?  Where do you smoke meats?
  • Where are the animals kept?  Do you keep the dogs in the big open fenced area where you can see them?  Do they ever enter the buildings?

east kaumoleiset, by a mayor river.

my cellars are safe now, thanks to traps and spears.

the roads are mostly for decoration, but be warned, the fire for the farming also burned the roads. stone roads. thankfully, the fire stopped before it tore trough the buildings. needless to say, no more roads on the field. so i've started building a road to the nearest town. it's a time sink and when finished it will be nice. it's a pritty big town and not to far away.

the animals are kept in the left-bottom section, that's where they came over the fence.
there are a cow, a bull, 2 adult female sheep, 1 young female sheep, 1 ram, 1 female dog, 1 male dog.
the cow and bull now have a seperate pen.
they are not supposed to enter the buildings. the building does serve to "trap" them in case one does get behind my back, a safety measure so they dont run away

General Discussion / Re: 4 robbers
« on: June 22, 2018, 03:21:05 PM »
you are really unlucky to have robbers visiting your home

in a way, yes. that is bad luck.

on the other hand, my bull and ram did sort of save me here since they chose to enter by climbing the animal pen (real fucking stupid move on their part), so thats lucky. and they had a crapload of linen and wool wich i need to turn into cords and other stuff, wich is very lucky. they also carried some tools that i traded for several other tools that i lacked, so thats lucky. they also had about 30 arrows on them, thats lucky to.

all in all, this unlucky event was actually a very good thing, they came just in time and with the right stuff.

i usually stay away from people or obvious paths in the game, this is the first time i've build my cabin in a cultural zone. next to a mayor river. i've had many wild animals passing, mostly reindeer, elk and hares. even a single wolf that kept comming back. i think i'm on a migration path or a travel route.

hardly any visits in winter when the ice is good, but now the ice is melting and i get these visits again.

i'm considering moving to an island nearby for summer seasons, now it happend when i was awake and ready. it could also happen when i'm dead tired and sleeping.

First saw this game at Jef's 10/12 hour streams, found a pirated version after that, played it for 6 more hours and bought the lifetime membership the next day. :P

aye matey, even we pirates know a good deal when we's sees one.

fortunatly, the free version of the game makes it needless to pirate this gem. if my everlasting financial woes finally get resolved and i have undesignated money i'll get the good deal to. untill then, i'm just happy to get this gem for free. it's a great distraction when my mind refuses to catch sleep again.

General Discussion / Re: triple kill aww yea
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:49:44 AM »
I would like to know about this content that there is a source that can find more knowledge?

plenty of sources. even here on the forum.

however, the best way to learn is to play.

everyone does something else, everyone has their own approach to a problem or a situation. my style of living may not suit you (boring/wrong stats), maybe you yourself are simply more talented for option A rather then B. my advice to live in the unreal world may get you killed.

figure out a way to sustain yourself trough the seasons, build yourself a small home, something to keep you warm and dry, ensure a source of food.
then, go experiment, test, try everything out. go fight a njerp, hunt some deer, build a trap fence, lay some loop snares, ANYTHING.

once you know what you can do and how it works, you won't be asking any of us for advice, you'll know the answer.

on a sidenote, you may want to have a mod or 2, being able to make your own linen is a very handy addition i think.

General Discussion / Re: Mini Zoo in Unreal World
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:45:03 AM »
you don't plan to breed that njerp do you?

General Discussion / 4 robbers
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:09:53 AM »
while building roads on the homestead field,
laying stones and gravel to make the weeds yield
a group of robbers with handaxes they wield.
battle ensued, bull raging, ram ramming, dogs biting, javelins flying.
and now, only a whisper remains of the robbers for whom there is no crying.

the end result? a wounded cow, a wounded ram, 2 wounded dogs.... and 4 burning robbers.

Suggestions / Re: taking a footbath, cooling down.
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:52:36 AM »
well, cleaning to prevent pests is a luxury, because it implies you have something to protect in the first place, and that makes you a wealthy man in urw.

when surviving in the wild, moving with my dogs and kota, i find the game to be very realistic, fishing to is very well done, hunting is amazing!

but once my homestead is done, i find myself idle 75% of the time, when irl to run a homestead like that with those tools i'd be working all of spring, and half of summer. prepairing land takes a lot of effort, even if you use the slash and burn techinque, the weeding is much more time consuming then the planting. and if you leave edible stuff everywhere (like a cellar) that's bound to attract pests, it also gives another difficulty at the later game stage without having an effect on the early stage.

as for hygiene, that to would be nice to have a use for, preventing disease is one thing.

needing to feed your animals gives a great chore, the chicken co-op mod already does this, if i want eggs, i'd better get some form of chickenfood first.
and of course, being so busy, heatstroke is a real danger, a simple footbath can do wonders against that :D

these small adjustments could make the farming lifesteal much more realistic, and combined with the planned building decay would keep you busy, preventing a single man from being richer (and more bored) then an entire village.

when you have all the tools, and you have all the foods, and you have 3 full sets of metal armour, and a pallisade wall around your homestead you'd find yourself to be a very busy man maintaining all of that. but in urw, you can just keep stockpiling stuff.

about slash-and-burn's purpuse, it's mostly as fertilizer. it also removes weeds making prepairing faster and less tireing, but not really that effective against the weed's roots. it still takes a lot of manual effort to remove those.
you use fire and ashes to prevent soil degredation, together with migrating your fields (crop rotation in later forms, ancient fins just moved a bit).

neither of those prevent weeds from growing back tough, and the better the soil the worse this gets. if you leave your crops alone for 2-3 weeks there won't be that much left for your crops to grow or make the parts that you'd like to eat, depending on what type of crops you are growing and what stage of growth they are in.

you also have crop diseases and pests or even storms that can ruin or seriously reduce your harvest, some of wich you can take action against. a fungus or slow-spreading disease can be removed, bug infestations are very hard to deal with without pesticides, chickens do have a use against bugs but they themself can be bad for certain crops that they reconize as food, or for young/small plants.

wildlife can also treathen your crops, but the game already simulates this for the animals it already has. birds steal seeds and berries, rabbits eat the green parts of your plants, rats can even dig out potatoes, i have no idea what the fins used to do against those animals, irl i use cats.

left my cabin this morning, gathering stones for the paths on my homestead (when finished, i'll Screenshot that to for y'all to see)

anyway, this picture is why you should get a bull, when doing large building projects.

Suggestions / Re: taking a footbath, cooling down.
« on: June 04, 2018, 09:45:34 PM »
i know, but i still roleplay as if it matters. and it would be nice to sit on a bench, with my feet in water, while eating and taking a break.

besides, already having a few options to deal with overheating would be nice to have prior to being able to actually overheat

i kind of miss this in the game,things to do when you have nothing to do.

perhaps some "luxury jobs" could be introduced sometime, things like laundry, cleaning the house, cleaning your pots, things that dont really matter and are not required for survival, but if you dont clean you get bug infestations (clothes/fur/tool degradation over time due to filth).

also, removing weeds from the crops is something rather important that seems to be missing and prepairing the. soil takes far longer rl then ingame.

Suggestions / taking a footbath, cooling down.
« on: June 04, 2018, 05:31:46 PM »
so, while plowing my garden rl in this scorching heat, i found a neat trick not to overheat.

a footbath.

ok sure, in urw we can go take a swim yo get this effect to, but i'm not intrested in dumping my whole body in cold, just my feet.

so can we get this simple but effective trick, for us farmin players who toil in the warm summer sun?

Suggestions / Re: Temperatures across the map should be different
« on: March 07, 2018, 11:00:51 PM »
as you mentioned there is a difference.

i've had both extreme north and extreme south as playstyles, and its a huge difference.

up north i had trouble farming, the few degrees difference means the ground freezes up a month sooner and unfreezed a month later, farming the the north is much harder then in the south.

there is also less variety in crops and natural plants in the north, but more valueable furs can be gotten there. the north is good hunting grounds.

so basicly, those few degrees difference are the world.

Suggestions / Re: make dogs stop barking at birds
« on: February 27, 2018, 02:10:29 PM »
well, i for one would like this to be a toggle.

in winter it's annoying, no more then that. and i wish i could somehow "command" my dog to stfu and let me sleep.

in summer however, birds to tend to raid my farmfield. i'd rather not let my dogs just wander that field but they do have view over it, barking in alarm whenever a bird lands there would be very usefull to me.

so, a toggle would be nice.

Gameplay questions / Re: Catching a glutton - advice?
« on: February 27, 2018, 02:06:24 PM »
The same goes for my fields. I don't put traps around it (I do fence around it), and for the most part animals leave it alone.

You never got a bird infestation razing your fields, I guess :D

cry hacov and let slip the dogs of war!

General Discussion / Re: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game.
« on: February 27, 2018, 02:04:14 PM »
The stupidest thing I have done was walk some amount of kilometers from my homestead only to freeze to death in the snow, as I forgot to wear the clothes that I had in my inventory.

Often times I will skip skinning my kills depending on how willing I am to sit down in one area for two weeks to turn it into leather. And also often the meat I take I cook and immediately trade for furs if there is nothing else of value I could want. There will always be next time to get that bear skin (and now skulls!) (:

you take 2 weeks to tan a skin?

on average it takes only 3 days.

day 1: clean + first step.

day 2: rinse

day 3: use the beater on it.


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