Topic: [to 3.63 only] Community mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing  (Read 406579 times)


« Reply #330 on: September 17, 2019, 12:40:07 AM »
Dear BAC users

I have started a "hotfix" by working on the diy_glossary file issue. I will likely have to address the menu definitions as well.

My intention is to release the diy_glossary (and related) file(s) as a hotfix for those on the 3.60 beta path.

More full scale integration of 3.60 beta diy improvements will follow after.

Brygun of the BAC mod


« Reply #331 on: September 17, 2019, 01:03:09 AM »
I may have forgotten to answer about the fireplace in the Kota request

My own characters haven't used Kota's and my currently playable character isnt in a situation with supplies for making a Kota. Unfortunately I can't test Kota code. The recipes are drawn on from an earlier modder.

How fires behave inside a Kota is vanilla game code.

A fireplace, like in a stead, can be modded into be made with less materials but you would get a vanilla game fireplace.

So right now I don't see what I could do to help with that nor test any inventions I might try. If other users have ideas or Saami wants to do something that could be useful.

Short term I suggest the Kota users make a thread in the Suggestion forum  as the idea seems reasonable to me.



« Reply #332 on: September 17, 2019, 01:48:29 AM »
>>>ONLY for 3.60 Beta users<<<<


If unfamiliar with coding or moding you might be best to wait until this is further developed.

As such this file in not being added to the post #1 of this thread where I keep the current version, as its not really "current" >yet<.

This is a partial hotfix only for those on the 3.60 Beta branch. Dated to this timestamp.
As a partial hotfix there are things still needing testing and debugging.
Report any bugs here after reading the notes in this post what had been done so far.

Done so far:
= diy_glossary work over
= Vanilla bow making disabled as before as BAC has a bowmaking menu
= leather rope and cord making forced back to utility menu
= birch-bark rope forced to BAC barkware menu
= birch-bark cap and footwear forced to BAC barkware menu
= untying a raft fix to new raft creation [Length:10], not sure yet if the freed rope will still work

Testing needed
= Do alternate ropes still work using "Rope" as base object

Things yet to do:
= Barkware menu has >NOT< yet been fully integrated
= The great "birch-bark" integration
= The great "use length" used everywhere, including bow making section
= Review and assign [assist:#] for NPC helpers

Not possible:
= "join" and "shorten" still in the "Tying equipment" menu as no mod command to do change
= Can't remove the "Tying Equipment" menu as no mod command to do change

« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 02:05:54 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #333 on: September 17, 2019, 09:14:58 PM »
General note relaying a message from elsewhere.

Having been in moddable game communities like Never Winter Nights and Kerbal Space Program I am in general agreement that popular modding can be integrated into the base game or inspire similiar work. If at such times as things from or like BAC items should make it into the base game I will see about trimming duplicates out of the BAC.

One possible exception style being where BAC goes into more depth and more creation steps such as its more elaborate bow making and transport craft. In this case the mod is adding that in depth and "more like real" presentation. That is more of a style choice. Still if the in-depth steps were to go into the base game I would be happy to see it and as mentioned trim the BAC as seemed appropriate.


« Reply #334 on: September 18, 2019, 02:44:57 AM »
>>Only for BAC v060 on the 3.60 Beta with hotfix 1<<

update to the diy_glossary.txt


« Reply #335 on: September 18, 2019, 11:46:43 PM »
I haven't tried your community mod yet and I'm guessing as 3.52 (stable) player I can't use the BAC mod v059 pre 3.60
I saw your other mod uploads in your older posts and I'm wondering which one I should use.
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


« Reply #336 on: September 19, 2019, 12:45:03 AM »
I haven't tried your community mod yet and I'm guessing as 3.52 (stable) player I can't use the BAC mod v059 pre 3.60
I saw your other mod uploads in your older posts and I'm wondering which one I should use.

Quite the opposite, the v059 has the "pre 3.60" meaning it was working with the prior(s) version of Unreal World. That is the one to use if you don't go through the necessary steps to switch to the Beta version.


« Reply #337 on: September 19, 2019, 12:55:43 AM »
>>>only for 3.60 Beta users<<<

diy_glossary update for hotfix 2


« Reply #338 on: September 19, 2019, 01:14:22 AM »
I haven't tried your community mod yet and I'm guessing as 3.52 (stable) player I can't use the BAC mod v059 pre 3.60
I saw your other mod uploads in your older posts and I'm wondering which one I should use.

Quite the opposite, the v059 has the "pre 3.60" meaning it was working with the prior(s) version of Unreal World. That is the one to use if you don't go through the necessary steps to switch to the Beta version.

Somehow I didn't notice the "pre" in the name.
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


« Reply #339 on: September 20, 2019, 01:43:29 AM »
>>for 3.60 BETA Only<<

Major update for the 3.60 Beta users only.

Have made major efforts to adjust for bark and the new tying equipment system. Testing and feedback requested.

Yet to do:
= Figure in the [assist:#] entries


« Reply #340 on: September 22, 2019, 01:16:42 AM »
>>for 3.60 Beta only<<

Major update

Completed known integration issues for 3.60 Beta including

= diy_glossary.txt
= biy_glossary.txt
= cookery_glossary.txt
= Adaption to using the Tying Equipment menu
= Use of new cord/rope lengths
= Assignment of [assist:#] in all diy and biy

Feedback, testing and bug reports highly desired. BAC is so big now its not so easy to single handed test it all in a reasonable time.

A special thanks to Palu advising on using Steam "repair" to get a fresh biy_ file which also revealed the need to do the cookery file


« Reply #341 on: September 22, 2019, 03:27:45 PM »
Point of debate I'd like to hear on:

For making clothing of cloth like linen and wool I didn't assign the [Assist:#] as I've not known any seamstress/tailor that would want someone else handling the fabric while they are working. One exception was the wool mittens which is two pieces so someone can work or prep for that.

Thoughts from the community?


« Reply #342 on: September 22, 2019, 04:41:35 PM »
One exception was the wool mittens which is two pieces so someone can work or prep for that.

Footwraps, shoes, boots, gloves and maybe their metal counterparts in the future.
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


« Reply #343 on: September 23, 2019, 03:55:45 AM »
For making clothing of cloth like linen and wool I didn't assign the [Assist:#] as I've not known any seamstress/tailor that would want someone else handling the fabric while they are working. One exception was the wool mittens which is two pieces so someone can work or prep for that.

Thoughts from the community?

While it's hard to have two people handling the same item simultaneously, it's certainly common for a more experienced clothesmaker to do the initial construction, and then to hand-off to a helper to do the endless amount of hand-sewing that's involved. While I don't believe URW lets us simulate this precisely, I think it's extremely reasonable to have an assist property on clothes, to represent that hand-off.

Reference: Me doing endless amounts of hand-sewing for my talented friends who are into cosplay. :)


« Reply #344 on: September 24, 2019, 12:03:33 AM »
hotfix 3 for 3.60 Beta doesn't appear to make changes that would require changes to BAC

