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Re: Dog's Priority List for Food Well, the problem is that the dogs ignore the food available to them, only to suddenly decide that they're very hungry and eat the "wrong" food.
In my view the main problem is that they're not eating when peckish even when food is available, only to bark from hunger minutes later.
To me it makes perfect sense that when hungry they'd go for fresh meat over worse offerings, so you should always keep the dog(s) under control and supervision when fresh meat is available. Turn your back at a dog when fresh meat is available if you dare, but don't be surprised if the steak is gone when you turn back...

December 27, 2020, 07:52:34 PM
Re: Skiing on ground without snow should be very clumsy and fatiguing While I agree skiing indoors isn't a good idea, it does allow you to reduce the tedium of taking them off and putting them on again as a player. It can also be noted that you can't run while wearing skis (unless you engage in exploits), and the skis weigh a fair bit, so I wouldn't bother to code the further penalties that ought to be on top of that.

(Those who say you can't ski without snow haven't heard of the Finnish skiing athlete Juha Mieto, who was said to be at his comparative best on rain slick asphalt, only half jokingly).

December 27, 2020, 11:34:22 PM
Re: Dog's Priority List for Food It will probably take some time to get such a situation for me (my current character doesn't have a dog yet), but I'll try to remember to send an example when I encounter it.
December 27, 2020, 11:37:34 PM
Re: Trapped wild animals' nutrition?
They die in traps now too.

Really? I was never able to trap a human so gave up several versions ago. I need to check this out.
Humans detect traps that are part of trap lines, so in order to trap humans you need to make a "mine field". I've had one trader found dead in an isolated trap of mine once (no sight of his party), as well as a woodsman that was stupid enough to first cut down a tree that joined a trap to a line, and then step into the trap. He spent a month or two lying there healing, claiming everything was fine, before he finally left. Note that both events were in previous versions of the game.

Experiments with Njerps and traps (in a mine field configuration) showed them running straight through traps most of the time when chasing the character, getting caught for a turn or two at best (but getting some minor injuries). This is consistent with predators that enter traps while aggroing against the PC: they often get straight through as well (and, again, take damage in the process).

December 29, 2020, 11:44:06 PM
Re: Geographical inspiration for the Unreal north You mean prior to Erkka's comment a number of years ago (I think you'll find it in that thread, actually)?

At that time I though the northern coast to be along the arctic ocean, with the land connection to the Scandinavian peninsula being replaced by sea, turning Scandinavia into either an island or connected to the Eurasian continent at the south end (i.e. current day continental Denmark being connected to current day Sweden).

I think there's been some time in the past (before the existence of Homo Sapiens and most likely the presence of any human race in Scandinavia when Scandinavia actually was an island and the sea level being very much higher than now (inundating much of current day Finland as well).

January 01, 2021, 06:38:07 PM
Re: more sea-ness of the sea: seatic species
It'd be sea-reflecting to rarely catch something like "strange fish", "odd-looking fish", "ugly fish" etc.  :D
Those aren't fish, they're plants ;P

January 03, 2021, 10:46:04 AM
Re: Happy New Year Just guess how may hours Sami spent getting the snow on the tree just right ;)

And may this year be much better than the last one...

January 04, 2021, 11:34:55 PM
Re: Attacked by robbers. I have a couple questions. It is possible. Robbers aren't particularly good at picking up stuff from fallen companions.
The robbers should take the things on the reindeer, although I don't know if they actually do. If you wait long enough for the robbers to have left the area the reindeer is probably gone. If you return promptly it might be in the vicinity (unless killed).

It's possible to use some calculations from the log notes to determine the location, but I don't know these myself. Using in-game measures, you can determine approximately where the robbers were by combining your knowledge of approximately the route you were taking with the overland map if the route is through uncharted territory by seeing where the charted area ends along the route. If it happened in well known territory you only have the memory of your route.

Making a map marker is the best approach, and if you just have your character wake up and the overland map provides a fairly decent indication of where the robbers are, you can make a note there, saying e.g. "Robbers 9S 15E" (I use that kind of notes when I see Njerps, both as a warning to self and as a way to find them if I decide to go back to the homestead to gear up for war before hunting them down).

January 11, 2021, 02:10:40 PM
Re: Cannot ask for punt craftsman (borderline bug/suggestion) Thanks for clarifying my description.
January 12, 2021, 11:10:29 AM
Re: 3.63 New fire mechanics I tried 32 branches per day in my 3*1 sauna and lost about 1/6 to spoilage. A later attempt with 10 firewood per day resulted in no spoilage.
January 13, 2021, 10:01:44 AM