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Messages - marginoferror

Pages: 1 [2]
When you are hiding successfully, robbers who have not yet delivered their ultimatum will still home in on you regardless. This happens whether the robbers saw you (encountered them on the wilderness map and zoomed in close) or they didn't even see you (you sneak up on them while zoomed in from far away).

Gameplay questions / Region-level distribution of game
« on: March 29, 2018, 07:32:41 PM »
Is game unevenly distributed by region? What are the factors involved? I was walking around a large area in spring with very few villages and I ran into literally more reindeer and elk than I could deal with. But, I've had far less luck in other areas and I'm not sure if it's a fluke or if game is less common near dense concentrations of villages.

Gameplay questions / Re: Water Spirit
« on: March 29, 2018, 07:29:13 PM »
I did it. It was a little hard for me to figure out how to raft onto a single tile island, until I found one that was smoother on one side and so wasn't too steep to land on. Once I found it, I stripped down, pressed minus to wait and then my wait was interrupted around midnight by the water spirit.

Gameplay questions / Re: Insufficient unity
« on: March 21, 2018, 07:16:32 PM »
Interesting! Thank you for that info.

Is this a quest reward in addition to "a lesson in tracking" or something, or is it an explicit quest reward (the actual reward is "teach you a new ritual")?

Is the best way to find quests to make rounds through villages and settlements, asking people how they are doing?

Gameplay questions / Insufficient unity
« on: March 21, 2018, 04:43:12 PM »
I started playing again with 3.5 beta 2 after a long ways away, and I'm halfway through the year but have not learned any new rituals. The wiki page for rituals says that the system was totally overhauled for 3.5 but I haven't been able to find any info on whether this affected the "unity with the world".

Has the "unity with the world" system changed? Either way, what can I do to increase my chance of learning new rituals?

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