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Re: {* cut} for fish? You can also use whole fishes. Use the () tag.

Here's my "Angler's soup" example. Often you get some small fish with the fishing rod, but not enough for the original fish soup recipe. This recipe needs only one tiny fish, the second is optional  :) Be careful though, if the fish does not fit in the pot the extra disappears, so do not try cooking 15kg salmons with this recipe.
Code: [Select]
.TinyFIshes.  *COOKERY* /10/  \20\ %20% :148
{Raw fish} (1) [remove] [boil]
{Raw fish} (1) [remove] [boil] [optional] '+ More up to 4lbs total'
{Water}  #2# [remove] [boil]

November 19, 2017, 10:09:10 AM
Nominate UrW for Steam "Labor of Love" Award Sami and Erkka have kept this game evolving since 1992, which is likely longer than many of its players have been alive.

Let's give them some recognition and much deserved exposure by nominating them for the "Labor of Love" award on Steam now.

November 22, 2017, 11:41:46 PM
Re: Stop and resume a task/craft? More tasks should eventually be interruptible & resumable, but few are currently. It can be noted that those that can be interrupted will automatically pause the task when you're too tired (due to fatigue and/or needing to sleep) while those that can not will continue the task until it's finished, at which time your character immediately falls asleep if too exhausted (which is annoying when the extremely long and heavy tanning task also leaves the character extremely hungry, losing further nutrition levels during the sleep).
Some tasks will refuse to start at all if they would take too long (typically involving tools unsuitable for the task, such as e.g. stone axes), and some, which are borderline cases, will start only if the duration roll was favorable.

December 13, 2017, 10:48:38 PM
Shooting snowballs ...meanwhile in Finland.
It's been snowing, and I've been studying the art of archery, so I gotta share this yesterday's shot to remember:

December 17, 2017, 04:12:15 PM
Re: Question for Sami

Should we poll about its' priority preference among players? (We can do that)

I can only speak for myself here, but I would be very glad for me and others to get that chance to participate.

One vote is enough for me to set up the poll ;) Coming up in a few minutes.

December 18, 2017, 09:20:04 PM
Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority Let's have a poll, just for the sake of poll.
December 18, 2017, 09:28:04 PM
Re: 3.50b2 ram milk  ::)
Did someone just assume the gender of that member of the Caprinae family?

December 25, 2017, 08:47:38 PM
Re: 3.50b2 ram milk  :o    T. M. I.  :o
December 26, 2017, 05:02:41 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I agree with your agreement that social networks are probably the most important part, and a spouse then becomes a logical icing of that cake. I'd probably start with friends and settlement relations to then go on to apply those structures to a character biological family (that can be opted out of when generating the character), and then add the spouse last, as I'd expect a spouse to bring the family relations of that side into the equation, and if that groundwork has already been done it ought to be reasonably smooth and can focus on the stuff related to an actual family rather than the external networks.
January 11, 2018, 07:48:47 PM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM