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Re: "The forest around looks extremely hostile." As far as I've seen, you can sacrifice once per day, where the day ticks over somewhere in the middle of "morning". If you do a second sacrifice (e.g. because you woke up early, so you're technically in the previous "day") you "feel a bit unsteady" (if I remember the wording correctly). I haven't noticed any effect from accidental double sacrifices (apart from the message and wasted resources).
There may well be a geography connection as well, but as far as I can tell the sacrificial limit is one sacrifice per day shared between water and forest (and all regions). Thus, you can kill multiple times in a day, but only sacrifice once.

My starting characters rapidly get a horrible relation with the spirit of the forest since the only thing that can be caught are birds, and you need multiple birds per day to fill your belly (while still having to go hungry frequently). If you use passive hunting, you frequently get the situation that you get nothing for days on end, only to get frenzy periods where you get multiple birds per day, spending all your time processing the birds.

A trick I've used early on is to sacrifice the bird fat and use bark for tanning instead. That way the belly can be kept at least half full, instead of wasting half the meat of the catch on a sacrifice.

March 05, 2018, 08:01:44 AM
Spirit relation re-balancing The spirit and magic enhancements are good in general. However, there are a few things I think need re-balancing:

1. As far as I can tell, sacrifices now use a joint pool, as opposed to separate pools (and spells) for different targets earlier. I think they need to be split up again, so sacrifice of fish automatically goes towards satisfying the water spirits and meat to appease the forest ones, and these pools being independent, i.e. having made an offering to the spirits of the forest shouldn't block a sacrifice to the spirits of the water. Whether there should be a regional split up as well can be discussed, as I don't know if there are regional differences or not, but if there are, sacrifices to one region/realm spirit shouldn't affect sacrifices to another.
2. Spirit mood feedback should likewise be split up more. I keep getting messages of unity with the water even though my character haven't fished for half a year, and the sacrifices for almost as long have been of meat (I had some roaches that needed sacrificing).
3. The "cost" of kills should be re-balanced so it's possible to live off small game without being hated by the spirits of the forest. It should be contemplated whether the value (in some currency, e.g. amount/nutrients of meat and/or fur value) of a kill and sacrifice should affect the spirit relation adjustment. Currently it seems a sacrifice of a spoiled hazel grouse lump of fat has the same impact as a whole salmon or fresh bear cut.
4. "Special" sacrifices (of which I know a single one) should not be blocked by the standard ones, and given their cost, they ought to give a larger boost to the relation than the standard one.
5. Spirit moods ought to move towards neutral over time if nothing affects them, so a relation of unity should decay towards neutral if you neither sacrifice nor "harvest" from the spirit's domain, and the same should a furious relation.
However, some folklore seems to have rather petty supernatural actors with long memories, so it might not be wrong to let good relations decay a lot faster than bad ones are repaired.

March 10, 2018, 10:43:34 AM
Add set pieces scattered in the world similar to starting scenarios. I think adding some rare and hard to find sites would add a cool element to the game.  These would be similar to some of the starting scenarios, such as you find a partially completed cabin or an abandoned trap fence.  Even just an occasional abandoned shelter would be a neat find while you're tracking an animal through the woods. 
March 11, 2018, 04:31:25 AM
Re: Feeding animals? I'll try to help if I can. Dogs will eventually eat corpses but very spotty and I'm not sure of the threshold.

Raw meat in any stage of decay can feed dogs and be used as bait for carnivores. For fox I often use a small fish as bait.

Cooked/processed meats are ineffective as bait, but can be used for dogs until it spoils. Spoiled cooked foods have little value.

The inability to cut human flesh, prior to yourself being starving, limits uses for corpses. They will eventually decay to just bones
at which point the dogs will love those ;)

March 24, 2018, 03:00:27 AM
Re: Feeding animals? Overlapping a fair bit with Privateer's answer...

Dogs (and the PC) only eat humans when starving, and they will be hungry for a fair while before that, so you'd have to suffer a lot of barking before it happens.

Raw and unspoiled (including stale) processed meat and fish is readily eaten by dogs, but they won't touch spoiled cooked/dried/smoked food, so that's just garbage. Other animals will not eat processed food of any kind.

Spoiled fish and meat can be used as bait, it it works poorly: fresh is considerably better.

After the dog ate the bones of my first Njerp I now keep Njerp/robber bones in piles on skerries in the rapids (the next best thing as we don't have heads on poles).

Bears eat fish and meat, and possibly berries. Some birds eat berries (birds of prey eat meat, or course), hares love turnips and other roots, and I think elks and reindeer eat turnips as well. Badgers eat just about anything. Also, you can multi-bait...

There was a threat on the old forum where various baits were discussed.

March 24, 2018, 07:30:55 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers Once upon a time, I saw a list of skills that were / were not affected by the fatigue/injury penalty. Of course I've no idea where it was. IIRC, Physician was not affected, but I could be wrong.

Endurance helps you recover from fatigue faster. You can try this by "waiting" and watching how many turns it takes to lower the penalty.

One of the things I like is that Sami doesn't give away the inner workings of the game. It keeps us guessing  :)

March 24, 2018, 11:35:15 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers If I've understood penalties correctly, very light, and possibly light, skills are unaffected by encumbrance, and it seems fatigue doesn't affect those skills either. If that's the case physician should be unaffected by those, and injury possibly likewise be ignored (quite important if you're close to death after failing to resist a robbery!).

Low endurance probably has a very nasty effect beyond slow recovery: namely an increased risk of fainting due to pain (my character before the current one died because of that: a wolf bite to the arm resulted in fainting... Well before that, most every robber encounter resulted in fainting as a moronic hireling would fire an arrow into the back of the character, and once a robber managed to hit with an arrow, resulting in the character being immediately robbed and transported away, despite the hirelings being in the way of them of actually reaching the character. They were more or less frozen in place as the character got replacement equipment and returned to the fight, zooming in to the same location as before the fainting).

Swimming distance is extremely dependent on encumbrance, while injury only has a minor effect. I haven't compared across characters, so I can't say anything about stat effects, although I'd expect a low endurance would cause fatigue to be accumulated faster.

March 25, 2018, 11:17:10 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Trying to complete The Challenge for second time. Luckily few days in game and rabbit went into ice that melted and rabbit drowned. 0.5 lbs of fur means stone axe from the beginning - that's like finding a treasure.  ;D
March 29, 2018, 12:34:48 AM
triple kill aww yea first guy (lowest) was killed with a few javelin shots and dog bites. the secound guy above right was killed with a javeline toss to the eye. he died instantly and the third was knocked out with a javelin hit to the abdomine, he was finished off by the dogs. one of my most epic battles and only a few minor injuries to me and the dogs.
April 06, 2018, 10:58:12 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Just had an unusual event happen - was escorting a lost vagabond back to civilization, and ran into a squirrel on the overworld map and decided to take it for dinner.  I chased it up a tree and was throwing rocks, I had managed to hit it in the foreleg when all of a sudden an aggravated hawk swooped in, and knocked the squirrel out of the tree.  I threw my rock at the bird, and it fled.  I stomped on the big squirrel to put it out of its misery.  It had been gruesomely shredded by talons.  I wonder what it could portend...
April 11, 2018, 04:11:05 AM