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Topics - JP_Finn

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Bug reports / [TYPO/GRAMMAR] Multiple item order from blacksmith
« on: May 12, 2024, 11:04:06 PM »
When inquiring if ordered fish hooks (or arrowheads) are ready, the response is formulated as it was a single item.

"How are those iron fishhooks coming along?"
"It will be ready shortly" << that should be "They will be ready shortly"

Bug reports / Of Wolf and Woman
« on: May 10, 2024, 11:57:35 PM »
Not sure if intentional, but seems like the wolf spawned for the quest, might end up dying anyways... when it spawns on river, during Swidden's thinning ice.

Character got to the area, heard wolf howl NE, while on the wrong side of river. I waited for some days, and the river cleared. Went looking for the wolf for several days, but no tracks, no howls. Lo and behold, it'd gotten (or spawned) on thin ice and drowned.

I do not have a usable save to try and recreate this.
Animals tend to stay away of water, maybe have them stay off thin ice too? Very least don't have them spawn on thin ice.

Edit: Made it back to the village, there's no option to tell the woman that the wolf is dead.

Bug reports / Grinding flour
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:08:41 PM »
This one has been around for a while, finally decided to report it.

When you have a bag, or other container of grain/seeds/roots, with over ~4lbs of produce in it, and choose to grind in to a container that has less capacity than 4 lbs; you use 4 lbs of grain, and only get the maximum capacity's worth of flour.

e.g. grind barley from full bag, choose a birchbark box as target. 4lbs of barley will be used and yet you'll only get 2lbs of flour.

Choosing 2 or more stacked containers, with enough capacity to hold 4 lbs of flour; only one container will be used, the other(s) stay empty in the inventory.

Expectation here is that:
  • grinding would only use grain/seed/roots in the capacity the receiving container can hold.
  • Use multiple containers to receive the 4lbs grinding output.
  • Prompt for "How much grain/seed/roots to grind?"

Few occasions "arctic fox" is entered as "artic fox" in the encyclopedia.

Code: [Select]
.Leather buckler. "Buckler" /2h/ *HIDEWORKING* %10% |-2|
{Leather} #3.5# [remove] [ask_num]
{Branch} (1) +'for the grip' [remove] [noquality]
{Water} #3# [remove]
{*fat} #0.25# 'fat' [remove] [noquality]

Causes recipe to prompt for lbs lbs after wild card. Before the line in recipe with wild card is executing, it asks for lbs once.
Attached "lbs.jpg" before any selections. Attached "lbs lbs.jpg" is after wild card selection is made. While selecting 'rendered fat' from inventory, it still asks for "lbs" one time.

One loop snare shows triggered, but the graphic shows armed and trying to pick it up with ; says there's nothing to pick.
Saved and emailed.

Can kick the trap to actually trigger it, graphic resets to that of dropped loop snare and picking it up as usual.

Mod Releases / Baits for trappers and fisherfolks.
« on: September 14, 2023, 10:12:13 PM »
If you're annoyed by lack of bait day after you caught a pike and roasted it, here's some help, just cut some bait pieces first, then roast the rest.
Also lets you cut up vegetables for trapping bait, as you can use 1 turnip for multiple fishing attempts, but whole turnip is used when baiting a loop snare for hares. you can use other vegetables like lake reed roots and bog beans too.
3rd one is a bit a of a bonus from Suggestions thread where Ezhe had a valid concern not being able to use seeds from container as bird trap bait.

All baits have been tested and found to work as expected.

Copy the code and insert it in to a diy_xyz.txt of choice and copy jp-seed.png in to \truetile\ (or /truetile/ depending on O/S)

Code: [Select]
.Cut fish bait. (4) "Perch" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Raw fish} #1# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s chunk] [patchwise]

.Cut veg bait. (8) "Turnip" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Vegetables} #0.7# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s bait] [patchwise]

.Seed bait. (10) "Rye" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *COMMON* /1/ |-2| [noquality]
{Seeds} #0.25# [remove] [name:%s bait]
[tilegfx:jp_seed] // Graphic by Enormous Elk, originally sorrel seeds

Bug reports / Old man snow fatigue
« on: August 25, 2023, 12:47:28 AM »
I think it's due slight adjustment, as Long gray bearded old man should NOT get snow fatigue. FWIW, it's early Center month and snow is knee deep.

Bug reports / Weather/Ice anomaly?
« on: August 14, 2023, 01:40:29 AM »
Temperature has been solid 4-5 weeks in the blue. Somehow in the last 3-4 days, the ice has got weaker.
Can't walk on ice to go put nets down (153lbs character, 43lbs clothing&kit + 3x 12lbs nets).

FWIW, returned from trapping trip few days ago, lakes were solid to cross then, with heavier (100lbs+) traveling load.

Save sent.

General Discussion / Cords!
« on: August 11, 2023, 05:03:50 AM »
For few versions of the game, cords were actually pretty useless. That's funny coming from smoking&drying 19 cuts at a time. Yarn and withes took over.

Now with Netweaving, I find myself looking for woodsmen and hunters in settlements and villages, they might be carrying some cheap* to trade cords for nets' top and bottom lines  ;D

*smoked elk cut is close to nothing...

Bug reports / Building fence over a pit [3.81]
« on: August 09, 2023, 07:19:37 PM »
There's a bug that allows fence to be built over pit. And if deconstructed, the pit is filled up without effort, or a shovel.

Using fine and decent (bear) bone arrowheads, fine arrow shafts, and decent nettle yarn results in 2 separate stacks of fine bone tipped arrows.

If the arrow head quality is stored on the arrow now, it wasn't in 3.80, for arrowhead recovery later: can we overlook the head quality tag for inventory stacking please.

Bug reports / Switching projectiles on loaded crossbows
« on: August 03, 2023, 07:28:16 PM »
Switching from blunt arrow to regular arrow (or any other arrow) takes 30 seconds (or 60s on heavy) on already primed crossbow. Should take 1 turn.

Make lichen harvestable.

Preferably akin to harvesting bark from trees, but only every ~5 years per tile.

Boil it (or crush and then boil) for mediocre carbohydrate source. After boiling, allow it to be used as 'vegetable' in recipes.

Best I've seen mentioned 12 carb/100g, 0 fat, 0 protein. Lot of the sources say it has and can be used for making aquavit (alcohol). And Alaskan native use boiled reindeer lichen as medicine for diarrhea.
It's actually really hard to find any data on non-farmed plants for their nutritional values.
FWIW IRL, don't chew the stuff pre-boiled, doesn't taste great. And is really acidic. Hope you got lead-lined gut...

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