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My fight game  Retirement, AI, obsolescence, and the world going crazy
 Just showing off some cut scene of a game I've been making for over a year now.

The Fight Game

November 05, 2023, 08:35:43 PM
Spring things, pausable things, future things Springtime is busy time - both out in the nature and inside the development chambers. We're preparing for a new version release still this month.

Pausable crafting additions is proceeding strongly. Quite a batch of craftable items will be using the pausable crafting mechanics in the upcoming version.
At this point the pausable crafting mechanics will cover all the weapons, lumber items, hafts and  item traps such as paw-board fox trap and loop snare - and some more are likely to be added.  So, with the upcoming version more than half of the craftable items will become pausable tasks. And in the version after that we'll likely manage to have all the crafts pausable, allowing it also in all the diy_*.txt modding.

A new skill, bowyer, will be also added. It's quite self-explanatory that this is the ability and knowledge to make bows and the craftable bows now call for bowyer skills in their crafting. And longbow will be made available as a new craftable bow type for the player character.

So, for the next few versions we'll be working mostly on item related additions, and hope to have these released in decent pace. After that, when all the crafting is pausable, we'll move into adding new quests. Some of these will be small and casual, but some will be most exciting for the  players who'd enjoy the presence of marriage or permanent companions.
Let that be a sneak peek in advance further into this year's plans.

April 08, 2024, 08:43:26 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods As a player, when I'm in the middle of a longer modding project and some of my items are no longer compatible, I just add a new temporary item to convert what I have into what I need.

Like this:

Code: [Select]
.Stoney arrowhead. "Stone arrowhead" [effort:0] *CARPENTRY* |0| /1m/ [patch:5]
// migrate old arrowheads
{arrowhead} [remove] [patchwise]

This bit of code took all the old modded arrowheads which didn't work with the new arrows code, and very quickly converted them all into the new vanilla stone arrowheads.

May 07, 2024, 06:53:42 AM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods A tangent regarding the lead developer's name from someone who doesn't know Finnish but has a slight idea of how Finnish works:
- The name is Sami, and I would "translate" it into English spelling as "Sammi".
- The Saami is a people related to the Finns. They're spread, as a people, over the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. They also used to live on the northern part of the Kola peninsula, but I don't know if they've been exterminated, forcibly relocated, or remnants still remain there.  Their name is pronounced with a long "a".

May 12, 2024, 10:07:21 AM