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Messages - MrMotorhead

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Did the map maintenance changes make it into this patch?

Gameplay questions / Re: Any way to find lost items?
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:15:46 PM »
Ok here is an example problem.  Paulie started life at 07C70466 and now he's at 0773065A so let's calculate how far he has moved "as the crow flies"

First we'll look at east-west position 07C7-0773 = 54 (hex) = 84 squares to the west

Now for north-south 0466-065A=-214 (hex) = 532 squares to the south

I just use the stupid windows calculator to do the math in hex and then convert the answer to decimal (normal numbers), but realize that it doesn't like to get a negative result doing the subtraction, so just subtract the smaller number from the larger one and keep track of the direction separately.  Numbers get larger moving toward the east and south.

Gameplay questions / Re: Any way to find lost items?
« on: May 25, 2018, 08:58:58 PM »
Ok here's my test character moving in the zoomed out map one square at a time:
Code: [Select]
(600060):96gk:["]{076D065B}      | -- moving north
(000000):96gk:[B]{076D065A}      | Bushes
(600060):96gk:["]{076D065A}      | -- moving north
(000000):96gk:[B]{076D0659}      | Bushes
(600060):96gk:["]{076D0659}      | -- moving west
(000000):96gk:[F]{076C0659}      | Field
(600060):96gk:["]{076C0659}      | -- moving south
(000000):96gk:[B]{076C065A}      | Bushes
(600060):96gk:["]{076C065A}      | -- moving east
(3C5A98):96gl:[:]{076D065A}      | It starts to rain.
(000000):96gl:[B]{076D065A}      | Bushes

So it looks like the formula is 4 digits for east-west position then 4 digits for north-south position.  Numbers get larger moving toward the east and south.

It appears to be in hexadecimal so 0123456789ABCDEF.

You should be able to find your stuff by subtracting your current position (north-south and east-west separately) from the position where you see the log entries for killing the squirrel and dropping your things.  That will let you know how many squares you will need to move to find the map location in question.

Gameplay questions / Re: Any way to find lost items?
« on: May 25, 2018, 08:46:26 PM »
You can look in the msglog.txt file located in your survivor's save folder.  You will see entries like this:
Code: [Select]
(143270):h6h3:[#]{061D0484}      | Zooming out ...

dunno --:time:???:map position   | message here

So you can somehow interperet that the map position where you find the messages that you dropped your things is where they should still be.

Now we just need to figure out how that data is encoded

Off-topic / Re: Exploring the medieval hunt (blog)
« on: May 24, 2018, 09:06:13 AM »
Interesting map.  I take it that the game would have taken place prior to the Swedish conquest and conversion to Christianity.  So that would place it possibly as late as the 13th century.  Seems like things in Finland might have stayed the same for a very long time prior to that. 

I was thinking that the mail armor would have been the highest technology piece we see in game, but after doing some reading it looks like it was the battlesword.  This would place our timeframe very close according to this article.  I suppose the swords could have been from farther afield, and thus earlier but it doesn't seem like it from their graphical representation and wide availability in game.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [solved] Infinite loading map
« on: May 23, 2018, 06:30:43 PM »
Hi Carbon,

You might try switching UnReal World to compatibility mode for Windows 7.

Gameplay questions / Re: Homeland Robbers (Spoiler)
« on: May 22, 2018, 10:40:12 AM »
I laughed a little bit, but my fingers still sort of hurt from the robbers search that I did, I'm also not sure that my numpad 8 key is really the same anymore.

You should post that adventure in the stories section, losing 2 pigs to the same wolf is gold.

Suggestions / Wind
« on: May 18, 2018, 05:26:41 AM »
I think adding wind effects to the simulation would be a great benefit to the game.  This would add to the depth of the world in several ways.

We could have blizzards where high winds would cause low visibility and rapid heat loss, creating deadly conditions.  Weatherlore could help a survivor predict an incoming storm, prompting them to take shelter or at least seek a heavily wooded area.

Stalking prey downwind would be extra challenging because smells drifts toward them.  This might necessitate careful planning of a hunting expedition or the use of a ritual to mask a character's scent.

Strong and especially gusty wind conditions could cause projectiles to veer off course, especially long range shots.  Blowdown could cause trees to uproot and fall.

On the other end dead calm conditions might cause sound to travel extra far, I'm thinking of Sami's whistling arrow shot from the recent video.

Clearly this would be a large effort as it would change many existing systems.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: May 17, 2018, 07:10:34 PM »
New rituals can be gained by doing quests or completing a game course.

There are no vanilla recipes for cooked meat, but if you want to there is a neat mod you can install  This does have some recipes that use cooked meat in new recipes and maintains a good balance in the game.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: 3.50 skin degrade without warning
« on: May 16, 2018, 06:50:13 PM »
I've seen this happen as well, and I suspect it is due to rotting.  I had a superior elk fur go directly to harsh because I forgot about it for a day.  Things seem to go bad between morning and late morning, that's when the game figures a new day starts.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: May 16, 2018, 06:42:15 PM »
Light lever traps are the easiest traps to make at the start of the game, they don't require cords.  It's possible to catch game without baiting the traps, but it helps.  You can set the traps where there are narrow gaps in trees in a spruce mire or coniferous forest.  These traps can catch birds, hares and maybe a fox.  If you use the bird leathers to make cords, you will be able to make the larger traps and catch bigger game.  I don't set the traps for larger game until I see them.

I don't know how to advise on moving locations.  I see small game like birds almost everywhere but bigger game is sometimes hard to find in some areas than others.  I've always had good luck getting started between pine and spruce mires.

I've seen my character's trapping skill increase from just setting a tripped trap.  You can punch or kick a trap to trigger it, with the 9 or 0 keys.  It's also possible to increase trapping skill by producing paw board fox traps, this requires an axe.

Stories / Re: Rauko
« on: May 16, 2018, 06:08:57 AM »
Heading north with winter looming, good times.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: May 16, 2018, 06:04:23 AM »
When you roast the meat it will be sorted into qualities based on your cooking skill.  I think decent quality (no description) is the same or very nearly the same value as uncooked meat.  Lowest quality cooked meat is worthless in trade, bland meat is worth about half vs decent (plain good) quality.  If your cooking skill suffices, and you can make tasty or delicious roasted cuts, those are certainly worth more in trades than raw meat, I think 125% and 150% respectively.

Bear in mind that when you roast the meat you also get some value in that it will take longer before it turns stale, which is important in warm weather.  Also you can possibly increase your cooking skill, which will help future rates of return.

Suggestions / Re: Build a Tower
« on: May 15, 2018, 04:55:52 AM »
This seems like a pretty reasonable request.  I have noticed that it seems to work this way in a village tile.  When walking into a northern tribal village, my character can certainly see farther than from the neighboring tiles.

Maybe once you build enough for the game to consider any tile as your settlement, the visibility would be increased by one level.

I reckon the levels look a bit like this:

water, open/pine mires
spruce mires
coniferous forests, farmland?
lichenous forests
hills, cliffs
mountains, caves?

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: May 15, 2018, 04:47:12 AM »
Not every character will be a fantastic hunter, but there are some things you can do to increase your chances.  You really need a decent hand axe to be able to make decent javelins, I find that these are extremely powerful hunting tools.  Your character's speed and endurance play a big part in tiring out and catching game, if these are low you need a higher weapon skill to cripple your target.  Make sure you are not carrying anything but necessities when you are hunting, I think every percent of penalty slows you down one way or another, so leave heavy clothes behind with your axe when you're chasing game.  Practice hunting birds with your javelins, I will usually walk between a spruce mire and pine mire (make sure you're zoomed out as much as you can, it took me too long to figure that out) looking for birds.  I'll stay in the trees to try and get behind them, then sneak and get as close as possible.  When they see you, throw your javelins, which you already had wielded, one in each hand.  Go pick up your javelins and keep trying until you can't find that bird anymore.

With persistence I have been able to get enough food with this method to feed a slow character with lackluster spear skill ~50%.  The powerful thing is that you never really lose any javelins, unlike arrows which can be hard to replace in the early game.  You should also see your spear skill increase which is when things start getting easier.  I would probably only take along 3 javelins at most to save on weight.

You can try making some light lever traps, I find that I have the best luck with them set around my camp.

Getting that first big kill is such a huge payoff, good luck with your hunting!

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