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Messages - JP_Finn

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 81
Gameplay questions / Re: Antlers and bones
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:36:53 PM »
I recently got a fine pair of Reindeer antlers and was wondering if there was any way to hang them to the walls of my cabin.

There’s no dedicated mechanic to apply them to your cabin, but you can push them in to a wall tile.

Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:24:16 PM »
What I believe is that the robbers will take high value items. While they might not take a rough knife from you, don't think twice if they'll take your rough mail hauberk. They might let you keep your fine wooden cup.

When I suspect, or know from a quest, that there are robbers about, I go switch gear to rough/decent. When I find the robbers, I'll let them take what they will, then go raise a posse, arm up and go slaughter every single one of the robbers.

Bug reports / Re: teleported to field
« on: May 19, 2024, 07:08:41 AM »
True, there’s some quirky behavior when it comes to passed NPCs belongings. Sometimes even slender logs are ‘village property’ yet at other times they’re “free for the taking”

I tend to pick up things, then drop, tab unpaid, to see if the villagers believe I owe something. Or alternatively chat with villager and choose trade. If they tell you that they don’t have anything to barter, or they want you to pay for the goods picked up; is good choice too.

Since last few versions, the villagers tend to prowl several hundred yards/meters from their village, if they drop anything, you pick it up and bee line to the village: the villagers will get livid and call you out on “do not dare to try to leave with those goods”… when you’re returning them to the village.

Thankless bastards.

Bug reports / Re: teleported to field
« on: May 19, 2024, 06:57:39 AM »
Any chance you saved, copied and compressed the save game there and then?

Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« on: May 19, 2024, 06:54:20 AM »
I’m not sure we’re on the same page here.
I don’t recall seeing yellow text or “death blow is possible” ever.
Most of the time getting big game, moose (alces alces (elk (cervus canadensis)is sort of taxonomy misnomer:) is British English error) or bear unconscious, it’ll take 10+ axe poll hits to skull to kill the animal.

I thought alternate target option was all there was. Instead of head-body-arms-legs, you get to target skull-neck et cetera. I don’t recall other options of the unconscious as game animals get ‘skull’, Njerp and robbers get ‘neck’…

Bug reports / Re: Double fire
« on: May 18, 2024, 06:50:51 AM »
Just emailed you the save game.
Happy bug hunting!

Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:40:42 AM »
The hare was still unconscious as the character moved 2 more tiles and then killed the hare with the axe’s poll with a perfect hit to its skull.

Glad you figured it out!
I do detest any non-documented features/hijacking programs with a vengeance.

On that note, I tend to reinstall operating systems every 2 years after ensuring backup is current; repartition, format. 
Used to do clean re-install every year, but I don’t run too many odd projects these days.
Caveat: I have an old ‘08R2 server (installed 2015ish) SDRM recorder running in the laboratory (garage) still, without one re-install. 

Bug reports / Double fire
« on: May 16, 2024, 04:33:12 AM »
Visiting a nearby village ( to keep the sow cuts smoking nicely), pushed 3 branches and block in the fireplace, was surprised to get not "the fire is about to burn out soon"
Checking the fireplace, there's 2 separate fires.

Save available.

Bug reports / Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« on: May 15, 2024, 11:58:51 PM »
I would think unconscious NPC should not spot hiding character.
Noticed this with a hare, would be more dramatic if it were Njerpez.

Bug reports / [TYPO/GRAMMAR] Multiple item order from blacksmith
« on: May 12, 2024, 11:04:06 PM »
When inquiring if ordered fish hooks (or arrowheads) are ready, the response is formulated as it was a single item.

"How are those iron fishhooks coming along?"
"It will be ready shortly" << that should be "They will be ready shortly"

Bry, I think you missed the joke in the recipe. 5minutes with %50% skill boost and 0 effort too. I half expected it also to include [phys:stance]

Bug reports / Of Wolf and Woman
« on: May 10, 2024, 11:57:35 PM »
Not sure if intentional, but seems like the wolf spawned for the quest, might end up dying anyways... when it spawns on river, during Swidden's thinning ice.

Character got to the area, heard wolf howl NE, while on the wrong side of river. I waited for some days, and the river cleared. Went looking for the wolf for several days, but no tracks, no howls. Lo and behold, it'd gotten (or spawned) on thin ice and drowned.

I do not have a usable save to try and recreate this.
Animals tend to stay away of water, maybe have them stay off thin ice too? Very least don't have them spawn on thin ice.

Edit: Made it back to the village, there's no option to tell the woman that the wolf is dead.

Bug reports / Grinding flour
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:08:41 PM »
This one has been around for a while, finally decided to report it.

When you have a bag, or other container of grain/seeds/roots, with over ~4lbs of produce in it, and choose to grind in to a container that has less capacity than 4 lbs; you use 4 lbs of grain, and only get the maximum capacity's worth of flour.

e.g. grind barley from full bag, choose a birchbark box as target. 4lbs of barley will be used and yet you'll only get 2lbs of flour.

Choosing 2 or more stacked containers, with enough capacity to hold 4 lbs of flour; only one container will be used, the other(s) stay empty in the inventory.

Expectation here is that:
  • grinding would only use grain/seed/roots in the capacity the receiving container can hold.
  • Use multiple containers to receive the 4lbs grinding output.
  • Prompt for "How much grain/seed/roots to grind?"

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:53:27 PM »
I manually paused the task, slept, and resumed crafting. No other items on the ground. No extra Slender Trunks in reach either.

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