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Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences I know I asked to buff them up, but please don't make the head any harder.

Spoiler: Story of a particularly hard-headed elk • show

That sums up to 27 solid hits to the skull with the blunt end of a woodman's axe.  ;D

December 03, 2020, 05:34:58 PM
Completing random starts This is to add in to the various character creation steps more options for random steps. Sex male/female and seasons are missing this.

We are talking elsewhere already of starting locations to either/both give a point-to-map or to be able to zoom in the starting map which the random location rolls only within the current view.

December 05, 2020, 03:54:01 AM
Configurable system of measurement with more precision The game currently uses imperial units - pound, feet etc. Or more precisely mostly imperial units as there are few confusing metric system units (meters, kilometers) in the mix. We'll be sorting it all up now and will allow system of measurement to be chosen from two configuration options - metric or imperial. In addition you can also configure the precision of units displayed eg. how many decimals fractions to use. Two decimal fractions will probably be the maximum, for the sake of sanity and readability.
We'll probably also add some smaller units eg. grams and ounces, which aren't currently seen at all. So all in all it's gonna be less rounding with numbers and more precise measurements displayed - if you prefer precision. I'd also like to add option for quite vague unit display which emphasize more on common sense, roleplaying and old finnish units - but might be that it's gonna be a future addition somewhere along the way. After the global unit display in the game is reworked it will be quite easy to add new systems of measurements anyway.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.63.

December 05, 2020, 12:57:26 PM
Re: [3.63] Quick burn standing trees I have heard of real life people using tall trees to make them fall over. Rather than cutting them with a stone axe, which takes hours, that you burn the base of the tree (only) then it falls over. Which is this game would generate a tree trunk.


There should be the possibility of having massive out of control fires. Wheeeeee

December 07, 2020, 01:09:28 AM
Re: Completing random starts Oh... and names

Im dying a lot lately and need more names.

Surely you could put some Finnish culture in there with male-female names. Though maybe you should have the which sex selection done first.

December 07, 2020, 05:18:33 AM
Happy New Year Sometimes I'm a bit off and not too precise about the exact timing, but better late than newer - so ...

Happy New year to all of you!

There's not that much snow this year compared to the past average, but it's winter nevertheless.
And a new year ahead of us.

Take care!

January 02, 2021, 05:30:59 PM
Re: Children stole my stuff??  I am familiar with NPCs picking up items from the floor, I bet these are the same kids that drowned that old man in the well.
It's a real world, UnrealWorld crime spree.

January 02, 2021, 05:32:07 PM
get lost ...that's what I'd like to be able to do in this game.

But even if I toggle out the cultural regions, but my characters GPS navigator is way too sophisticated on the mainscreen (see picture).

I tried playing with a piece of post-it note on top of it. It became bothersome after a while, covering inventory screen etc.

So: please hide the location help when cultural regions are toggled off.

January 03, 2021, 06:16:06 PM
Re: Old Versions of Unreal World Our no-more-maintained IndieDB page still hosts downloads for versions 3.17 - 3.30 (from years 2013 - 2016)
January 21, 2021, 08:22:48 PM
Re: Old Versions of Unreal World
Our no-more-maintained IndieDB page still hosts downloads for versions 3.17 - 3.30 (from years 2013 - 2016)

 You are quick today, I was just typing this :D

January 21, 2021, 08:24:06 PM