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Re: Nutrition system Note that turnips, mushrooms, and berries are all on the pretty-low end of nutritious. (145 calories / pound for turnips, 132 for mushrooms, and 73 to 222 for berries).

I spent a bit of time collating all the nutrition of foods to figure out what was worth gathering.  A summary:

Barley and rye are both highly nutritious, at greater than 1000 calories per pound, and hemp seeds are nearly as nutritious.  Hemp seeds can be used as seasonings, but barley/rye need to be ground into flour to be eaten, so will take a bit of extra processing.  Broad beans and peas are decent, at 490 and 367 calories per pound.  Of the two, broad beans just produce a lot more weight per plant, and so I usually grow those for preference.  Turnips and hemp leaves are filler - it's worth keeping them on hand (turnips are good trap bait) but very hard to live on them.

Of wild plants that can be grown, nettle, yarrow, and sorrel are all low-nutrition (36-186 calories per pound), but clayweed is up with barley, rye, and hemp for being fairly nutritious (1125 calories per pound).

Wild Edibles
As above, wild mushrooms don't have many calories (132 / lb), but they can be worth gathering since it doesn't take much time for a reasonable weight of mushrooms.  Berries are comparatively lightweight (10 bushes for most to gather a pound) and take a long time (5 minutes per bush) so that in many cases you burn more calories gathering the berries than the berries are worth.  Cloudberries are the best - they're large, so they're twice as heavy (5 bushes per pound) and have the best nutrition (222 / lb).  Other berries I only gather if I want to use them to bait birds into my traps.

Lake reed is up there with the grains as a nutritious crop, at 1089 calories / pound.  It's also wildly overabundant in the vanilla game (1 lb reed per plant, due to an error with the coding).  Well worth gathering a bunch in autumn for the winter.  It's also grindable into flour, and can be eaten as a vegetable.  Marsh calla and bogbean are decent (939 / pound) but have to be boiled to be made palatable.  Other wild plants vary.  Some like meadsweet, goldenrod, and heather have almost no nutrition (18 / pound) and are only useful for their medicinal properties.  Others vary around the lowish to midrange of plant nutrition (~200 to ~600 calories / pound).  Milkweed isn't half bad, and mother and bear pipe are both quite useful both for calories and for their medicinal properties.

Fish and Meat
Fish vary a fair bit, but are in the middle range of nutritious.  The least nutritious fish is the pike-perch, at 290 / lb, and the most nutritious is the salmon, at 585 / lb.  The biggest benefit of fish is that they are generally pretty big, and so you'll get a fair bit of food with just one decent size fish - a whole pike is 2433 calories, enough to sustain a man under not too heavy exercise for a day.

Meat varies quite a lot as well.  The most nutritious meat is bear, at 1057 calories per pound, and several tie for least nutritious at 395 (including squirrel, dog, lynx, and badger).  Elk and forest reindeer, the most likely catches, are middling at 503 and 581 / lb.  Fat is by far the most nutritious (raw) food available, at 4082 calories per pound. 

The other benefit of fish and meat is that you can dry or smoke them, which not only preserves them, but concentrates the nutrients as well.  It is actually slightly non-physical right now, but dried meat is 1/10th the weight and 10x the nutrition, while smoked meat is 1/8th the weight and 8x the nutrition.  You can get all the way up to dried bear meat, which has 9934 calories per pound (twice that of raw fat!)

So in summary, plants are among the most nutritious foods in the game (barley & rye flour in particular), but not all plants are equal.  Things like turnips, berries, and mushrooms, while easier to gather, are really only worthwhile for stretching out the supply of more nutritious foods.

September 06, 2018, 07:23:21 PM
Helpers: 1) turn felled trees into logs 2) continue paused This has probably, almost certainly, been asked of before.

It would be helpful if hired workers could be instructed to convert nearby already felled trunks into logs. The conversion to logs seems to take 3 times as long as felling a tree. This would be an addition so the helper could be set to fell trunks then asked to log convert nearby already felled trunks.

It might also help if they could continue nearby paused building works. There are too many options to just have them start on their own. The player could start and abort, or fatigue out, to have a helper finish the task.

November 25, 2018, 02:56:04 AM
Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water I was gathering herbs and hunting on a remote lake, shot down a few birds over water, and as I waded in to pick them up and eventually started getting cold, I started thinking it would be useful to have a command for dogs to fetch prey floating on water. The dog would pick up the bird, come back and then drop it near the owner. Of course, if the dog was hungry, it would eat the bird instead. That might be expandable to other small prey as well - for example, you set your dogs on a hare, they hunt it down, kill it and then bring the carcass to you. The latter would be a bonus, but the former would be really useful especially in early spring/late autumn, when the waters are too cold to wade in yourself just to fetch a bird for a couple of cuts of meat, and you don't have a boat or raft handy.
December 29, 2018, 11:54:40 AM
Recipe command [LOCK] There are times in recipes, especially more complex build, where tools should be locked from use until the recipe times expire. Then they are available for use again.

Right now we can say items need to be available at the start but no way of stopping them from being used for something else while the main recipe "cooks".

For example in canoe building heavy stones are left inside to get the birch bark to form. Those stones shouldnt be taken out until days later.

Pots for instance should often be [LOCK] until their food finishes their cooking time.

Clamps for major wood projects should be place for hours. After that the clamps can be used for something else.

December 31, 2018, 03:51:19 AM
Re: But that villager died Been 3+ years here, and still no one wants to go hunting with me "until we see Tauno who went with you".   I brought Tauno's lifeless body to the village back when he met his end, so everyone definitely saw him...  Perhaps it's Driik sarcasm in action.
January 08, 2019, 04:57:01 AM
Re: How come I can burn down forests while it's raining?
I was trying to burn down the forest when it started raining.

I bet you swear it was for agriculture!  ;)

January 24, 2019, 02:25:30 AM
Re: Bait not req for fishing? Really? I could believe that finding bait was part of fishing skill. I always assumed that we were using a lure or lures provided by the fishing pole. And as to the line in the real world it depends on the fish type and how it felt that day. Pike are known to be very uncaring about line visibility. You could probably catch one on a rope. No nets do not need bait they are most likely gill nets. Fish attempt to swim through and get tangled, usually by their gills. That's why we find them dead after two days. Think of it like a bunch of trap fences and pit traps, but for fish
February 02, 2019, 07:26:53 PM
Make {Cord} a valid recipe Brygun of the BAC here

During recent tests for tech levels within the BAC mod I found that having


as a recipe item didn't work.

I was hoping to access our various mod built things that use "Cord" as a base object.

There is in the BAC things like "split spruce twigs" which IMHO are good enough for tying up meat and low quality loop snares. I had hoped to use {*cord} for things with cord in their name to be a better quality tech level.

For that to happen, at the lower tech level, I had needed {Cord} to accept items with the cord base object.

I don't think this is a bug as there isn't a problem with the vanilla game. So I've put this in the suggestion forums.

February 17, 2019, 03:08:07 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Well, three stupid deaths in (never ignore how cold winter gets folks), and I get this cheerful trap line scene.

Guess I won't have to worry about food for a long time! I'm busy using all the bones to make arrows and practice my archery -- running a modified version of BAC's self-sufficiency compilation, which suits me fine.

Once winter ends, I'll plant the little field I have set up, finish up my cabin, and I'm thinking of establishing a fishing camp to the far northwest of my current camp. Then, perhaps I'll do the advanced course just to force myself to move out of this comfortable Driik land.

February 17, 2019, 07:38:15 PM
Re: Make {Cord} a valid recipe Just verified in v3.52 (stable) there is no issue with {Cord} being detected and accepted as an ingredient.

If you make something else like:
.6branches. "Cord"
{Branch} (6) [remove]

It will not be detected or accepted item 6branches as {Cord}
It will however be accept 6branches as {Rope} and {Tying equipment}

February 18, 2019, 05:29:08 AM