Paw-board fox trap

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Paw-board fox trap
Paw-board fox trap.png
Weight: '
Value: '
Hunting Information
Animals this trap is known to catch:
Crafting Information
Tools Required: Knives, Axes
Materials: 1x Board
Craft Time:
Finish Time:
A paw-board (käpälälauta) is a board-based trap specialised for trapping foxes.

The paw-board fox trap is a nearly two meters long board-shaped piece of wood, set in an upright position. Its upper end is pointed and has two sharp wedges on both sides. The pointed end holds the bait. The fox usually ends up trapped by its forepaws stuck into the wedges. The paw-board is therefore useless without bait, which makes the fox jump to fetch it.

Crafting requirements

For crafting a fox trap you need the following items:



Note that unlike most other traps, the fox trap is crafted and put into your inventory. In order to set the trap, you need to choose "Apply trap from inventory" in the trapping menu.

Don't forget to bait the paw-board with bait suitable for luring foxes, otherwise the trap won't work.


Since the trap can be built and placed in the inventory it can be used for bartering. Since it only needs a board and no tying equipment, it is a good source for bartering when other items are missing.

Strategy tips

To be added.

Animals this trap is known to catch

Fox (specialised for catching this animal species)

URW Game Encyclopedia description

The official URW in-game encyclopedia (accessed by the F1 key) describes the "paw-board" fox trap thusly:

The paw-board fox trap is a nearly two meters long board-shaped piece of wood, set in upright position. It's upper end is pointed and has two sharp wedges on the both sides. The pointed end holds the bait so that the fox has to jump to try to catch the bait. Usually the fox ends up trapped by its forepaws stuck into the wedges. The paw-board is therefore useless without a bait which makes the fox to jump to fetch it.