Topic: Injured adventurer clarification  (Read 34327 times)


« on: October 28, 2017, 08:34:57 PM »
I haven't seen many posts about this but I wanted to know for sure, does the shelter for the injured adventurer quest spawn on the edge of or does it spawn in the first tile described? For example when the guy says "I remember building my shelter at border location of heathland area right next to pine mire" would it only be where a pine mire and heathland meet or could it spawn anywhere in the heathland tile even next to a different terrain as long as the overworld heathland tile it was in was bordering a pine mire?

« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2017, 08:50:02 PM »
Almost all of the times I've tried that quest, it's in one of the tiles. However, if you want the line between them, there will almost always be some sort of blood trail, or you will probably find tracks or see the bear/wolf around it. As soon as you run into these indicators, you know it's near.


« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2017, 09:09:22 PM »
So would that mean it's better to enter the hearthland tile and look around? Also do diagonal's count for "bordering"?

« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2017, 09:19:28 PM »
So would that mean it's better to enter the hearthland tile and look around? Also do diagonal's count for "bordering"?

I usually just walk the border, about 5 tiles into the map that has the most "open" landscape. Yes, I'll think that counts as bordering as well.

JEB Davis

« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2017, 10:40:23 PM »
You may have to be persistent and patient to find the shelter.
Last time I did that quest, I found bloodscapes & tracks, and
the shelter was difficult to find, but it was there. The reward
was worth the effort.


« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2017, 09:27:49 AM »
I've never found any shelter in a tile with only diagonal contact (a single point isn't a border), and I don't think those count, but that might be incorrect.

If the tiles of the "right" type is reasonably open I tend to walk in those tiles within view of the border, but if the target tile type is infested by spruce I walk close to the border in the other tile type. Blood scapes tend to be spread all over the target tile, so only you find the tile it's usually easily identified. The shelter may take a little work to find, but at that stage it's only a single tile. Beware of the attacking animal, though: it may still be there (I lost my latest adventurer to a wolf in such a quest, and an earlier adventurer was attacked by a bear, but saved by his dog).


« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2017, 05:44:18 PM »
You may have to be persistent and patient to find the shelter.
Last time I did that quest, I found bloodscapes & tracks, and
the shelter was difficult to find, but it was there. The reward
was worth the effort.

same, except the only thing i found was the handaxe the adventurer wanted back and 2 wooden mugs....

anyway, found blood on the border, with bear tracks. followed those tracks, found the bear camping in the shelter. fucking squatters.


« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2017, 12:32:49 AM »
Have you checked the tile partially hidden by the shelter? There may be stuff there as well. However, the most valuable thing from those quests tends to be the teaching anyway.


« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2017, 03:47:28 PM »
If it says "at border location of spruce mire area right next to pine mire in the west", it means: There is a spruce mire with a shelter in it, and 1 tile directly west of the spruce mire is a pine mire.

It's not necessarily near the border between the spruce mire and pine mire tile. it can be anywhere in the spruce mire tile.


« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2018, 04:35:15 AM »
I hate to be negative, but I just spent a few hours trying to complete yet another of these, and I feel they are a frustrating addition to the game. The only time I have ever successfully completed one of these quests is when I saw the shelter on the wilderness map. Catching one in a hundred animals is one thing, but these searches are just too hard in an unfun way (for me). I suspect I'm in the minority, but I just had to vent some frustration to people who would know what I'm talking about.


« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2018, 08:24:46 AM »
@bethefawn: The quests are tedious, and I certainly wouldn't mind if the search area was smaller. The wounded adventurer quest isn't hard (apart from the risk of getting killed), provided you use an effective search strategy. The bird thief and robber quests are worse, as it's a lot harder to see and find what you're looking for. However, I've succeeded with all the ones attempted, except the one where my character was killed (but I've been a hair's breadth from giving up a couple of times).

I use two different search strategies:
1. When the shelter is NOT is spruce infested terrain (so you've got a decent visibility), I start at one end of the circle and move back and forth over it on the world map, sweeping over the whole area one tile at a time. Each tile which matches the search criteria is entered and I look forwards, then backwards, and then zoom out again. If this is done when there is sufficient light (and you shouldn't search when there isn't), you should see either the shelter or blood scapes if you've found the tile. For robbers I do this for every tile. Covering the whole area for a robber quest takes about 3 days.
2. If the target is in spruce infested terrain, or there are a limited number of clear lines of border terrain, I move from one end of the line to the other on the zoomed in map, sufficiently far into the target type tile to see a little bit of the neighboring tile (which has the other type of terrain). Keep walking to follow the border line, and zoom out once in a while to get your bearings.

To help in the search, I use temporary markers to show where I've swept, in particular at the end of the day, so I know where to continue the next morning.


« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2018, 07:33:14 PM »
@bethefawn: The quests are tedious, and I certainly wouldn't mind if the search area was smaller. The wounded adventurer quest isn't hard (apart from the risk of getting killed), provided you use an effective search strategy. The bird thief and robber quests are worse, as it's a lot harder to see and find what you're looking for. However, I've succeeded with all the ones attempted, except the one where my character was killed (but I've been a hair's breadth from giving up a couple of times).

I use two different search strategies:
1. When the shelter is NOT is spruce infested terrain (so you've got a decent visibility), I start at one end of the circle and move back and forth over it on the world map, sweeping over the whole area one tile at a time. Each tile which matches the search criteria is entered and I look forwards, then backwards, and then zoom out again. If this is done when there is sufficient light (and you shouldn't search when there isn't), you should see either the shelter or blood scapes if you've found the tile. For robbers I do this for every tile. Covering the whole area for a robber quest takes about 3 days.
2. If the target is in spruce infested terrain, or there are a limited number of clear lines of border terrain, I move from one end of the line to the other on the zoomed in map, sufficiently far into the target type tile to see a little bit of the neighboring tile (which has the other type of terrain). Keep walking to follow the border line, and zoom out once in a while to get your bearings.

To help in the search, I use temporary markers to show where I've swept, in particular at the end of the day, so I know where to continue the next morning.

These are very good tips, and I have used some variations of them myself. But even with them, yes, tedious is the word! I do like your idea of a smaller search area, that could work well.

Tom H

« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2018, 09:08:29 PM »
I've had one quest where I found a blood trail of about 5 spatters at the border area but no nearby camp. Indeed, I found ANOTHER group of blood tails a fair walk into the woods and THAT was where the camp and loot was found. Usually I've been able to find it only a few steps into the woods.

Today, I found bear tracks, but no blood trail, heading SE, away from the woods that the camp was supposed to be found in. I went NW..heh. Followed bear tracks a while and found nothing. So, I trekked farther north on the border and a fair walk up I found more bear tracks going INTO the right woods area. Found the camp after following those tracks in.

Also today, I died when I found a bear at the right area and aggroed from a good distance (at the end, either of us could have died first. Bear had more luck). A curious thing I noticed during the fight was the battle commentary said 'Bear calms down'. It didn't stop fighting so the point was moot, eh? lol


« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2018, 08:21:15 AM »
Yes, this quest isn't harmless. Most of the time nothing happens, but I've had one bear attack (with the dog saving my character from the bear, essentially), and one wolf attack (which was fatal). On top of that, I recently did a robber quest over a month after a wounded adventurer quest, and as fate would have it, the robbers were fairly close to that shelter. After having gathered a posse to deal with the robbers (and locating them before that), I headed towards the area when it got late night and I decided to sleep at that shelter. Woke up in the middle of the night by a wolf attack, so the bugger was still there, which I hadn't expected. I had to dismiss a posse member after that, as I didn't want a badly injured member turn into a dead one in the "real" fight.

And yes, the "calm down", "attack", and "flee" comments sometimes do not make sense. I've had the comment "attack" when the animal starts to flee, etc.