It'd be great if your up to it bud also hit me up if you want to spread the knowledge, not sure how to do the update but if you teach me a bit i'd be happy to help with it in future.
Sent you a PM; I just finished a recording on obtaining some of the addresses and general cheat engine usage. Never really edited videos before and no idea how long of a video I can upload to youtube, but recording ended up being about an hour long. hopefully I can trim some of it up, kinda just dove into it with no real plan or experience so.
With that said, updated some of my addresses as a byproduct so, there's that!
Still brainstorming/experimenting with making everything for URWCharacterMenu ported into the game UI and hotkeys, but idk. Hard to decide what the best course of action is.
edit: just checked the recording and realized I messed up on one of the source resolutions so only half my screen got captured ;'(

Will have to redo it.