Topic: Haft wear out and breakage mechanics continued  (Read 3297 times)


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« on: January 27, 2024, 05:01:18 PM »
As mentioned in the earlier post we're working on axe and spear haft breakage mechanics and re-hafting features.
To come up with separate spear and axe head and haft items was the easiest part of the process. And that's fully completed by now.
To add mechanics and features to combine head and hafts into fully working weapons, ie. hafting, was a bigger thing to accomplish but it's also done by now.

What's been more tricky was to add active wear out mechanics when these weapons are actually used in the game world.
Be it crafting, building or in the combat. But we've gotten there by now and your axe hafts will actually wear out when the axe is used.
And eventually, when severely worn out, they will break.
(This coding groundwork can be later on utilized for making edged weapons getting dull in use, so that feature is also one step closer now.)

Here's Olaus. He has been using his axe for a long time, and now upon felling yet another tree its worn haft breaks.

It was one thing to make the haft wear out mechanics work for player character, but we also needed to put in effect for NPCs. That wasn't a piece of cake, but it's done by now.
And that opens up an opportunity for variety of new incidents to take place. It's not likely, but theoritically possible, that one day a player character finds an old axe or spear head from the woods. Dropped and left there due to NPC activity.

Here's a bear fighting scene with a companion called Aimo.
Aimo's spear haft breaks at the critical moment, but he wisely proceeds to grab the fallen spear head.
If need be, spear heads can be used as sort of substitute for a weapon, although far less effectively than a proper spear.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.83.
- Sami | UnReal World creator