Topic: Fat keyword don't work?  (Read 9298 times)


« on: November 19, 2023, 07:43:19 PM »
Disclaimer: I'm using the URW 3.72.2 version

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use Fat in some cook recipes, but it doesn't seem to work as I expected.

By transforming milk into Fat or seeds into oil (Fat), when I go to use them on another cooking recipes it doesn't consider them valid... any advice?

Spoiler: show

.Extract oil from grains. "Fat"   *COOKERY* [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands] /15/ [noquality] 
{* grains}    #4#   [remove] [boil] [name:%s oil]
{Stone}           +'to crush the grains'

.Butter. "Fat"      *COOKERY* /30/     %20%   :148: 
{Milk}   #4#    [remove] [roast]

.Fried eggs.    *COOKERY* /3/  \5\   %20%   :148:
{Stone cooking plate}
{*egg}   #0.5#    [remove] [roast]
{Seasoning}   #0.1#   [remove] [optional] [roast]
{Fat} #0.1# 'for frying' [remove] [roast]

I hope I didn't forget something trivial after hours of writing code xD
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 08:06:03 PM by Plasmator94 »


« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2023, 09:05:32 PM »
Two problems:
  • Unlike DIY and BIY files, cookery files don't do anything with double quotemarks in the recipe header.
    And, unless defined otherwise, cookery end products inherit nutrition properties from the inputs that use cooking tags:
    • [roast]
    • [boil]
    • [bake]
    • [ember-roast]
  • Rather than being a pre-defined base item, fats and other butchery products are generated on the fly based on the carcass. This prevents cuts of meat, fat, bones and horns from being referenced as the base item in DIY recipe headers (and therefore you can't directly use DIY-crafted pseudo-fats in cookery recipes that call for {Fat} inputs).
Another thing worth mentioning: the display tag [TILEGFX:] makes using :148: in recipe headers obsolete.
Numbers enclosed in colonmarks specify an item's spritesheet index, but for URW version 3.30+ this is no longer needed since sprites are managed as separate files.

Possible work-around with wildcard and renaming:
Code: [Select]
.Extract oil from grains.    *COOKERY* [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands] /15/ [noquality]
{* grains}    #4#   [remove] [boil] [name:%s oil fat]

.Butter fat.    *COOKERY* /30/ %20%

.Fried eggs.    *COOKERY* /3/  \5\   %20%
{* fat}    #0.1# 'fat for frying' [remove] [roast]


« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2023, 08:12:14 PM »
Thanks you! I see...

Another thing worth mentioning: the display tag [TILEGFX:] makes using :148: in recipe headers obsolete.
Numbers enclosed in colonmarks specify an item's spritesheet index, but for URW version 3.30+ this is no longer needed since sprites are managed as separate files.

Yeah I know that but I'm too lazy to delete it, and it never gave me any issue, when I use custom TILEGFX

