Topic: Containers need an Unpack command  (Read 12274 times)


« on: May 15, 2023, 07:45:04 AM »
Once you put herbs into a container there needs to be a way to get small portions out.

I tested with roseroot in a birch bark container. 1+ lb of roseroot was in the box. When I did the sacrifice it sacrife the whole lot not just one set of leaves.

One context is that I've been using heather for general sacrifice. I decided to put my stocks into a birch-bark container mostly for roleplay an orderly kitchen. Currently my year's supply of ritual heather (200+ sets) is in one shot containers rather than using it the many times.

I can get only a minimal of uses by using smaller containers but its not going to be the 100s.

The "Apply" container needs a way to empty a container to your inventory. The "empty" assumes you are discarding.

Maybe the phrase "Unpack" to off load it to your inventory would work. then player can drop some or all for sorting.

For example 10 lbs of heather in large container but only want 1 lb while travelling on a hunt for medicine or sacrifices.
Unpack to inventory container to inventory, drop 1 lb on floor (not discard), put 9 pls heather back in the large container. Put container down. Pick up 1 lb of heather.


« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2023, 03:52:51 AM »
Just had another incident.

After harvest I was filling amphora with seeds but accidentally put the sorrel leaves in it. I cant get the leaves out as the empty command is a destruction command.

Really suggest that "empty" not be destroy just move to inventory where the player can drop and discard if wanted


« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2023, 10:09:56 AM »
I assume the amphora is a mod item, but that's unlikely to be important to the issue.

I would expect that you could get the leaves out via recipes that consume them, though, and it might even be possible to hack a recipe that "produces" the same thing it "consumes" to work around the issue. That's obviously not a solution, but it might help in the mean time.


« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2023, 06:17:57 AM »
If your purpose is sacrifice it consumes the entire thing, including the container!

If you are cooking you will use contents by weight.

If you are eating your eat contents to weight until full, which may be more the you wanted. Balancing a diet of edible leaves and protiens.

Calle likes to travel with a mix of heather, nettles, hemp and maybe flax leaves along with turnips and smoked/dried meats. With a farm the leaves and turnips are plentiful that he only needs to eat half the meat he used to.


Related issue I've come across is the # of things count. Calle  having done his second year's harvest has a huge count of leaves and things. 800 Nettle leaves is 800 out of that count. Add in the 100s of other leaves. Its making him drop carried things ALOT.

If I could put things in and take out portions be amazing. Easier to code would be the suggest empty to inventory not discard. The player could then use his little portion then "apply" the container to store them.


Might make a recipe for smoked meat salad and dried meat salad that brings in leaves.

Doesn't solve the sacrifice problem though.


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« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2023, 06:50:57 AM »
After the winter on Spring start character there’s usually 800+ cuts of dried elk, 300+ cuts of reindeer, 500 cuts of hare, birds and fur bearers. If there’s wounded adventurer or getting lucky in Dirt or Swidden, maybe 200-500 cuts of dried bear too.

And add to that any smoked summer bears.. there’s no shortage of sacrifice material.

BUT! As there’s at least 2 of these by you and same from me, I really do hope Sami would get container rework done in before 4.0

I need to experiment what “extract herbs/seasoning” recipes can and can’t do. I’m hoping something generic to work, not a recipe for each plant separately  :o


« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2023, 06:01:27 AM »
My character is following a pattern of herbal offerings, particularily heather.

The issue with the whole stock being sacrificed is just an example. We just need a way to add and remove small amounts from containers. Im not sure why its such a hard thing to not be able to. The container tells what's in it, like heather petals, and the game has that as a known item already with a known weight to count ratio.

Small round down errors are fine. Like if you put in 128 pinches you take out 127.


« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2023, 01:06:44 AM »
The problem is that all items 'inside' a container become fluid.
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« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2023, 03:52:17 AM »
The problem is that all items 'inside' a container become fluid.

Exactly, Sami has responded to these suggestions several times. Anything put in container 'becomes a heap of ___'.
That's also the very reason container can only hold one type of "mass/fluid".
If there were little intelligence, doing reverse recipes would work, but as is, each possible content would need its own separate recipe to get out the correct amount for each type. i.e. removing sorrel seeds would need to get them out individually and give each item "created" the correct specs. Same goes for every herb, piece of fat, animal cut, fish... each item would require separate recipe for extraction.

I guess there's going to be blacksmith fine tuning and then other craftsmen/bakers utilizing the fresh code for locating one and placing orders.

There's also marriage, offspring, seasonal village markets and feasts, weather updates, added minor ailments, weapon maintenance, pause/resume any crafting/task, animal husbandry and so on, that I feel might be taking priority over extra layer of storage.


« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2023, 05:19:42 AM »
a look up table of the known things if it matches could do it though it sounds long things like herbs and flowers are all the same name and weight so its a lot of cut and paste for many of them.

Or when you put the thing in a container you are storing its name and base object (as its useable in recipes) to also record the small portion name and its weight divisor.


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« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2023, 05:27:09 AM »
Storing and pulling out vanilla items isn't problem. But the container would have no idea what the specs of any modded items are, as the recipe something was made with might be deleted from the files. It's not as simple as item name & weight.
.Longbow stave. Is it weapon, made of roach? or just piece of timber :o

And then how would varied items stack or not. It can be messy. I have a hunch that once Sami gets working on travois/sled/cart features, we might get our containers redone with or after that update.


« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2023, 05:48:05 AM »
So im saying save the info as its put in.

Through my current issue isnt about long bows but about the foods and sacrifices.

Sacrices could be set to only take a mam weight of food would also be helpful. Though someone might want to do a heavy object


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« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2023, 06:27:07 AM »
I like to keep non-perishable goods loose by the fireplace "cooking station".
I do pack flour in bowl or cup and hemp (or clayweed) seeds in mug when trekking.
Herbs I keep separate, treating wounds, you'd burn through the potent stuff in no time. Better to drop extra herbs, choose 1 golden rod, 1 burdock, 1 heather, 1 nettle etc. then esc the remaining herb volume.

Using the main inventory, you can hold several thousand items (nettle leaves, lakereed roots)  in one stack. Putting all those items in containers would require a lot of containers and when using one, it'd split to second stack. Which counts toward the hoarding / excess carrying limit.

The sample longbow stave was just a sample. Could've been "masterwork wool lined, linen long Jussi's"   ::)


« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2023, 06:53:48 AM »
I was also getting hit with the excess inventory problem around my established homestead and fields... but now running 3.80

Was thinking the 500 nettle leaves counted as 500 to the limit hence part of why to put them into one slot. At least that problems not there.

I was also for roleplaying making clay amphora to store the grains, seeds and so on. You can get things down to minor quantities with birch bark containers.

At the time I was also RPing using Heather as Calle's method of honoring spirits and during winter was running low when I tried a 12 lb container of heather and the whole thing went to the spirit realm in one go.



« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2023, 02:57:38 AM »
I agree. There should be such a command. You buy a basket of seeds for bird-trap baiting but it turns out to be that you can't do that because you can't seperate seeds from a container of them. It's against the common sense.


« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2023, 05:06:26 AM »

Through my current issue isnt about long bows but about the foods and sacrifices.

 Much the same as I did the arrow quiver, you could separate "specific" (generic, as mentioned) items and make a craft to extract them by weight, but there is no flexibility (That I'm aware of) so a craft would be needed for each type of extract.
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