Topic: Baits for trappers and fisherfolks.  (Read 10681 times)


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« on: September 14, 2023, 10:12:13 PM »
If you're annoyed by lack of bait day after you caught a pike and roasted it, here's some help, just cut some bait pieces first, then roast the rest.
Also lets you cut up vegetables for trapping bait, as you can use 1 turnip for multiple fishing attempts, but whole turnip is used when baiting a loop snare for hares. you can use other vegetables like lake reed roots and bog beans too.
3rd one is a bit a of a bonus from Suggestions thread where Ezhe had a valid concern not being able to use seeds from container as bird trap bait.

All baits have been tested and found to work as expected.

Copy the code and insert it in to a diy_xyz.txt of choice and copy jp-seed.png in to \truetile\ (or /truetile/ depending on O/S)

Code: [Select]
.Cut fish bait. (4) "Perch" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Raw fish} #1# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s chunk] [patchwise]

.Cut veg bait. (8) "Turnip" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Vegetables} #0.7# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s bait] [patchwise]

.Seed bait. (10) "Rye" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *COMMON* /1/ |-2| [noquality]
{Seeds} #0.25# [remove] [name:%s bait]
[tilegfx:jp_seed] // Graphic by Enormous Elk, originally sorrel seeds