Topic: Dog holding something in mouth by making them able to wield item  (Read 1762 times)


« on: December 31, 2022, 04:33:02 AM »
I was wondering if dog could be able to hold small preys like squirrel or hare in mouth by wielding them, so that dog can take back these preys when you order them to hunt them and they did it. Then you don't have to difficultly seek the location of hunted prey in forest.
In this way, dogs can hold a bone in mouth so they will atomically eat the bone and save you a lot of operation from dropping a bone from inventory, ordering them to eat and picking up unfinished bone to move on.
If this in game, Adding option to order dog to fetch a stick or your shoes is not far. You can also play 'go fetch' game with you dog by throwing a stick and tell your dog to retrieve it. :D