UnReal World > Suggestions

Honing blades


Tom H:
I'm certain it's been suggested before but I think that one should have to regularly hone axes, shovels, swords, and knives to maintain their quality. It might even be a skill requiring practice to achieve the best results. Besides, it would give me something to do during rainy or wintry days. It would be a skill that uses time but not a lot of energy, thus not very fatiguing. And it's more manly than making birchbark baskets...lol.

Already on the dev.plans under “Items and crafting”: Ability to sharpen edged weapons and tools

This is also potentially achievable via modding. Would require a bit of work to make it immersive though, such as attaching it to a skill, a grinding wheel for sharpening, etc. Item quality is very easy to modify however, could also include item degradation in the long run.


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