UnReal World > Suggestions

Fence as drying rack

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For a nomadic hunter, or any fisherman, it'd be appreciated if we could use fence section as a drying rack. We can already use outside of a shelter for it, but I feel it'd be thematically appropriate to allow drying on fences as well. Faster to set up and avoids unnecessary Shelter icon pop up on the Wilderness map. I personally refuse building shelters to shore section on water tiles as it looks messy on Wilderness map.

Pros: additional option for drying, even by water line, no messy shelters shown on Wilderness map over water.
Cons: none that I can think of, there'd be no need to have to dry only on a Fence section.

Dark Art:
Kinda yes and kinda no. While it would make sense and simplify drying, the real question (IMHO) should be do we need this? If anything, I'd be more happy to see a new, buildable structure - a drying rack. I've prepared plenty of salt cured dried fish and I can guarantee you that with a proper rack it dries faster and had much fewer chances to rot. The trick is not to have any parts of the meat touching either another drying piece or any wooden parts. Moreover, this way bugs have harder time getting at it and from time to time you can start a small, smoldering fire underneath the rack to speed up the process and add a bit of smoky flavour. With the fence its possible to dry things, but the bugs get at it pretty much right away and probably spoil bits of the meat directly touching the wood, possibly even more that just bits, since in URW the mean isnt salted beforehand. But then again, in URW the drying happens only in the winder (still wonder why, IMHO it would make more sense to do it in the summer), so maybe you'd be fine.... Still, is it something worth spending time implementing?

 Kota frame takes 10 more min. to make then fence and has no tying equipment.

I’d actually prefer drying rack too, there’s plenty of them use in Northern Norway still.
I thought to keep it simple.
And the current locations, shelter wall is spruce twigs, cabin wall is logs and cave wall is rock. Not much distancing for the protein there.
Best drying season would be late winter - early spring. Drying in the middle of winter shouldn’t work, the protein would freeze. And drying in the Finnish summer, well, too rainy and humid, not sunny enough.

Kota frame IMO should require tying equipment for the first three poles.
And IIRC it needs 8 slender trunks, where a fence takes 6/8 of one.
2-3 felling jobs vs one. Hauling 400lbs vs 14.x lbs.
Guess building one by more permanent fishing camp would do.

Dark Art:
If you think drying cant work in the summer, you've been doing it wrong. On occasion, I've sun dried beef and i've dried plenty of chicken with very little spicing and no preservatives like salt or vinegar. Trust me, it works just fine. its a major pain in the proverbial to properly prepare in large quantities, but it works. What you need to do is beat the slices of meat into paper thin sheets and lay them out on a hot surface to dry. I've used metal oven grills placed on a large rock coz I am lazy, but a friend of mine built an actual drying rack out of thin bamboo. In less than a day of hot weather you'll have the meat completely dried out to the point where it would snap like potato chips in your hand. Thats how we tested it if it was ready - it should crackle and snap. In this form it very bland and has not a very pleasant texture, but it would keep pretty much indefinitely if stored properly. Adding spice is generally a no-no as it would either fall right off the dried strips, or let the moisture stay in the meat. When I was in my teens and early twenties, we've used to prepare these strips for long camping trips as they are a very cheap and reliable source of camping food, extremely light (i think the meat loses about 60-70% of its initial mass) and pretty awesome in any stew. Or if the the cook feels lazy or just low on veggies - just boil them for 5-6 mins, add insta-noodles, a bit of salt and you've got a pretty filling meal.


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