Topic: Basic survival items mod  (Read 12077 times)


« on: April 28, 2018, 02:11:00 PM »
Hello community members.

I must say I enjoy playing Unreal World once In a while, but one thing troubles me: sometimes it’s lacking realism in crafting.
Some items (mostly rock tools) are way too easy to made. How many of us could shape rock knife or axe in a first place (…with decent quality on a first try  :))?.

That alone inspired me to try out my modding skills. It started small as I just changed creation of rock tools but ended up as separate branch regarding basic survival.
As I like to start out new character (previous just keep on dying  :() beaten to pulp and without any equipment I find it a nice addiction to game.

Without prolonging, what this mod offers and changes:
  • Pine pitch - primitive glue use for making basic tools;
  • Stone knife blade – crude blade that acts as knife but it’s very awkward to handle. Can be used for cutting and to create stone knife;
  • Stone knife – changed only requirements to make;
  • Stone axe head – crude axe head. Cannot be used as axe on its own;
  • Stone-axe - changed only requirements to make;
  • Bark retting – first step for cord creation out of fibers;
  • Dry bark fiber - second step for cord creation out of fibers;
  • Fiber cord – last step for creating cord out of fibers;
  • Fishing hook – its self explanatory  :);
  • Fishing rod – added possibility to create fishing rod;
  • Net – added possibility to create net (it’s taken directly from sufficiency mod as it’s not missing anything).

  • to avoid abuse, most of those items cannot be sold;
  • Fishing rod and net have large impact to quality (I believe that there will be possibility to create decent quality only);
  • Rock made tools don’t use *common* skill as with even %-100% modifier I were creating decent tools most of the times.

As it’s small modification ill provide step by step tutorial what to add or change within game to make this mod work.

1) Survival menu
In main game directory create file named “menudef_survival.txt” and paste code below:
Code: [Select]
.Survival. -S- *MAKE*
2) Survival items
In main game directory create file named “diy_survival.txt” and paste code below:
Code: [Select]

.Pine pitch. "Torch" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /2h/ [noquality] |-2|
{[NEARBY_TILE:Young pine]} 'Young pine for sap'
{Knife} '+to collect sap'
{branch} (1) [remove] '+to collect sap'
{Fire} [ground] 'Fire to heat sap'
{Stone} [ground] '+as container'
[NAME:Pine pitch]
[TYPE:timber ]
[MATERIAL:wood ]

.Stone knife blade. "Stone knife" *KNIFE* [effort:2] [phys:hands,arms] /3h/ %-50%  |-2|
{Stone} [ground] '+as anvil'
{Stone} '+for blade' [remove]
{Stone} '+for hammering'
{Rock} '+for knapping/finishing'
[NAME:Stone knife blade]

.Stone knife. *KNIFE* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /4h/ %-50%  |-2|
{Stone knife blade} [remove]
{Pine pitch} [remove] '+for glue'
{Slender trunk} [ground] [remove] '+for handle'
{Stone} '+for hammering'
{Fire} [ground] 'Fire to heat pitch'
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove]

.Stone axe head. "Stone-axe" *AXE* [effort:2] [phys:hands,arms] /10h/ %-50% |-2|
{Stone} [ground] '+as anvil'
{Stone} [remove] '+for axe head'
{Rock} '+for knapping'
{Stone} '+for grinding and shaping'
{[NEARBY_TILE:water]} 'Access to water for grinding'
[NAME:Stone axe head]

.Stone-axe. [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands] *AXE* /2h/ %-50% |-2|
{Stone axe head} [remove]
{Pine pitch} [remove] '+for glue'
{Slender trunk} [ground] [remove] '+for handle'
{Cutting weapon} '+for shaping'
{Stone} '+for hammering'
{Fire} [ground] 'Fire to heat pitch'
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove]

.Bark retting. "Bark" *COMMON* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /10/ \28d\ [patch:10]
{Bark} [remove] [patchwise]
{Water} (1000) 'Be near water'
[NAME:Retted bark fiber]

.Dry bark fiber. "Cord" *COMMON* [effort:0] [phys:hands,arms] /10/ \1d\ [patch:10]
{Retted bark fiber} [remove] [patchwise]
[NAME:Dried bark fiber]

.Fiber cord. "Cord" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /1h/ %-50% |-1|
{Dried bark fiber} (2) [remove]

.Fishing hook. "Branch" *CARPENTRY* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /1h/ |-2|
{Branch} (2) [remove]
{Tying equipment} [remove]
{Pine pitch} [remove] '+for glue'
{Fire} [ground] 'Fire to heat pitch'
{Knife} <Small knife>
[NAME:Fishing hook]

.Fishing rod. "Fishing rod" *CARPENTRY* [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] /1h/ %-50%
{Staff} [remove]
{Fishing hook} [remove]
{Bark} [remove] '+for float'
{Tying equipment} [remove] '+for tying'
{Tying equipment} [remove] '+for string'

.Net. "Net" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands] /18h/ %-50%
{Tying equipment} (40) [ground] [remove]
{Bark} (5) [remove] '+for floats'
{Rock} (10) [remove] '+for weights'
{Staff} (2) [ground] '+to help the weaving'
{Knife} <Small knife>


3) (Optional) Game encyclopedia
In main game directory edit file named “GAME.NFO” and append code below:
Code: [Select]
// Survival additions
// Description and photos taken from:

.Bark retting.
Retting is a process employing the action of micro-organisms and moisture on plants
to dissolve or rot away much of the cellular tissues and pectins surrounding
bast-fibre bundles, and so facilitating separation of the fibre from the stem,

Natural water retting employs stagnant or slow-moving waters, such as ponds,
bogs, and slow streams and rivers.

In time the layers of bark will separate. Depending on the temperature of the
water (and probably the natural bacteria levels too) it can take between 2
and 8 weeks for the bark to go from a solid structure to a soft fibrous sheet of
many layers, this process is called retting.

Fibers obtained this way are extremely strong.
Traditionally these fibres have been used throughout history for many tying
and binding jobs.


.Dry bark fiber.
When the fibres dry they become nice, soft and are ideal for cordage making.
Because the fibres are long its not necessary introduce new fibres as often when
making cordage which is rather helpful.


.Fiber cord.
So called 2-ply cordage is made up of two fibre strands which are encouraged to
twist together with tension to create a cord of considerably better strength than
the single loose fibre strands you began with.

Multiple fibre strands are added in as you go to create a length of cordage as
long as necessary.

2-ply cordage is excellent for situations where a more refined or load-bearing cord
is needed: for some tying jobs and craft work a simple strip of suitable bark or
root is sometimes not good enough.


.Fishing hook.
Handmade fishing hook made from wood or bone. Used mostly for bigger fish.


.Stone knife blade.
A crude knife shaped weapon blade. It can be used as primitive knife but its very hard to
handle as it's missing grip.

.Stone knife.
A crude knife made from rock. It can be used to cut down trees - although any
timberwork with a stone based tools requires lots of patience.

.Stone axe head.
A crude axe shaped weapon blade. It can be used as primitive axe but its very hard to
handle as it's missing grip.

.Pine pitch.
Simple glue made from pine resin moulded onto the end of a stick.
When needed it can be holded over a flame until it goes "gooey" again and then can be
applyied  quickly to the surfaces wanted to be sticked together.
It sets very fast so one got to be quick.


As I’m not author of pictures that I’ve used in encyclopedia, I'm not providing them directly.
If anyone would like to attach them uncomment (remove “//”) markers, download files from original site and put them inside “truegfx” folder.

used files list:

4) (Optional) Disable build in stone knife and axe
Edit “diy_glossary.txt” file and either comment (//) or remove completely each line regarding “Stone-axe” and “Stone knife” as it’s created id different way now.

I hope someone will find this modification fun and useful  :)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 09:17:37 AM by Grenthal »

Dungeon Smash

« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 03:21:42 PM »
Cool!  Looks like good, simple additions for a minimalist survivalist.  I like the system for making cordage, seems very realistic.  I'm always a fan of added granularity in crafting, so this is up my alley.


« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 04:42:18 PM »
Glad You like it  :). I think I’ll complicate creating stone blades a little bit more (as not every rock is suitable for knapping)  :).

Regarding cord creation I’ve found an issue. Maybe someone could help/guide me here…

Code: [Select]
.Bark retting.
{[TERRAIN:water]} 'Near lake or river’
{[NEARBY_TILE:water]} 'Access to water'

It seems that not every “Water” tile is treated as water. Above code would work for “Lake” but not for “River” and “Rapids”. I haven’t tested it yet on sea but I believe it would end up the same.

Any advice how to handle this situation (other than creating separate receipt for each water tile)? :(


« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 04:55:18 PM »
Looking a Rain's crafts in Buiodda's crafts it appears Rain had the same issue. It's apparently worked around by requiring huge amounts of water:
Code: [Select]
{Water} (1000) 'Be near water'
//[TILE:Water River Rapids]
That snippet is the same for soaking nettles as for hemp. Note that the tile part is commented out, so it probably didn't work.
I guess this would work with stagnant water as well (as in mires), but if the player doesn't want to play along a little, it's up to them.


« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2018, 06:36:15 PM »
Looking a Rain's crafts in Buiodda's crafts it appears Rain had the same issue. It's apparently worked around by requiring huge amounts of water:
Code: [Select]
{Water} (1000) 'Be near water'
//[TILE:Water River Rapids]
That snippet is the same for soaking nettles as for hemp. Note that the tile part is commented out, so it probably didn't work.
I guess this would work with stagnant water as well (as in mires), but if the player doesn't want to play along a little, it's up to them.

That'll do the trick - thanks  :).

