Topic: Game caught, Light lever trap vs loop snare  (Read 5031 times)


« on: February 03, 2021, 09:14:49 PM »
I've been running few characters side by side, I'm not certain, but I have a strong suspicion that small game traps set might affect game  caught.
One character uses light lever traps almost exclusively (some paw boards and 2 big deadfalls) with no loop snares. In 2 winters, he's caught hundreds of birds, and if my documentation is correct, 8 hares.
Another character uses loop snares and paw-boards exclusively; during first winter, he has caught 38 various grouses, 78 hares. Only built 1 light lever trap as an ermine kept poaching the hares, and would not get in loop snare itself.

I'm running third character now, with mix of traps at each trap site, paw boards, loop snares, light lever traps and small dead falls. (just few sites, new character, still building cabin) we'll see what will get caught the most. (had to build bear trap though, big bear kept walking in on to the cabin construction.)

I know Sami changed the traps to no longer spawning animals. But have any of you noticed certain trap preference, catching more birds/hares?


« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2021, 05:04:49 PM »
Didn't pay atention, but now going to make records too. It will be curious to find out exactly is there any difference in catching that depend on traps type.
Biggest Russian UrW fan


« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2021, 10:30:30 PM »
I only recently came back so I don't have much anything of value to contribute. But I had a light lever trap catch a snake. Didn't even know they were in the game!


« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2021, 04:47:07 AM »
Snakes have been in the game for at least fifteen years... they’re not common though.

