UnReal World > General Discussion

Humane and Proper Butchering?

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Hi all, I started my game with the scenario where you get a leashed ram. I tried to kill it as fast as I could by stabbing its skull with the kaumolais spear, and it took like 5 tries before it finally died. It was knocked unconscious with the first strike, so I shouldn't feel too bad (also it's a game), however I found it kind of sad that it took so much. In the end, I got a rough skin, despite landing several precise blows to the skull, so I'm disappointed with that as well.

What I'm basically asking, is how I can safely, cleanly and efficiently kill an animal? Should I have gone for the heart instead? Or maybe use a blunt weapon?

I'm also curious about this. I've been playing for a fair bit but I keep doing the same thing over and over again (knife to the skull) instead of actually trying different options, so I haven't experimented much. I did once try switching to a club once the beast was unconscious and I killed it instantly, can't remember what I hit tho. I think I hit the skull again, pfft. Maybe it was just a one-off thing but try that and see if it changes anything?

I need to go experiment some more now. :P

Blunt trauma to the skull works well with the right weapon: mace or stone axe for example. Masterwork mace is a real killer.

With blades I'd try neck. Neck and thorax hits often lead to serious bleeding and loss of consciousness / death. This does affect skin quality a bit, sadly. But with good enough hideworking skill, the larger animals such as ram will yield decent or even fine skins even if the carcass is "harmed".

For role-play / rl simulation, I'd do both. First knock it out / then cut carotid arteries (neck veins). Once the poor unconscious thing is bleeding, you can wait a bit to see if it dies. If not, only then cut again.

I usually just pound the skull though. But it does need the right weapon. Here's a sad story from one of my suggestions:

--- Quote from: Buoidda on December 03, 2020, 05:34:58 PM ---I know I asked to buff them up, but please don't make the head any harder.

Spoiler: Story of a particularly hard-headed elk • show

That sums up to 27 solid hits to the skull with the blunt end of a woodman's axe.  ;D

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't make too tight a connection between the game mechanics and the real world. It can also be noted that the concept of "humane" killing of animals is a modern western thing more or less. Iron age people were probably interested in efficiency rather than reduction in animal suffering (although most of them probably didn't cause the animals to suffer more than they had to).

To preserve the skin as much as possible, you should hit the head exclusively, as even neck injuries affect the skin quality.
When hunting, causing a bleeding wound and then track the animal as it gushes blood to then kill it with attacks to the head is one of the best way to preserve the skin as much as possible. However, bleeding can stop, so just causing a bleeding wound is no guarantee the animal will get caught.
The other way to preserve the skin as much as possible it to hunt the animal to exhaustion (not exactly humane, but something done a lot historically) and then perform blunt attacks aimed at the head. Blunt attacks that hit elsewhere cause limited skin damage.
It can also be noted that attacks from behind gives you the best chance to hit (and to hit where you aim), while attacks from the front gives you the most amount of training in the weapon due to the many misses. From a training perspective, the lightest weapon should be used, but for a speed perspective the most damaging one should be used.

It can also be noted that when an animal is unconscious, targeted melee attacks never miss their target, but it's possible for the animal to wake up in between your order to perform such an attack and the execution of it. Walking up to an unconscious bear to finish it off can be a fatal move (for your character). It's also possible for an animal to wake up while you're hitting its head if your blunt attacks do little damage and unconsciousness was largely due to fatigue.

I usually use blunt attacks with a spear, as spear is the main weapon of my characters and blunt attacks keeps the skin in the best condition.

The game does not provide any means to slaughter (tame) animals, so you have to use combat mechanics (and some people get a nasty surprise when the cow they attack makes a rare attempt to fight back [the same goes for elks and reindeer: their attacks are not to be taken lightly unless you're completely and heavily armored]). However, a surprise attack from behind to the head has a good chance to render the animal unconscious.

Dungeon Smash:
Personally I always bludgeon their heads to death, to preserve the hide.  Even if you have no weapon you can use 0 to kick.  Probably not the most humane though.  Most humane would probably be to attack the neck with whatever your strongest weapon is. 


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