Topic: Loop snare vs light lever trap?  (Read 5373 times)


« on: December 18, 2020, 02:59:43 AM »
Always wondered if there was any practical difference in those. I always go with lever lever traps to use the cord somewhere else - but have you noticed better efficacy somehow?

In light levers, I caught birds, hares, squirrels, ermines and even a small fox once. The few times I've tried loops, I felt it worked equally.

There is the little matter of a new 3.5b2 spell that should make snares more appealing to hares.. maybe it doesn't work with light lever traps?

(same as fox trap vs other traps for foxes.. there's a spell that mentions the former but I don't know if works on light lever or deadfalls too)


« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2020, 06:48:15 AM »
Generally I've laid many light lever traps as prior to modding or the withes getting cords for loop snares were costly. It used to be like 0.5 lb leather for a cord for a loop snare vs a few minutes with axe and wander to make a light lever trap.

Ive had characters survive fairly well on a light lever focus. In desperate survival the need for cords is to high to waste leather. Though now we have options in mods to have other cords.

Where I do us loop snares is 3-6 on the character for when travelling to "ward" ways through trees to where they sleep.


« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2020, 07:37:50 AM »
They seem to work almost identical, catch wise. I do not have recorded if one seems to be better or not, but I have a feeling/hunch that I’ve trapped more hares with loop snares. Others’ experiences might vary.

For a nomadic; or seasonal traveler, I like loops snares (and paw-boards) for winter trapping grounds. Come spring time (no more winter skins), I go pick up the traps, leave them in barn/shed/cabin and head to summer location. I could go kick or even dismantle light lever traps, but I like to switch spots across winters. So the loop snares work better for that.

If you play stationary farmer who traps on the side, then light lever traps work great. Keep those birds from devouring ALL the sown seeds.


« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2020, 09:31:41 AM »
especially if your character knows both rituals which make the loop snares better(the mitten ritual + the ant nest ritual) and you are wandering a lot, they are definitely worth it.
Its also less time consuming to place them, provided that you have abundant cordage. Even without a mod, cord can be produced in masses.(One Elk Fur - 24 lmbs - makes 240 snares. 0,5 lmbs = 15 ft cord = 5 snares)
Don't forget to cut those 3ft before to avoid waste...

A strong kaumo, who isnt tired that fast by tree chopping and hurling though, might be better off with the lever traps. My 100 lmbs kuikka character found it quite tiring, also stones need to be brought to the site.

