Topic: Lots of angling improvements on their way  (Read 18669 times)


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« on: November 17, 2020, 05:40:14 PM »
Fishing with a fishing rod is going to have if not a complete overhaul, a lots of improvements at least. I've been tweaking the angling code for a good while already, and the work just seems to continue and continue, but when it's all done we're going to have something like this featured:

- fishing rods will be craftable by player character, with slender trunks, cordage and hook.
- wooden and bone hooks will be craftable by player character. (If I get really carried away there might be some special hook types for special occasions.)
- baiting will be featured. Worm digging is under consideration but we can also start with scraps of food and using small fish to catch bigger fish.
- wear and tear of fishing rod parts will be featured eg. hooks snapping off eventually, when they've been nibbled enough. (Gotta add possibility to add new hooks as well.)

These are future additions. Not yet functional in current version 3.63.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2020, 05:59:46 PM »
I like that the fishing rod parts will be in the vanilla, one less item that I have to use a mod, the better my game experience for me at least because of all the additional changes that comes beside.


« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2020, 07:43:45 PM »
 This is great news, and should add some additional drama/trauma/realism to fishing much as you've done (continued) with cooking, ice, weather, fire. Looking forward to the outcomes / possibilities maybe even fish traps for specific conditions :D Lord knows we have the cordage now!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 08:32:46 PM by Privateer »
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2020, 04:39:45 PM »
Looking forward to this, and the accompany BAC update to match it.

Making more vanilla items accessible in vanilla is generally a good thing.

Speaking of which...

*nudges with an iron anvil*


« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2020, 11:55:46 AM »

Fishing is OP, and you didn't mention making it harder to survive on it.


« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2020, 03:12:57 PM »
Great news, thank you, Sami!
This could be a good day to utilize your squirrels hides.


« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2020, 02:02:46 PM »

Of course fishing is "op", but it is in real life also... no wonder the biggest cities of the world have grown at the coastlines, while fish is feeding 30% of the world's population.

But most importantly, players must have a reason to build characters on fishing-lifestyle.
At the moment, fishing is efficient and rewarding, but not as interesting as a hunting lifestyle. And i would love to see this game walking further on the path of rewarding not only strength, speed and physical supremacy, but also patience and carefully planning.
If you kill an elk or even a bear, suddenly hunting becomes "op", increasingly so if you manage to dry the meat and dont have to worry about food for a long, long time. And honestly, after a while hunting becomes quite easy, even with crude equipment. If you know how to bait, how to choose the hunting grounds, how to move and get your prey fatigued.

Sorry, back to topic: One thing i'd love to see would be fish traps in shallow water(preferably in fords), as these evidently had been one of the main food aquiring methods of early mankind. They should be easy to make, but with low and not guaranteed catch sizes, especially if you chose a poor location...

another feature i could imagine would be attracting fish by throwing food into the water. Perhaps even influence the outcome by different foods.

And speaking of fishes: I havent seen a single living one yet...
Even if its just a cosmetic change, implementing some live marine animals which you can observe occasionaly would add a great depth to the game atmosphere. Imagine some wales or silver swarms of herring passing by in the distance... 


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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2020, 07:31:34 PM »

Fishing is OP, and you didn't mention making it harder to survive on it.

Not to wh... I mean worry all that much. Rod fishing becomes more challenging as the type of fish caught becomes more dependant on the bait used. For example catching big predatory fish with empty hooks will be practically impossible. Aaand for more elaborate fishing worries the suggestions section is open.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2020, 07:35:39 PM »
This is great news, and should add some additional drama/trauma/realism to fishing much as you've done (continued) with cooking, ice, weather, fire. Looking forward to the outcomes / possibilities maybe even fish traps for specific conditions :D Lord knows we have the cordage now!

There will be some additional drama and fun, for sure. That I see already with the current additions. We've dreamed about fish traps too, for years, but I guess the fishing additions at hand now concentrate on rod fishing alone.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


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« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2020, 07:47:41 PM »
Sorry, back to topic: One thing i'd love to see would be fish traps in shallow water(preferably in fords), as these evidently had been one of the main food aquiring methods of early mankind. They should be easy to make, but with low and not guaranteed catch sizes, especially if you chose a poor location...

Yep, like mentioned above we've dreamed about fish traps constructions too, but currently the additions concentrate on rod fishing alone. Fixed fish trap construction are really old invention in Finland too, dating back to stone-age, to they surely should have their place within the fishing methods. One day then.

another feature i could imagine would be attracting fish by throwing food into the water. Perhaps even influence the outcome by different foods.

Well, we'll be having baits in hooks. The different types will indeed attract different kind of fish.

And speaking of fishes: I havent seen a single living one yet...Even if its just a cosmetic change, implementing some live marine animals which you can observe occasionaly would add a great depth to the game atmosphere. Imagine some wales or silver swarms of herring passing by in the distance...

This is because the fish aren't really featured in the game the same way as rest of the creatures. It would be bit of an overkill to keep track of hundreds fish swimming around at zoomed-in maps, but some jumps and ripples on the water would be nice for atmosphere indeed. Well, at least there are some marine animals to observe: seals.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2020, 11:01:14 PM »
yeah i catch myself asking too much already. and did the mistake to post suggestions at the wrong place, again. i am gonna split my ideas up in different seperate posts in the suggest-forums...  ;)

As a small step and as a cosmetic change, i could imagine each tile, where the character theoretically could catch fish, to be displayed differently, but rarely ofc, to not stress the game engine.
Let's say, for example, outlines of bigger fish or outlines of smaller fish(or even a swarm). doesnt neccessarily  have to be an actual "living" entity of the game but could give a hint on where to sit down for a catch or where to throw out the nets, at the same time making fishing more challenging, complicated and knowledge-based. just an idea.


« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2021, 09:58:43 PM »

Fishing is OP, and you didn't mention making it harder to survive on it.

Not to wh... I mean worry all that much. Rod fishing becomes more challenging as the type of fish caught becomes more dependant on the bait used. For example catching big predatory fish with empty hooks will be practically impossible. Aaand for more elaborate fishing worries the suggestions section is open.

I'm not even sure what word you tried to use. Anyway, you have a roadmap, don't you? Can't one be diappointed in reworking a mechanic when the roadmap isn't finished?


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« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2021, 10:47:34 PM »

Fishing is OP, and you didn't mention making it harder to survive on it.

Not to wh... I mean worry all that much. Rod fishing becomes more challenging as the type of fish caught becomes more dependant on the bait used. For example catching big predatory fish with empty hooks will be practically impossible. Aaand for more elaborate fishing worries the suggestions section is open.

I'm not even sure what word you tried to use. Anyway, you have a roadmap, don't you? Can't one be diappointed in reworking a mechanic when the roadmap isn't finished?

Yes, we've got the list of dev.plans, although it's constantly under construction and barely suits as a roadmap that leads to a finished game as this is more of a constantly evolving sort of a project. And there's not much about fishing related stuff on that dev.plans list anyway.
One can be naturally disappointed for ever so many reasons. Just wanted give you hope that fishing actually becomes a little harder with these additions.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 10:49:58 PM by Sami »
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2021, 03:00:44 PM »
Fishing is not specially hard in RL, I did it as a kid.

Out of the scope of this topic, but it might be interesting to add something like having to clean the fish, like you do with animals for meat. And waste of food in both if your cooking skill is low, maybe you have to learn how to butcher certain animals to take full advantage of them. Just brainstorming some ideas with not much thought put to them.


« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2021, 08:39:52 AM »

Fishing is OP, and you didn't mention making it harder to survive on it.

Not to wh... I mean worry all that much. Rod fishing becomes more challenging as the type of fish caught becomes more dependant on the bait used. For example catching big predatory fish with empty hooks will be practically impossible. Aaand for more elaborate fishing worries the suggestions section is open.

I'm not even sure what word you tried to use. Anyway, you have a roadmap, don't you? Can't one be diappointed in reworking a mechanic when the roadmap isn't finished?

Yes, we've got the list of dev.plans, although it's constantly under construction and barely suits as a roadmap that leads to a finished game as this is more of a constantly evolving sort of a project. And there's not much about fishing related stuff on that dev.plans list anyway.
One can be naturally disappointed for ever so many reasons. Just wanted give you hope that fishing actually becomes a little harder with these additions.

And that's what I'm talking about. These new changes/features aren't on the roadmap or dev.plans, but you choose this. That's the disappointment, in consideration that the roadmap/dev.plans list is not even half done.