Edited the scenario story

I fear death is not far....
Spoiler: Scenario and character details show Extra challenge options:- zooming out allowed only on cliffs and mountains during winter (closed eyes for game start)
- "zeroed" Seal Tribe, stats rerolled until bad enough
Day 4, 11th week before midwinter: Single tile heathland island.
Injuries 76. I'm soo dead.
Day 2, 10th week: Crawled across the ice and found a bigger island. Don't know how big. (Wow. This is much more exciting this way!) A week or so in game. Stone knife, light trap, shelter. A lot of cutting for firewood with a fire nearby, some torches, berry picking, urgently laying light traps following shoreline. First hare trapped already.
Starvation 6, injuries 60.Day 4, 10th week: A cliff. A big island is seen to the east. Life is following the shoreline and staying warm. Couple of birds in the traps. A hare runs through a trap and vanishes in the woods, limping. Later the critter is found in the same trap. Now rope and a stone axe.
Starvation 13, injuries 49.Spoiler: First cliff view show Day 4, 9th week: Here the
not zooming out plays a big part. Some trouble finding a way to the big island. Dropped through the ice twice. Lost 17 pounds of lingonberries in total. Stone axe was saved by throwing it on the ice. Starvation rises and weather gets colder. Need to find big game.
Starvation 29, injuries 24.Day 1, 8th week: Spotted a lynx and moved north not to cross paths with it. Left a baitless big trap at the cliff. Met a group of reindeer which was moving along coastline. Left a bear trap and continued. Later the group turned back and voilá! one of them got caught in the bear trap. Fur!
Starvation 34, injuries 20.Spoiler: Trapped reindeer show Day 6, 8th week: Clad in fur! Didn't kill the trapped reindeer, but used it's flock effect to slay the other doe and calf first
(94lbs calf carcass, 0.9lbs skin?). In the meantime, berries withered again. Have 40 fistfuls so that's enough bird feed. Now off to find some legging and coat material.
Starvation 18, injuries 13.Day 1, 6th week: Found some more berries. Set up a trap trail around a bay. Few catches. Zig-zagged through the island due south to look for big herbivore tracks. Saw a fox, but ignored it. Baited the lynx trap in the south tip of the island and while zooming out on the cliff, the lynx was already in the trap. Spotted a seal too from the cliff and found good big trunks near it, but lacking rope. Returned north to bay area to check the trail for birds.
Starvation 0, injuries 8.Spoiler: Trapped lynx show Day 5, 6th week: Two ropes more. Starting another island sweep while going to make a trap where I saw the seal. On the way a terrible sight! Drowned, rotten (

) reindeers near the place I first saw them. Curses! I wondered why the group was so small. Should've been investigating...
Injuries 4.Spoiler: drowned reindeers show Day 2, 5th week: Threw a rock at a seal. Didn't set up a trap because lack of trunks. Should've cut some... Very little
anything. There are birds on the island, but not in the bay area. Maybe the traps should be more widespread. But it's very troublesome not being able to move on wilderness map. Getting lost is easy and half the island being thick coniferous doesn't help either. Arranging feather arrow signs. Finally a sow moves far away in the woods.
Starvation 6, injuries 2.Spoiler: Sow sighted show