UnReal World > Suggestions

Location, Location, Location

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Tom H:
I've seen videos of new players who have lost track of their traps and have personally experienced the same annoying problem, that of being unable to locate a trap.

When we move around much in an area where we've laid a trap and lose track of its location our only solution is to explore the entire area and, hopefully, find it again. It would be very helpful if we could choose to enter the area near the trap, as opposed to always/only entering at the last place we exited.

This could be a tricky problem.  There could be several traps per tile.  I encounter this problem when laying snares for birds in berry bushes.  I solved this problem by only laying several traps near each other and moving several tiles away before placing another cluster.

It would be very easy to lose a trap inside spruce infested terrain as well, when doing this I always try and place it near a landmark.

Seems like there is some code for this type of event though, when doing the advanced adventures game course, the task completed upon zooming into a tile where prey was caught in a trap and it wasn't visible to my character immediately upon entering.

i just draw a massive arrow using dropped branches

Tom H:
There's a guy I watch, a new player, who makes videos of Unreal World who simply gives up on finding the traps again. As a matter of user-friendliness, I think the ability to choose to zero in on traps would be a good option.

For instance, when I run across fox tracks, I put down a paw-board trap. If I mistakenly wander from the trap's vicinity before going to the strategic map, when I return I will have to search for the trap. New players learn this the hard way and it could put them off the game. 

If a "zoom in to zoom point" functionality was added there would likely be max one one per tile (while a list could be implemented, it's doubtful if it would be that useful, and it would be a pain to have to go through the list when there's only one point in it). If a player placed multiple traps within the tile, the player would have to place them in a manner that they'd be able to memorize a path between them (or place them such that the next one is visible from the previous one).

Note that I don't want to be zoomed in right beside a bear trap with my back turned... Nor do I want the dog, on the tile to the east of my character, to zoom in next to the trap.


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