Topic: Problem with Tracking  (Read 4451 times)


« on: August 13, 2020, 11:06:57 PM »
Hey everyone! Had my eyes on UnReal World for a while, and I just bought it today. Seems like a really cool game, but I'm having trouble with one of the tutorial tasks, the one about Tracking. I've been wandering about around three differents lakes, in plains and forests, and I haven't seen a single track so far.

Haven't seen many animals either, by the way. A few birds and two foxes, but that's about it. I managed to corner one of the foxes and have him run around for a while, but even then he didn't leave a single track. The other one evaded me pretty easily, and didn't leave any track either. Considering the task raised my Tracking level to Grandmaster, this does not bode well for the future.

I've tried searching for my problem on the internet, but it doesn't seem like this is a particularly common issue. I've seen people advise climbing tries to have a better look around, but all I got from that are injuries. Besides, even when I do have a clear view, there's nothing around. I've seen people advise hunting in forests, but I found nothing except for a few birds, and they didn't leave tracks. Someone said searching for tracks in a village was an option, even though it was a bit cheating, but even that failed. I've also seen someone mention asking NPCs about "hunting grounds", but the option never came up, even when talking to an actual hunter.

Am I doing something wrong, or are there just no tracks in my game?


« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2020, 12:02:13 AM »
Tracks are much easier to see in winter (on snow), and large animals leave more visible tracks than small ones. Fox tracks are easily seen in winter, but very hard to see in summer, for instance.

Thus, look for large animals.

If you're getting frustrated and want to use the village method, you should know that there are no tracks in the village area, but the tracks start at the border, so if you follow someone around who's outside the village you're bound to see the tracks. If course, if your character is virtually blind it would be hard to see tracks.

Also, if you expect there to be tracks in a location, you can search for tracks there, which may reveal tracks there or in the surrounding tiles (used particularly when tracking an animal but the tracks seemingly stop and you can't see the continuation.


« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2020, 01:16:24 AM »
Tracks are much easier to see in winter (on snow), and large animals leave more visible tracks than small ones. Fox tracks are easily seen in winter, but very hard to see in summer, for instance.

Thus, look for large animals.

If you're getting frustrated and want to use the village method, you should know that there are no tracks in the village area, but the tracks start at the border, so if you follow someone around who's outside the village you're bound to see the tracks. If course, if your character is virtually blind it would be hard to see tracks.

Also, if you expect there to be tracks in a location, you can search for tracks there, which may reveal tracks there or in the surrounding tiles (used particularly when tracking an animal but the tracks seemingly stop and you can't see the continuation.
Hey there!

I've started the second scenario (which sounded like a tutorial of sorts) with a quick random character, since I figured it was a bit pointless to spend too much time fiddling with numbers I didn't understand yet, so I didn't think to check his stats. I'll look into it. Strange, though, that forests are so scarcely populated. Maybe I just need to persevere, but if tracks are so hard to spot outside of winter, even with Grandmaster skill (haven't seen a SINGLE one after searching for more than an hour, and even before that), I wonder if it's even worth it to try and hunt during summer. ^^


« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2020, 01:30:53 AM »
 Finding track generally requires that you've seen or heard something. Finding tracks randomly on a random tile is very rare.
As Palu mentioned people (npcs) leave many tracks in settlements/villages and these can be used to complete the task.
 Otherwise you will need to be in an area with active animal (npcs) like ducks on a shore, goshawk attacking a rabbit, a herd of reindeer etc.

 Tracks are visible without any snow, but it does take some time for players eyes to adjust to what you are looking for.
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2020, 01:11:39 PM »
Well, I've done this for another hour, and still nothing. Found a beaver, but he didn't leave tracks. Found two villages, and nobody left tracks either. I really don't understand what is supposed to happen here.

Tom H

« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2020, 02:00:44 PM »
That's an easy one. GO TO A VILLAGE and look for HUMAN tracks thereabouts. 8)


« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2020, 02:30:14 PM »
Finally managed to find some tracks. I noticed a forest reindeer while on a mountain and I'm currently tracking it. Thanks for your help, guys. ^^
« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 02:48:56 PM by FuryMGS3 »


« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2020, 07:59:04 AM »
When prompted to hear or see an animal, you will have a chance to find the trace. Roll a character with high vision will help you find prey on the world map

